Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 48 Renlong, the possibility of communication

Chapter 48 Renlong, the possibility of communication
Monster Everything House

"Strange, there is no water again."

At the nearby waterwheel point, Qing Xiushu was carrying a large bucket of water back to his shop.
"Recently, my dream and Fujinomiya's visits have become more and more frequent."

Qing Xiushu put down the bucket and leaned on the recliner, slowly waiting for the arrival of the two of them.

During this period, the invasion of root-destroying bodies became more and more frequent, with seven or eight monsters appearing in just over half a month.
And there are also abnormal fluctuations in the universe...

In other words, the two of them are the light of the earth and can recover quickly. Another Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light might have been exhausted to death.

He has no intention of taking action. There is nothing special about these monsters that are not worth absorbing.
It's more likely that he doesn't even have the qualifications to become a material...

Moreover, in recent days, water, electricity, and gas have occasionally experienced inexplicable problems.

At this time, Gamu and Fujimiya came over and said in unison.

Since he was confirmed to be deceived last time, Fujimiya has joined XIG as a scientist.

During this period, I also asked Qing Xiu Shu if he wanted to join.
As a result, Qing Xiushu politely rejected me on the grounds that I was studying literature and did not understand science.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Qing Xiushu said leisurely.

"Actually, it's about the water outage incident near Tokyo."

As the invasion of the root-destroying bodies intensified, Fujimiya also felt that he knew very little about the monsters.

So we need a monster expert urgently
I just don’t know why he is here as a monster expert.
"You are talking about that guy Renlong"

He knew this monster. After all, there were not many monsters with the word dragon. It was very powerful and very similar to the power of Gaia. It was a monster that used the power of earth veins.
The recent appearance is mainly due to warnings issued by human development of underground projects that cut off the ley lines.
"This monster actually doesn't mean any harm, just follow me."

"I just need to fetch a few buckets of water."


Hanhan Wo Meng honestly accepted the bucket handed to him and prepared to go to the water point together.

"At this time, I don't have that strong attitude at all. I seem to be enjoying this kind of life."

"The mentality is still so indifferent and leisurely, but there seems to be something driving him."

Fujimiya picked up the two buckets and looked at Ao Hideki with a frown.
During this time, he has been analyzing the behavior of the Golden Giant and Qing Hideki.

I found it was a bit inconsistent.
The golden giant was so arrogant and powerful when fighting monsters before. How could he be so arrogant and powerful in daily life?
"Hey, wait."

Watching the two people walking away, Fujimiya quickly quickened his pace to keep up.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious. It will all happen."

Maintenance staff are maintaining order next to the water tanker.

"so much"

I Meng looked at the long queue and his expression darkened.
It seems impossible to fight.
Looking at the long queue, Qing Xiushu also sighed.

This guy Renlong needs to be dealt with.
"You guys come with me"

Then the three of them came to a woman who looked like a Feng Shui master sitting on a bench.
"Who are you?"

When the woman saw the person coming, she felt a little confused.
"Did you hear Renlong's voice?"

Qing Hideki looked at the woman who was confused because she was interrupted from looking at the compass.
"It is"

"She can communicate with the dragon."

Qing Xiushu turned his head and looked at the two people behind him

Fujimiya stared at the woman's face with eyes a little bright.
Then the introverted Feng Shui master quietly hid behind Qing Xiushu.

Fujimiya, your desire to discover is too strong, right?
This woman is naturally not an ordinary person, she is somewhat super-sentient.

Able to establish contact and communicate with Renlong.

While Qing Xiushu was communicating with the woman for a while, the trio who were missing one person on the other side were investigating the water cutoff incident with uncomfortable expressions.

"No, it's just me and Reiko, what are we supposed to do? I know this, but"

At the water point, Lingzi and Lunwen stood together. Lunwen was communicating with his boss in distress.
"Isn't Tabata coming?"

Reiko said doubtfully.

"Didn't the last on-site interview violate traffic rules? Because of this matter, he was called by the director for questioning."

"What should we do? How can we conduct interviews without Tabata?"

Reiko walked to the side of the waterwheel and looked at the Feng Shui master surrounded by three people and said.

"Also, we are here to investigate the cause of insufficient water supply. Why do we need to find a Feng Shui master?"

"And she seems to be being accosted."

"Hey, she's here."

Ao Hideki looked at Keiko and said seriously.

"You can take us to solve the Renlong incident now."

"You also sensed my dream, right?" On the side, my dream also had a serious expression. He sensed that there was a powerful creature under the ground.
"OK then"

Keiko looked at the three people, who seemed to be no ordinary people, and nodded inwardly.

"Reiko, Lunwen is very sorry, please tell Tabata."

"I have other things to do today."

After saying that, Keiko walked up to Qing Hideki introvertly.

"hold head high!!"

Just when Keiko returned to the bench, Renlong became irritable again.
"Renlong, you're getting irritable again, so hurry up."

Keiko said nervously to the mysterious trio.

"Good to go."

Qing Xiushu's eyes lit up.
He also wanted to meet this guy who was known as the strongest monster on earth in Gaia time and space.

That is to say, the original plot was appeased by the Feng Shui master Keiko.
Otherwise, Aguru and Gaia would have to turn into stone statues here during this period.

"Hey! Reiko! What's wrong with you?"

Lunwen looked at Lingzi who was stunned for some reason and waved his hand.

"I'm fine..."

Reiko, who recovered from Fujimiya's back, said quickly.

it's him again...

Marunouchi urban development construction site.

Due to power outages and earthquakes, the project had to be temporarily put on hold.
Qing Xiushu and his group appeared at the construction site
"This is where Renlong is."

Feng shui master Keiko looked nervously at these men who were no ordinary people.

Although she felt that she was a little different from ordinary people, she was far different from these people.

"Fujimiya, I dream, let's go"

The three of them passed through the guardrail, continued along the deserted underground passage, and finally passed through a crack and entered the underground cave.

The cave was damp and filled with dripping sounds.

In addition, there were waves of roars of Renlong.
The end of the sound was a pool with several strange-shaped stones on the water.

There are various ancient dragon-shaped sculptures scattered around the pool.

"It seems that this is the habitat of Renlong"

Qing Xiushu stared at the pool and said loudly.

"And if you guessed it right, judging from the sculpture, it was a creature worshiped by people in ancient times."

I Meng looked at the dragon-shaped sculptures around me and said a little curiously.

"Come out, Renlong, we will solve your problem"

Fujimiya stared at the water, crossed his arms, and said slowly.

As if being disturbed, Renlong let out a roar and raised his head out of the water.
Huge eyes glowed red, and a huge dragon-shaped head with a divine seal on its forehead looked at the three people.


"No! Not human."

"The smell of earth and ocean and..."

Renlong took a serious look at Qing Xiushu, and then an old voice echoed in the cave.

Finally, he passed by Qing Hideki and Fujinomiya, and looked at Gamu.

"The holder of the earth's light. What do you want from me?"

As if feeling the aura of the same origin, the red color in Renlong's eyes gradually faded away, and he returned to his golden eyes.

"I'm here to solve the problem of ley lines."

Finally, after reaching a cooperation with Wo Meng, Renlong turned into light and sneaked into the ground.

It actually reached A+
This monster is unusual
But most of the power comes from the ley lines. Without it, it would be an A-level monster with no characteristics.
By absorbing it, he might gain the power to manipulate the earth like Gaia.
But you can’t carry your ley line with one hand wherever you go, right?
"Even if I hold the ley line with one hand, can I still kill Angel Zog indiscriminately?"

And this guy didn't do anything bad. From a later stage, even though he had various DEBUFFs such as the dragon veins being destroyed, the dragon jade being destroyed, and the earth's atmosphere being covered by demonic insects, the earth's power was weakened.

In order to cover Gaia and Aguru, they still attacked Zog, and the early version even tore off the angel's front paws. The attack attracted Zog's attention and counterattack.

Maybe he is the leader of the monsters on Earth.

Let’s see if we can harvest pets or something later.
"Is it even possible for monsters to communicate..."

Fujimiya kept thinking and looked sideways at Gaomei.

It seems that I can only take the direct confrontation route of my dream...

(End of this chapter)

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