Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 55: Travel, Super Galaxy!

Chapter 55: Travel, Super Galaxy!

In the Monster Everything House, Ao Hideki couldn't help but smile when he sensed Fujimiya's handling method.

“This is quite clever”

"Now no one of the four holy beasts has to die. This makes up for the regrets of childhood."

Then Qing Hideki looked at the number of times the Star of Light had traveled. At this time, the charging had been completed yesterday.
Nothing major is happening in Gaia's space-time for the time being, and it will enter a "calm period" next.

Moreover, he has figured out the accumulation of traveling through time and space. TV has two charges, while movies only have one charge.

Qing Xiushu planned to use the window period to visit other time and space to see if he could gain anything.

After much hesitation, Qing Xiushu chose the target time and space and without hesitation, he enlarged and directly entered the golden vortex.
This time, Qing Hideki chose the Kingdom of Light, which is closely related to him.

Super galactic legend!
M78 Nebula.

On the outskirts of the Kingdom of Light planet, there is a building that looks like a Rubik's Cube, which is where Beria is imprisoned.
"Go to the arena to practice after get off work?"

"Okay, but with the king's seal, it doesn't matter if you want us or not."

"I still envy the guards."

"The strength between the two of us is still too low."

Two B-level sidekick Ultraman with huge chest muscles were chatting happily.

The two found that something was wrong with the first generation that had just appeared, and quickly summoned the Ultra Staff.


"Jie Jie"

Mimicking himself as the first-generation Zarabu alien, he used the Ultimate Combat Instrument's glowing beam that boosted Ultraman's special attack to directly knock away the two guarding Ultraman.

At this time in the Kingdom of Light.

Mebius, who had just returned from a mission, watched his three brothers report.

"Due to the influence of dark energy, it seems that the monsters have become more violent."

"Are you going to get that guy back?"

After hearing this, Saiwen's mind flashed to his gifted son.

And finally the desire for the Spark Tower.

Severn shook his head heavily and said.

"No, it's still too early!"

"I don't know why. I always have an ominous premonition in my heart."

Here in the cosmic prison, the Zarrab star glanced at the ultimate fighting instrument that knocked away two Ultra warriors with one blow and laughed evilly.

"It's really powerful!"

Immediately, the whole person walked in with eight-character steps.
Seeing that only Beria's head was left exposed under the dark red seal, the Zarrab man raised his hand to release the power of the ultimate fighting instrument and charged towards the seal.

"Dark Ultra Warrior who has been sealed for tens of thousands of years, let me wake you up from your slumber today!"

Along with the exploding stones, a dark giant that looked extremely evil came out, and the muscles and bones of the giant's body were making creaking sounds.

Star Zarrab looked at the domineering Beria with joy on his face.

"Beria, Ultraman Beria, the strongest and most evil Ultraman born in the Kingdom of Light. Come and rule this universe with me!!"

While drawing cakes for Beria, the Zarrabian handed over the ultimate fighting instrument in his hand.

"This is the ultimate fighting instrument that was sealed in the Valley of Fire when you were imprisoned. It belongs to you!"

After hearing the Ultimate Fighting Instrument, Beria looked at the cosmonaut who released him, suddenly picked up the Ultimate Fighting Instrument and looked at it carefully.

"That's enough, then the universe will be ours!"

The Zarrab star who thought he had reached a friendly partnership with Beria had just finished speaking excitedly when Beria suddenly turned back and pressed the ultimate fighting device against the Zarrab star's belly.

After breaking through the wall of the cosmic prison, the ultimate battle instrument burst out with thunder and lightning, directly destroying the Zarab aliens.

After defeating Zarrab, Beria looked at the fighting instrument in his hand. The figures of the golden giant and his friends flashed in his mind, and he roared a little sadly.


As soon as he finished speaking, several rays of light struck near Beria. When he looked up, he saw that Taro was arriving with several Ultraman.
At this time, the figure of Qing Xiushu appeared on the cosmic meteorite on the side. The golden giant stepped on the meteorite and made a huge roar.

Looking at the green land of light, Qing Xiushu glanced at the hem of his skirt.

"Long time no see, Kingdom of Light."

"What a beautiful planet."

"That is?"

Sensing energy fluctuations coming from the direction of the cosmic prison, Qing Hideki used his ultra-psychic power to hide himself and touch it quietly.

"Sure enough, Beria has reached S-."

After merging with Reblondo's remnant soul, Beria has surpassed the A-level level.Coupled with the help of the ultimate fighting instrument, it is even more difficult to defeat Taylor without weapons.
For a time, all the Austrians were beaten violently...
Coupled with Beria's combat experience, it is beyond their reach.

And now Taro is an ordinary A+ level warrior in terms of energy level.

Only by fusion summoning and synthesizing Super Taro can you release the seal and let yourself go.

Although I don’t understand how a bunch of Aces can fuse and summon such a powerful form.

Maybe Ultraman is one plus one greater than two.

"Actually, Taylor is also the "Tai Aotian" among the Ultra Brothers."

"Taro, who used to have strong overall strength, is very similar to the current Ultraman Zero. He is powerful, has a profound background, is arrogant, is both strong in light and physical combat, and likes to shake people if he can't beat them."


Taro still failed to reach the threshold of the normal S level, and was even far away from the limit of A+.

And it won’t be long before Zero is born, and Tai Aotian’s title will also be taken away.
"Beria, hurry up and go back to the cell!"

Taro tossed his cloak and moved directly close to Beria, ready to test the power of the Ultimate Fighting Instrument.

In just the blink of an eye, Taylor was beaten to the point where he quickly issued an SOS.

Country of Light.
At this time, on the platform, Ultra Mother and Ultra Father, Zoffie, Severn, and Mebius were looking at the SOS signal sent out by Taro in the sky.

Zhongao couldn't help but said in shock.

"That's Taylor's signature!"

"Beria actually left the prison arranged by the king."

"That guy's target is the plasma spark tower"

"To help or not to help?"

Ao Hideki fell into the thought of being the ultimate life form.
In this situation, it seems that grabbing is the most appropriate thing.

However, the people from the Kingdom of Light helped him, and they would not refuse him if he went to get something.

And will the Ultra King appear?

While contemplating, Beria defeated the miscellaneous Ultraman like a whack-a-mole. Seeing that he couldn't defeat Taro, he could only hug Beria and rush towards the Kingdom of Light.

Huge cracks appeared on the crystal ground of the Kingdom of Light and the smoke dissipated.

Beria's body stood intact on the crystal ground, holding Taylor easily with one hand.

Obviously, after tens of thousands of years of accumulation, Beria is about to break through to S.

"Labour and management are back! Meet my revenge!"

Beria looked at the ugly couple Jian and Mary and said with scarlet eyes.

The war is about to break out, Beria doesn't care about any male or female Ultraman
The crazy Beria used a hammer when he saw anyone. For a while, Beria, who had the bonus of a fighting instrument, beat all the Austrians and fled.

Obviously, Belial has become stronger again, and his combat power has completely eclipsed that of the veteran Ultra Warriors. Even Ultraman Max, who is known as the "fastest and strongest", could only get up after being hit with two sticks.

"This guy Beria doesn't even let children go?"

Qing Xiushu, who was miniaturized and hiding on the building, frowned.

Beria, who was fused by Rebrando, seemed to have completely turned to evil.

Originally he was just a little extreme and arrogant, but now he is directly on the dark side.

Even when he was in Tiga time and space, he didn't do anything ruthless to the witch and Camilla.
Beria's honor as a warrior has completely disappeared with Reblondo's invasion?

"Where are the captain and the others?"

"At the Spark Tower!"

In a hurry, Seven and the first generation were knocked out while looking at the Spark Tower.

"You are too weak"

Beria looked disdainfully at Ultraman, who was rolling on the ground with the red light flashing.

The light of the ultimate fighting device in hand is ready to completely destroy the city of the Kingdom of Light.
"Beria is crazy"

Qing Hideki watched the Ultraman who were his biggest fans tens of thousands of years ago take their children to avoid buildings and light.

A golden lightning storm entangled in the venue as if a giant shadow appeared in it, resisting the power of the ultimate fighting device's light.

"That is?"

Beria and the Ultraman looked at the sudden golden lightning storm.

"He is back."

Jian, who was already the father of Ultra, looked at the familiar power in his memory, and recalled the war tens of thousands of years ago and couldn't help but sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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