Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 56 The fierce battle with Beria!

Chapter 56 The fierce battle with Beria!
"You're not a bad guy."

Beria once again knocked away the charging Max with a stick, stepped on Max's chest and said ferociously.

"It's you guy!"

Seeing the golden lightning, Belia screamed strangely and rushed forward waving the ultimate fighting instrument.

As the lightning storm subsided, a golden giant with a golden armor with black and a few blue lines on the exposed part appeared in the field with a fighting gesture.

"Good guy, you came really hard."

Blocking Beria's bombardment with both hands, Qing Hideki was knocked back several hundred meters.

"You guy, you haven't made any progress after tens of thousands of years!"

"Just in time, let's settle our old and new grudges together!"

Seeing the repulsed golden giant Beria pointing at Qing Xiu Shu with the ultimate fighting instrument, he said with a ferocious expression.

"Hmph! It's not certain who will lose and who will win!"

Qing Hideki stimulated the Absolute particles in his body, and turned into a giant shining with golden light and ran towards Beria.

Fortunately, Ao Hideki is a well-rounded giant, unlike the King-type giants who mostly have weaknesses in fighting.

During Absolute's time, thousands of sparring sessions with Little Taurus had made him very proficient in fighting skills.

Even without the use of fantasy beasts, you can defeat ordinary A-level monsters!


Beria is not a vegetarian either. As an Ultra Warrior who was active tens of thousands of years ago, he has a lot of combat experience.

Dozens of moves passed between the two of them, and Qing Hideki gradually fell into decline. The bonus of the ultimate fighting device gave Beria's output various incredible effects.

"Come on!"

Zuo Fei looked at Qing Hideki's golden figure and said firmly.

"Brother Zuofi, what is this?"

“Do we have this type of giant in the Kingdom of Light??”

Beside him, Mebius looked at Zoffie with a questioning look on his face.

"This giant saved the Kingdom of Light tens of thousands of years ago."

"He also saved the captain's beloved Ultra's mother, Mary."

"Beria, continue!"

Even though Qing Hideki was in a state of decline, it became clearer and clearer in his mind that this was the longest fighting battle since he became the ultimate life form, and it was also the most enjoyable!

"Hmph! I'm too lazy to bother with you!"

Beria looked at Qing Hideki in shock, not expecting the golden giant to have such a strong fighting ability.

Even if he reaches the S-energy level and his physical skills have improved, he can suppress it steadily. If it weren't for the ultimate fighting instrument, he might be consumed to death!

Why is it useless against the golden giant when it comes to Ultra Attack Noble Phantasms?
Is it because I have been in the cosmic prison for too long and my body is weak?

If you continue to waste it, that guy may appear.

We have to go to the Spark Tower quickly!
"You just have fun here with these idiots from the Kingdom of Light!"

After defeating Qing Hideki with a stick, Beria flew towards the plasma spark tower arrogantly.

During the flight, the golden Specium light was also dissipated.

"First-generation Nissan. Have you not had enough to eat?"

Mebius looked at the first generation who quietly emitted light with a questioning look on his face.

As he spoke, Membius was about to rush forward to stop Beria.
But he was stopped by Severn and Zoffie.

"Mebius, don't go."

"Go and ask Max, the fastest, to call him back."

Saying this, Severn handed the head dart infused with faith to Mebius.


In a daze, Mebius thought of the strongest graduate in the history of the Kingdom of Light School.

In just a few thousand years in school, he has already reached the power of the Ultra Brothers and even surpassed them!
Qing Xiu Shu climbed up from the ruins and looked at Beria's figure without any damage.
This weapon is a bit evil, it seems to be the same ultimate weapon as Red Steel.

It may be even stronger than the Sword of Darkness, with a decent S+ or even SS- quality when loaded with monsters.

And it can withstand light
The field cannot be expanded either, as there is still his little Jetton inside.
This time I came to Super Galaxy to see if I could pursue evolution, but also to increase my trump card.

Those 100 weak chickens and weak monsters are Jayton's best resources.
"Would you like to try absolute destruction?"

Thinking of the gems in Qing Xiushu's hands flashing, an energy wave capable of destroying an asteroid surged through his body.

"Although I appreciate your help, we can't do this!" "The Kingdom of Light will be destroyed!"

Zuo Fei quickly ran over and stopped Qing Hideki's movements.


Considering that one of his small shots could directly destroy a subspace, Qing Hideki also stopped moving.

To completely kill Beria, taking into account the ultimate battle instrument and Beria's strength, it would take at least an S-level final catastrophe in a kryptonian state to seriously injure or even kill him.

However, if light of this energy level is released in the Kingdom of Light, most of the Kingdom of Light may be destroyed, right?
Thinking of Qing Hideki, he flew towards the place where Beria escaped, quickly passing through various buildings and rushing towards the plasma spark tower.

"Mom, who is that golden giant?"

A young female warrior of the Blue Tribe who was only four thousand years old poked her mother on the shoulder, interrupting her mother's infatuated look.

"He, you young people don't understand."

"At that time, there was a very bad person who broke into the Kingdom of Light..."

"He defeated the invader with Ultra's father."

"At that time, many female giants from the Blue tribe had guarded him like jade for tens of thousands of years."

"It's a pity. If he had appeared earlier, I wouldn't have done it. My daughter, you might be the female Ultraman of the golden clan!"

Speaking of this, the blue female giant glanced at the blue male giant next to her, then covered her face and said shyly.

"Ha ha."

The blue male giant laughed dryly.
Plasma Spark Tower
Like a deus ex machina, Beria directly eliminated the father of Ultra, who had also entered the S level.

"Is this the plasma spark tower of your dreams?"

"How can it be so easy?"

"But, I finally got it!"

Beria looked at the plasma spark tower in his hand with confusion and said with confusion.

But in an instant, Beria was swept away by ecstasy. It was his long-cherished wish of tens of thousands of years finally fulfilled.

A huge sound roared in the tunnel of the Plasma Spark Tower, and Qing Hideki walked slowly towards the location of Ultra's father.

Looking at Mary who fell to the ground and Ken who was supporting Mary, Qing Hideki couldn't tell for a moment whether the ultimate fighting instrument had too many BUFFs.

The father of Ultra's injury was really serious, but that didn't stop him from teasing the father of Ultra.

"Jian, I haven't seen you for tens of thousands of years and now I see you looking so miserable."

Looking at the person coming, Ultra's father breathed a sigh of relief.

"What a shame. Hades, you are finally here. Stop Belial from taking away the Plasma Spark Tower."

"Otherwise, the entire Kingdom of Light will be frozen."

Hearing this, Qing Xiushu shook his head.

"There's nothing I can do to stop him from running away."

When Beria sensed Qing Xiu Shu's arrival at the Spark Tower, he fled frantically at three times the speed.
To be honest, Beria, who can't be beaten to death and runs so fast, is really a headache.

No wonder Zero chased him for countless time and space later.

"But, I can do this!"

Qing Xiushu's golden power evaporated and opened up the golden barrier, easily resisting the ice and snow storm of the frozen light giant.

"Father, mother, and Uncle Hades, let me save the light first!"

After being severely beaten, Taro stood in front of the Spark Tower and gathered light energy two or three times stronger than the original plot, and preserved it with Ultra Heart.

"The rest is up to you Hades!"

Seeing the preserved light energy, Jian breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Qing Hideki with a weak look on his face.

"I'm going to the Monster Cemetery, where Belial's grave is."

After solidifying the barrier, Qing Hideki glanced at the strangely named Taro and then flew towards the monster graveyard.

"Mary, now we owe you a favor."

Within the golden barrier, Jian touched Mary's ponytail and then collapsed to the ground. The recurrence of tens of thousands of years of old injuries caused him great pain.

I don’t know how long it will take to cultivate again...

"If there is a reward, maybe we can contact the king."

"It is"

(End of this chapter)

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