Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 58: Zero who is at his peak when he appears

Chapter 58: Zero who is at his peak when he appears
"Come on!"

Sai Rabbit turned his head and glanced at the golden ball of light behind him, and then the light all over his body became even brighter, and he accelerated directly to the monster graveyard.

"This guy Zero"

Qing Hideki shook his head, although he didn't want to admit that under the special training of the Leo brothers, Zero's physical skills were probably better than his own and had surpassed the Leo brothers.

If he didn't use the Dragon Fantasy Beast, he would most likely be suppressed by Zero.

In the original theater, Beria was directly suppressed by just close combat.
Although there is also the reason why Beria is unfamiliar after being locked up for a long time.

Moreover, Zero's potential energy has reached S- due to arduous training.

Especially after getting recognition from Plasma Spark, it skyrocketed.

After experiencing Super Galaxy II and obtaining Noah's Shield, Zero will completely reach the normal S level.

This can be known from the fused Saka.
Most of the shape of Saka's body resembles that of Zero, more like a new form of Zero.

Moreover, most of Saka's macrocosmic vacuum tactics later were upgraded from Sero's fighting skills.

From then on, in order to weaken Zero, the producers kept Zero's remaining health everywhere for fear of stealing ENN's limelight.

"This guy is the pride of heaven."

"However, I've never been afraid of Duran!"

Looking at Sero who was about to compete with him, Qing Hideki unconsciously speeded up his pace.

"Why haven't the reinforcements arrived yet?"

"Ultraman Seven promised to come now, didn't he?"

Hengyi and his group looked at the hard-working Ultra warriors and felt extremely anxious in their hearts.

"Seven Nissan, when will Cerro arrive?"

Mebius climbed up from the rubble with difficulty, and the timer on his chest made a beeping sound.

Ultraman's red light flashed beside him.

"Hmph, you are so weak!"

Beria's eyes flickered. He had just carefully manipulated the Ultimate Combat Instrument a few times, but he didn't expect that these Ultramen would be unable to handle it.

"It seems that I underestimated this guy."

As he spoke, Beria looked at the ultimate combat instrument in his hand and thought carefully.
It seems that the core of the ultimate battle instrument is to control monsters
"It's almost over! Let's see how I destroy the Kingdom of Light!"

The iron-headed boy Dana stood up with a firm look on his side.

"Belia, I'm not dead yet!"

"Your plot will not come true!"

Outside the monster cemetery, one blue and one gold stopped.

"I'll deal with Beria!"

"Although you are a little worse than me, I should have no problem leaving the monster to you."

Seeing the potential energy of the golden giant giving him a strong sense of threat, Zero looked sideways at Qing Hideki.


Qing Xiushu looked at Sero trying to show off and readily agreed.

After all, you are still too young
Then two rays of light appeared directly in the monster graveyard.


Mebius straightened up and said excitedly.

"It's him?"

Taro, who was under special care, looked at the blue light in the sky. If it was him, there would be no problem.

【Aimerim cutting】

【Absolut Light】

One golden and one green light swept across the monsters in the field, and more than ten monsters died instantly in just an instant.
"Is his father's ultimate move considered a minor skill?"

Ao Hideki said with emotion as he looked at Zero firing Emelim's slices wantonly.

"Is this the Absolut?"

"So full of energy?"

Sero took a look and raised Qing Xiushu's position from 1 to [-] years.
"He is back!"

The Austrians stood together, Ultraman looked at Zero's figure and said.


Seeing that Severn had insufficient energy, Cero first rushed over to hold Severn's side, then picked him up and flew to a boulder.

"You have become so outstanding." Seven looked at his changed son and smiled happily.

I saw Zero placing his head dart on Ultraman Seven's body.

Beria raised his head and looked at the mysterious blue-red giant and asked: "Who is it!!"

Seeing his father who had lost his energy, Zero clenched his fists with anger and turned to look at Beria.

"Zero, Ultraman Zero, Seven's son!"

Hearing this, Beria sneered in his heart. He was imprisoned in the cosmic prison and had no idea what the title of Ultraman with the greatest potential in the history of the Kingdom of Light was, and he did not take Zero seriously at all.

"Since he is Severn's son, I will be merciful and send you down to see him!"

Beria stretched out his extremely sharp hand, his words filled with madness. "Sero, now is not the time to be sad, let's kill Beria first!"

Beside Zero, a golden light shadow landed and made a huge sound.

"It's you!!"

He roared as he looked at the golden figure that brought him endless shame.

"Beria, you are qualified to know my origin."

"I am the ultimate life form, a warrior of the Absolute clan, Absolut-Pluto-Hades!"

Then Qing Hideki swept the hem of his skirt, and his domineering voice echoed throughout the monster cemetery.

Ultraman and Mebius followed Taro who was still venting his anger on the ground and looked at them with expectant eyes.

Unlike his curious teammates, Lei looked at Qing Hideki with a confused expression.

Is he also the ultimate being?

"Here he is finally, the most potential warrior in the history of the Kingdom of Light."

"And the mysterious giant who saved the Kingdom of Light!"

Taylor looked at the two existences with extremely strong auras in his eyes.

"All monsters, come on over and kill them!"

Beria roared angrily as he looked at the two concave figures above.

"Zero, go deal with Beria!"

"Leave the monster to me!"

Seeing that Shiro Ao Hideki was about to attack the little monster again, he stopped him.


Then Zero nodded heavily, pushed his legs out of the cracks on the ground and flew towards Beria.

"very handsome"

"New Ultraman"

"The golden giant, Ultraman also got a new skin?"

Everyone on the Panlong looked at Zero fighting with Beria in surprise.

"Sero, come on, leave the monster to us!"

The crowd looked at each other and nodded heavily.

They didn't expect Qing Xiushu to help in the first place, and helping to stop it in the Kingdom of Light was already the end of their benevolence.

"Wait! Dyna!"

Tyro held on to Dana's body and looked at the golden figure in the sky. He also wanted to see how special the giant who had saved the Kingdom of Light was.

At this time, Qing Hideki's eyes glowed with golden light, and the Absolut particles all over his body were activated.

He is planning to create a huge domain and let all monsters enter his domain.

"The field expands!"

【Destruction Domain】

There was an invisible wave in the air, and the monsters on the ground quickly disappeared.

It also includes recently resurrected monsters such as Zeton, Flame Gorzan, and King Red.

Within ten seconds, the monsters on the field were completely cleared.

"What kind of method is this! The golden giant is too strong!"

Hengyi looked at the disappearing monster with a shocked expression.

"So strong!"

Mebius felt the spatial fluctuations above with bright eyes.

"It should be in the same field as the captain."

Ultraman looked at the fluctuations in space and said decisively.

"Is Uncle Hades the same as my father?"

Looking at the golden giant's methods, Taylor seemed to understand something.
"Damn you!!!"

Beria, who was beaten by Zero at his peak, saw his army of monsters disappear in an instant. He was so angry that he was stuck and beaten by Zero.

With a small flying kick that burned with flames, Zero took off and hit Beria hard in the chest.

Leo only needs a small take-off to perform actions that require high altitude.

"This guy is reliable enough, so let's take 1000 years away from me."

Zero glanced at the dozens of monsters that had been cleared away, and was extremely frightened.

But only teammates like this are reliable.
"However, I will send you to the West now!"

Looking at Beria who couldn't get up and was still wailing, Cero inserted the head dart into his chest with both hands. The light on his chest converged with S-level light, and the entire Aodu was pushed back half a kilometer by its powerful recoil.

【Twin Rays】


High in the sky, Beria, who was hit by the light, let out a painful cry.

(End of this chapter)

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