Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 59: Legendary Qualification, Destiny!

Chapter 59: Legendary Qualification, Destiny!

【Destruction Domain】

"Hey, Xiaoton actually has your kindred."

Looking at the first-generation Zeton roaring in the field, Qing Hideki raised his eyebrows.

Although these monsters are weak because they have just been resurrected, they are still excellent resources for Jeton.
"A total of forty?"

"But that's enough. Let's give Xiao Dun a big meal for now."

Qing Xiushu looked at them and counted them carefully.

Although it may take a few of these monsters to equal one complete monster, it is still enough.

dong dong dong~
Roar! !

The monster, which is extremely adaptable in the field, finally found its target and ran towards Qing Hideki.

"court death!"

【Absolute destruction! 】

Ao Hideki's hands gathered powerful golden light, turning the oncoming monsters directly into powder, and the monsters behind him exploded into raw materials like skewers.

"It's done!"

After feeding all the monsters to Zeton, Ao Hideki left the field.

Jayden, who got a lot of materials, shouted with joy.

After quickly eating the purple light ball of the same family, the energy fluctuations of the Jetton egg increased again, and then the entire beast began to advance towards the A-level field.

"It seems that Jayden and I are expected to achieve S- in the Super Galaxy this time."

Qing Xiushu's figure appeared out of thin air high in the sky and slowly landed on the ground.

At this time, Beria had been hit by Zero's twin rays and was forced to the bottom of the cliff. If it hadn't been for the thick skin and thick flesh after fusion with Rebrando, he would have died long ago.
"Have you solved all these monsters?"

Sero looked at Qing Xiushu in surprise.


Qing Xiushu looked closely at the ravine where Beria fell.

"Don't worry, he will definitely die under this move."

Sero looked at Qing Xiushu who was still concerned and said.


Everyone on the Panlonghao said with joy on their faces.

Heng Yi said with excitement.

"These two giants are so strong that it's hard to say anything!"

Lei looked at Qing Hideki expectantly.

"Is this the ultimate life form? Why is there such a big gap between Reblondo's bloodline and his?"

Immediately after, the two Leo brothers also arrived at the monster cemetery. Seeing that Beria had been dealt with and was in no serious condition, Zhongao felt a little relieved.

"Zero, the top priority now is to send the energy core back to the Kingdom of Light!"

"I see!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground began to shake, and all the people except for the green tree that was high in the sky were instantly unsteady.

"Uncle Hades, what are you going to do?"

Taro looked at Qing Xiu Shu, who was flashing red gems in his hands, and was condensing a destructive power, and he said quickly.

"Beria is not dead yet!"

Qing Xiushu said loudly while condensing the light, and also accelerated the action of condensing the light.



Sero looked at Qing Hideki in confusion.

boom! ! !
Only then did everyone realize that the souls of the monsters were flying towards the magma, and the souls of monsters that did not appear at all were also sucked into the magma.

Accompanied by the roaring sound of thunder, a terrifying and ferocious ultimate monster appeared with a terrifying aura.

All kinds of monsters, Belyudora!
Even if Qing Hideki took away more than 40 of them, there are still hundreds of hundred-bodied monsters on the surface.
【Absolute destruction! 】

Feeling the oppression of this monster, Qing Hideki opened fire directly, and a golden thunder and lightning beam dozens of meters in size severely bombarded the hundred-body monster.

"Support Hades!"

Although they couldn't figure out who Hades was, they knew he was here to help them fight monsters, so they didn't hesitate and started attacking from all directions.

"You guys deserve to die!!"

Feeling the pain of the light attack, Beria roared, and the operator Beleudra sent the gods flying away with a single swipe.

Then even Ultraman, who had plenty of energy before, started flashing red lights.

"This is the power of darkness!!"

Looking at the Ultraman Kidneys, Beria smiled ferociously.

At this time, Qing Hideki's figure had already rushed to the head of the dog where Beria was, and summoned a thousand-meter giant dragon with both fists to entangle with Beria.


"You deserve to die, you hid so deeply!"

Beria quickly manipulated Beliudora to attack Ao Hideki.

Physical skills are much harder to dodge than light
"This physical technique."

Leo's eyes lit up when he saw the phantom beast fighting skills and combat sense used by Qing Hideki.

Then he set his sights on Zero, the disciple with the greatest potential in history.
His current wish is for Zero to become the Ultimate Taijutsu Oku.

Zero can use Leo Flying Kick when he jumps up. What a talent this is.

"I just don't know how to get him to teach Zero."

Looking at Beliudora who was being bombarded by Qing Hideki, Lei Ze looked fiercely at the combat device in his hand.

I want to be that kind of existence too.
This uncontrollable force
Who wants…

Lei staggered towards the ultimate fighting instrument, touched the fighting instrument, and began to control the monster with Ray Brando's blood. "This is my last strength!"

"One hundred monsters obey my command!!"

As Ray's power of Reblondo began to be injected, Beleudra became temporarily unable to move, and Belia began to make angry sounds because she was suddenly unable to control herself.

At the same time, Zero finally gained some recognition from Plasma Spark and easily defeated Beria under the cover of everyone.

"I am immortal!"

"It's not over yet, I want to get the whole universe!"

Immediately, Beleudra let out a violent explosion.

"Finally resolved."

Membius sighed as he wiped away the non-existent sweat.

"What about people?"

Hengyi, who is most sensitive to Ultraman, looks for traces of the golden giant with a questioning look on his face.


Ultraman also sighed with emotion.

After the war, Zero returned to the Kingdom of Light with the plasma spark and relocated it to the frozen spark tower.

With the return of the Spark Tower's energy, peace has been restored to the Kingdom of Light. Thanks to life solidification technology, the dead Ultra Warriors are also resurrected under the power of the Spark Tower.

"It has to be you, Hikari!"

Max patted Hikari on the shoulder and sighed with emotion as he looked at the new Kingdom of Light.

"There is no development error in the life solidification technology."

Hikali looked at the medal on his chest and let out a long breath.

There are always people coming to rob it.
"Is there any device that can enhance Ultraman's combat power?"

"Director! We have received the mission!"

A blue researcher on the side quickly called Hikari.

"This is?"

After learning about the mission, Hikali's eyes lit up and he quickly walked to the Science and Technology Bureau of the Land of Light.

This time it's a bit difficult.
Finally, seeing that the Kingdom of Light was returning to a prosperous state, Dana left with the Panlong.

Planet K76.

Ultra's father and King Ao are communicating with Qing Hideki.
"Hades, the Super Ultra Capsule you want has been entrusted to Shikari."

"What are you using this for?"

Ken looked at Qing Hideki with a puzzled look.

"Of course it's used to house the space dinosaur Jayton."

Qingxiushu, who already had more than 100 materials, coughed twice and said.

"What? Space dinosaur Zeton?"

Ken looked at Qing Hideki with a shocked expression.

Isn't Jayton a powerful cosmic weapon with no brains? Apart from Jayton and the Baxters, no one is known to be able to control it.

Are the Absolutes so powerful?
"Well, I just need a few tips..."

Qing Hideki used his fingers to show a fingertip universe.

"By the way, I want to ask Mr. Ao Wang to take a look at this!"

"It's something I've always done."

Ao Hideki looked into Ou's red eyes.

"Hades you."

Ken looked at Qing Hideki's words and said quickly.


Mr. Ao Wang waved his hand kindly.

A stone statue with a strange aura, a dark aura that evolved rapidly, and a darkened monster suddenly appeared in the golden light curtain opened by Qing Hideki.
"What the hell is this."

Jian looked at Qing Xiushu's profile and said in disbelief.

Hades has seen how many worlds about to perish in the past tens of thousands of years.

Looking at the darkness, the King of Ultra's eyes flickered. After thinking twice, he finally spoke.

"My child doesn't know why, but there is a light within you that can make you a powerful warrior."

"But it seems like you're struggling with that."

"I'll give this to you."

Looking at what Ou Wang handed over, Qing Hideki took it and figured out how to use it, and he was ecstatic.

Then the whole person flew away in another direction.

"Who is Wang?"

Jian said as he watched Qing Hideki's leaving figure.

"His experience qualifies him to become that legendary warrior!"

King O said as he swept his cloak.

"What? A legendary warrior?"

Ken looked at the Ultra King in disbelief.

"That eternal darkness. Your old enemy is here."

"The anger of the entire planet and life"

"I hope he doesn't go astray."

King Ao looked at the starry sky somewhere with twinkling eyes.
(End of this chapter)

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