Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 60 Fighting Instructor from the Kingdom of Light

Chapter 60 Fighting Instructor from the Kingdom of Light

Planet K76 three months later.

Because of Beria's escape this time, Ultraman's father Ken realized the importance of Ultraman's fighting and physical fitness.

In addition to increasing the proportion of physical education classes and light classes in schools in the Kingdom of Light.

He also asked the Leo brothers and Qing Hideki to serve as fighting instructors to provide intensive training to Zero.

"Zero, please listen carefully, this is how the Phantom Beast Fist works!"

On the hillside, Qing Xiushu used the magic beast boxing technique with both hands.

A hundred-meter-long red-gold dragon roared from his chest and swallowed up a huge mountain ten kilometers away.

"Yes, I understand, Instructor Hades."

Zero, who had mistaken his seniority before, was slightly embarrassed, but nodded heavily, and then seriously used the Phantom Beast Fist he had just learned.

Thanks to the foundation of cosmic boxing, he quickly understood the essence of the fantasy beast.

A phantom blue dragon, only a few dozen meters long, burst out from between his fists.

"Success, senior!"

Even though Zero had just defeated Beria, he was still a young man at this time, and the whole army looked at Qing Hideki with excitement.

"You're good!"

Qing Hideki looked at Sero who used the Phantom Beast Fist with emotion on his face.

Really worthy of being a rabbit
It is much stronger than the new generation who borrowed power from behind.

Brother Leo and Taro, who came to study, looked at Zero with joy.

Phantom Beast Fist is too difficult
The dragon phantom beast taught by Qing Xiu Shu is completely inspired by his own power and does not need to borrow the power of the phantom beast.

It can be said that when you use it, you become a fantasy beast.
This requires a very high degree of understanding, and why Zero is blue probably has something to do with his power...
And he has not been idle in the past few months while waiting for the Ultra Capsule.

First, he learned Leo's cosmic boxing technique and Leo's flying kick.

Finally, after the long wait, Jayden finally started to evolve into Hapa.

The larvae of Zeton, which has entered a state similar to that of Saka's time and space, is smaller.

After devouring hundreds of monsters, Jayden's energy level reached S-.

"No wonder the super monster swallowed up several universes"

"Xiao Dun, I have to rely on you to support the show from now on..."


Looking at Jayden who looked like a foodie, Qing Xiushu looked troubled.
He had stayed in A+ for a long time before, and the thing rewarded by King Ao was absorbed by the Star of Light.

Enhanced with a new feature.

[Enhanced absorption]

Now you can fuse the light and give it the possibility of evolution.

As long as Ao Hideki keeps fighting, the light that has the potential to evolve will become stronger.

In the past three months, after absorbing the light of the sky, he learned the cosmic boxing technique and fought with the Leo brothers and successfully reached the A level.

And he also successfully broke through the limitations of A-level and reached a new field.

Become one of the few life forms in the universe that can reach the normal state S-.

And the light in the sky can at least allow him to touch the limit of S-.
Maybe Gaia will reach S level after the end, and the new generation will be able to make plans from then on.

All I can say is that King Ao really understands him.
"Instructor Hades, the captain has trouble with you."

Leo looked at the sudden transmission of Otto's signature, and his entire face was stunned.


At this time, Qing Xiushu, who had undergone plastic surgery with one blue and one cyan line on the left and right sides of his abdominal muscles, was a little confused.

Is this a medal for saving the world?
Still haven't absorbed the full power?

Qing Hideki was stunned when he heard Leo's words, and then he reacted and quickly flew towards the Kingdom of Light.

It seems to be done...

"Instructor Leo, we will meet again later!"

Ao Hideki's voice echoed on planet K76.

"Is instructor Hades gone?"

Sero, who had put on his training armor and ran thousands of kilometers, followed the sound and came over.

"Well, I don't know when we can meet again."

Leo looked at the golden ball of light leaving quickly with a little emotion.

Qing Xiushu's relationship with him had been very good in the past three months, and the two of them actually felt a bit sympathetic to each other.

Leo's intuition told him that Qing Xiushu was the same type of person as him
The only difference is that Leo looks at Astra beside him.

I still have family members.
And he has nothing left.
These damn darkness.
Kingdom of Light, Space Development Bureau.

Hikari, nicknamed Superman Aguang, was looking nervously at the monster capsule with armor patterns.

"Director, is this the super monster capsule that is said to be able to carry even spark energy?"

Tregchia said slightly excitedly.

"Yes, this was commissioned by someone. Fortunately, I have lived up to my mission during this period."

Hikali also beamed with joy when he saw the results of his research. There was nothing happier than developing new props.

Although it was very difficult this time, he still did it.

An ultra-sturdy subspace monster capsule that can theoretically store monsters of the highest SS level.

This is just suitable as a breeding and fighting space for the space dinosaur Jeton.

On the other side, Qing Hideki was stopped by Ultra's father.

"Hades, the reward you want has been completed by the Space Development Agency."

"And here's this for you." "Although you are not a giant of the Kingdom of Light, it is unreasonable not to save the Kingdom of Light twice."

"Jian, what are you doing?" Qing Hideki frowned as he looked at the medal handed over by Ultra's father.

It's actually the Medal of the Star.
"Hades, please accept it. If you have any difficulties on Earth, you can ask the Ultra Warriors on Earth for help."

As if seeing Qing Hideki's inner doubts, Ultra's father explained.

"Now go to the Space Development Agency and I will practice it for you."

"And I"

The Mother of Ultra looked at Ao Hideki full of maternal glory.

"Does Hades have anyone he likes?"


Qing Xiushu's expression changed immediately upon hearing this, and he flew directly to the Science and Technology Development Bureau.

"Mary, do you think Hades is someone who needs a partner?"

Jian looked at his lover Mary and said angrily.

"That's why he needs someone to guide him correctly."

"I think the kind-hearted little girl from the Blue Tribe was pretty good."

"Age is no problem either. Hades's child cannot be distinguished by normal age."

Mary looked at Qing Xiushu's flying figure with sharp eyes.

"I didn't expect that the Kingdom of Light would also do this."

With the light of the sky, Qing Xiushu's flying speed was far faster than that of ordinary people. It only took a few breaths to reach the Science and Technology Development Bureau.

"It's you!"

"Senior, you are too strong!"

The Ultra warrior guarding the gate quickly saluted
They were the first Ultra warriors to be beaten away by Beria.


At this time, Hikari is waiting for Qing Hideki's arrival.

Even as a Blue Clan Hikari's perception is still not low, and he knows someone is coming in an instant.

"This is what the captain asked me to make."

"Do you think it fits?"

Handing over the props, Hikari's eyes lit up as he felt the seemingly endless power in Qing Hideki's body.

No wonder he is on the same level as the captain, so he is also in that field?

"This is."

Ao Hideki looked at the long white-red monster capsule that exuded the same color as a Pokmon Ball.

Taking it down easily, Qing Xiushu carefully explored and found that there was an extremely solid subspace the size of an asteroid inside.

The spacious space makes it easier to fight and feed monsters.

The space in his domain is actually not conducive to Jayton's growth, especially when Jayton grows into a larvae and becomes huge.

They are all about suppressing their own power, otherwise they will occupy a lot of domain space.


All I can say is that he is worthy of being a superman, Aguang, and he can produce such amazing things.

It was just right for his Zeton larvae.

And his Zeton larvae are obviously not as powerful as Saka's larvae that have reached the SS level.

just take it slow
With that said, Qing Hideki took out Jeton from the domain and put it into the capsule.

As soon as he entered, Jayton returned to his original size. After he was not suppressed by the domain, Jayton let out a happy roar.

"Is this the space dinosaur - Jayden?"

"What a powerful breath."

Hikali was a little curious. He had only seen it in the popular science class of the first generation.
"By the way, can you save some strength?"

"In exchange, I will make you a customized weapon next time you come to the Kingdom of Light."

With that said, Hikari took out an Ultra Capsule and handed it to Qing Hideki.

There are too few people who cannot have great strength.

In order to improve his combat effectiveness, he has been engaged in this research a long time ago.

The purpose is to prevent incidents like Beria from happening.

He, Hikali, also worked hard for the safety of the Kingdom of Light.



Qing Xiushu did not hesitate, took the capsule and directly injected part of the energy into his body.

He was also curious about the wonderful reaction between the Absolute particles and the Giant of Light.

"I have to go now."

After saying that, Qing Hideki glanced at the Land of Light, then turned around and walked into the golden door of light.
Goodbye, Kingdom of Light
As soon as Qing Xiushu left, Jian and Mary came looking for him.

"Is Hikari gone?"

"Just left."

Hikali looked at the two people who seemed to have something to say and said awkwardly.

Jian and Mary looked at each other and said in unison.

"Hey! I have to wait until next time."

(End of this chapter)

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