Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 61: The root of death that wants to suppress the ultimate move

Chapter 61: The root of death that wants to suppress the ultimate move
"We actually got here."

"Young man, please have something to drink. We can't do without water in this weather."

Qing Xiushu felt the extremely hot air in the town and took the plum juice from Mrs. Gao Shan's hand.

In the shade, Mrs. Gao Shan pushed an ice-cold trolley and handed it to the hot people around her with a smile.

"Thank you."

Qing Xiushu thanked him and slowly walked towards the place where the heat was high.
Mrs. Gao Shan is so kind.
"Mrs. Gao Shan, hurry up and take refuge."

"If you have any difficulties, please contact the GUARD staff and they will help."

Hearing Qing Xiushu's voice, Mrs. Gao Shan raised her head with joy, but what she saw was an empty street.

"Where is the man? I want to ask him if he recognizes my dream."

Turning into a point of light, Qing Xiushu quickly passed by the building and came to a nearby street to look at the natural machine that drilled out of the mountain.
According to the time of his departure, he will at least reach the middle and late stages of TV.

But Yanshan is obviously a mid-term thing.
It is obvious that the root death body seems to have slowed down its attack.

"Moreover, there is a space vibration caused by teleportation above the sky."

There is also a strange fluctuation underground
Yanshan has horns like longhorns and thick armor.

As red currents spread across Yanshan's body, intense heat erupted from his body, making the air very dry.

Even nearby transformers began to operate abnormally due to high temperatures.

"I don't know what Mr. Gengen thinks."

"Why are we afraid of that golden giant? And let the giant beast attack with us."

On the bench nearby, a pretty mature woman was holding a popsicle in her mouth and saying with a smile.


Qing Xiushu's face suddenly appeared in front of the woman, scaring her to the point of freezing her hands and feet.

He didn't hesitate to condense a ray of light and turn the woman into powder.

"and many more."

"This is a necessary process for you to rule the earth, sir."

"do not"

After turning into powder, part of the woman's life energy instantly seeped into the ground.
"Is that where the subject is?"

Looking at the disappearing energy, Qing Xiushu couldn't help but frown.

Then he looked at Gamu who had transformed into Gaia and was fighting "Yanshan".

The natural machine itself is not very powerful, but the special ability to change the climate can cause much more damage to humans than normal monsters.

And then there is the dark green, which is also a supernatural force that is extremely harmful to humans.

Gaia quickly found the same battle method as the last time in Heaven, taking out Yanshan's energy core and detonating it directly.

Of course, there is also the reason why Yanshan's combat effectiveness is not strong. In addition to flames and electric shocks, he only has pincer impacts.

I dreamed of landing on the beach, looking at the ocean with a melancholy look on my face
"Senior, how can Earth win?"

During the time when Qing Hideki disappeared, in addition to fighting monsters, Gamu and Aguru studied the root cause of death.

The more you study, the more you discover how terrifying your opponent is.
Mysterious means of teleportation, suspected monster planet.
"Don't think too much about me, you guy."

"Why have you become more sentimental than me?"

Fujimiya and Gamu's private channel, Fujimiya, who is doing research, talks about Gamu with a helpless expression.

"And there is an extremely strong space fluctuation outside the earth. Maybe there will be big trouble later."

"Hurry back to base."

"Okay, that's right. No matter what happens in the future, at least we must protect humanity now."

My dream quickly agreed.

Then I felt some residual heat and fanned myself.

Just when I wanted to contact my family, I received some bad news.

"What? Dad, he fainted and is in the hospital?"

"You guessed it right, that should be the giant beast Zolim."

Qing Xiushu looked at the increasingly chaotic sky, and after just a brief observation, he felt that a power far beyond that of ordinary monsters was brewing in it. Maybe angels were behind it... The root death body wanted to use the flaming mountains and dark green to protect it. Let the giant beast come out completely?
In other words, Zolim, who was originally the mid-term boss, is now regarded as an appetizer for the destruction of mankind.

Zolim is huge. In the original plot, even the head that just popped out was hundreds of meters in size.

The outer skin's defense is strong enough to ignore the quantum streamlines of Gaia V2 and the focused fire attacks of all XIG fighter missiles, and it can also launch powerful flame attacks.

It can be said to be one of the most powerful monsters with the ultimate source of destruction.

It was Gaia who penetrated the body and released the killing light to win.

Of course, body size is a big bonus. As the saying goes, big is good, and big is wonderful.

As long as the monsters are very large in size, they are not too weak in strength.

At this time, I Meng, who had just returned to life, was sent to investigate the root sect that had appeared recently on the ground.

Gangbei area
Qing Xiushu appeared in the square following the life energy locked with his mind.
A group of extremist cults composed of extremely anti-human beings are gathering and interacting again.

And the actual controller of the natural machine, Ms. Yabuki, is also among them.

Different from the embarrassment in the morning, she was dressed beautifully in the afternoon, wearing black shorts and short sleeves, exposing her big white legs.

And the unlucky Sato was holding Yabuki's feet with a fanatical look on his face.
"Lay down your weapons and we will usher in true salvation!"

"Eradicate human tyranny! The earth belongs to the source of destruction!"

"Only we, the future people, can be reborn!!"

The leader, who looked like a wretched monkey, raised his hands high and gave an exciting speech.

"Why did Sato become like this?"

On the guardrail, I Meng and a few classmates and friends looked at Sato, who was like a serious dog licker.

"Who knows."

"During this period, he became very close to a beautiful young lady named Yabuki."

"There must be something wrong with this cult!"

On the fence, I looked at the strange atmosphere of the cult and adjusted my non-existent glasses.

"That's it."

Seeing the increasingly excited members, Yabuki felt happy in his heart.
golden giant
Soon the angels will give you divine punishment! !

As the human agent of the root cause of death, she also knows some inside information.

"Come out"

"Dark green!"

Yabuki glanced at the wretched leader's squinting eyes as he passed over his thigh.

Just as he was about to call out, he was startled by a voice.

"Smash Valudo!"

Yabuki looked around in panic and found that everyone was stuck in a strange time pause.

What exactly is going on
"who is it!"

"It's you, right?"

Ao Hideki's figure stepped out of the golden light and reached out to pinch Yabuki's face.

"It's you."

"don't want!!"

Feeling the huge energy in the man's hand, Yabuki said with a horrified expression.

Immediately, the whole person was turned into particles by energy and rushed towards the ground.

Looking at Yabuki running away, Ao Hideki squeezed his fist to release Shizuo, turned his head and glanced at Gamu, and used teleportation to teleport underground.

"That's right, senior!!"

"Wait for me"

I Meng looked at the familiar figure and said with surprise.

The senior who is suspected of having saved the world is much better than the two newbies Ultraman himself and Fujimiya.
As the saying goes, having an elder in the family is like having a treasure.
"Wait for me"

With a clear mind, I dreamed of discovering Qing Xiushu's purpose and hurriedly ran down to follow him.
(End of this chapter)

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