Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 62 V2 Fujinomiya, a natural machine

Chapter 62 V2 Fujinomiya, a natural machine

Deep underground in the square, in a very warm and humid underground space.

The woman's figure condensed like a phantom, exposing large areas of her snow-white skin and panting violently as she lay between the thrones made of huge plant roots and buds.

"I just want to complete Master Gengen's mission."

"As long as the heavens purify the air, the burning mountains melt the ice and snow, and the deep green sows new seeds."

"This is the Human Completion Plan!! This is the best plan to save mankind."

As if thinking of her mission, the woman picked up the pendant on her chest and prayed to Yu Cheng.
Why are you stopping me...

Lord Rooter, please give me new power! !
In an unknown space, a group of strange creatures are observing the earth and communicating constantly.

"Will you give me new power?"

A person who seemed to have some status said.

"In my opinion, it's better not to give it. That guy is out again."

"And it seems to be stronger."

"The top priority is to inject that strange power into the giant beast."

"In this way, even the golden giant cannot resist it."

The "strategist" of the root-caused death body said.

It was he who came up with the idea of ​​using natural machines to protect the behemoth - Zolim.

Under their original basic estimates, even if they could not be defeated, the three giants would be seriously injured.


"He is indeed the little Zhuge among our roots."


A group of root-destroying bodies exclaimed after figuring out the key.

At this time, Ao Hideki, who had come underground, locked onto Yabuki's position and transformed into a ball of light and quickly passed over the stone pillars.

The ground seemed to be invaded by some kind of plant. Weird vines wrapped around the pillars, and the lines seemed to reach a certain central location.

“The light is really dark”

Qing Xiushu stepped over the puddles, and the sound of footsteps echoed in the dark space.

Arriving at the center, there is a passage with a faint blue light all around.

The ground is made up of plant rhizomes, the source of which is a green flower throne. The throne seems to be alive, as if steam is spreading in it.

The dark green structure resembles the natural circulation protection system developed by Alchemy Star, and eventually the entire Gangbei Technology Park was covered with trees.
"Also, there seems to be a sense of voyeurism."

After reaching S level, his perception of space fluctuations has also become very powerful.
Qing Xiushu guessed that it should be the root cause of death.

"Haha, you're here."

Yabuki, who has been unable to contact the source of death, said with a pale face.

"Actually, sometimes I don't understand, and so does Klaus."

"You too"

"You obviously have a great appearance and life, but you choose to be a prostitute."

Ao Hideki glanced at Yabuki, and then his whole body was exuding golden light, preparing to condense the light to kill
"You won't understand"

"Kill me."

Yabuki closed his eyes in despair, and his body was transformed into particles along with the core by the golden light and disappeared.
Qing Xiushu stopped outputting light, looked at the dark green that was no longer working, and sighed slightly.

The dark green color is very suitable for the greening project in the previous life. This guy Yabuki still did some personnel work.

Am I being a little too cruel?
Just having some realization, Qing Xiushu quickly shook his head and confirmed his original idea.

He is not a human being, he can do whatever he wants...

In any case, the natural machine developed by Yabuki killed many people.
For him, if he encounters it, he will simply eliminate it.

At this time, both I Meng who had just entered the passage and the crowd in the square felt a vibration in the ground.

"It's an earthquake!! Get out of here!!"

"Go quickly, don't risk your life!"

As neon people living in earthquake zones, the believers quickly found a place to hide.

As the leader of the church, the uncle not only did not panic and returned to his standing posture, but he was even more angry when he looked at the panicked believers.

As if sensing that the believer's belief was not firm enough, the whole person quickly roared angrily.

"Your faith is not firm enough!"

"This is the source of salvation!"


The believers, whose willpower was already fragile, seemed to be confused by a magical voice and raised their hands and shouted.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Where's Ms. Yabuki?"

Sato, who woke up from the dog licking, quickly reacted.
"This guy Sato"

"Let him go to the Metropolitan Police Department to calm down."

Sato's classmate and friend Xiaolin couldn't help but frown and put down the phone in his hand.


Looking at the followers who were returning to their fanaticism, the leader nodded.Just as he was about to continue roaring wildly, he felt his wrists being cuffed by a cold object.

"What are you doing? I am the spokesperson of the root!"

Seeing that the person who caught him was an operator from the Metropolitan Police Department, the leader said arrogantly.

"Not only do I owe a lot of money, but I also run a cult!"

"You actually resisted arrest! Come with us!"

"You'll have something to eat in prison!"

The operator who received the new order from his superiors snorted coldly.

Some time ago, I benefited from the instructions of a certain XIG expert.

For the sake of the future of mankind, countries around the world have issued anti-root orders - prohibiting all sectarian activities related to the roots.

At this time, Qing Xiushu glanced at the footsteps coming from behind him underground.


"You are finally back."

Looking at Qing Xiushu's face, I Meng said with surprise.

"My dream, this is the natural machine dark green"

"You should take good care of it."

"Next, the Origin Death Body is going to take action!"

After saying that, Qing Xiushu's figure disappeared underground.
"it is as expected"

"Are you leaving again..."

Although my dream is a bit regretful that I didn’t communicate more with Qing Xiushu.

During this period, he and Fujimiya carefully studied the behavior pattern of the root-destroying body.

Discovering the root cause may have changed the consumption pattern of giving away people one by one.
Instead, it is possible to push in a wave.

As soon as this result came out, it gave the two of them a strong sense of oppression.

Earth, give me more strength! !

"Reporting base..."

I Meng looked at Sapphire Cone, and then quickly contacted the base to report the basic situation.

"The detectors showed something huge."

"It should be the same natural machine as the previous two times."

"The base has prepared a record, and the ground troops will go to deal with it."

Dunzi looked at my dream's communication and couldn't help but smile and replied.

Monster breeding house.
Fujimiya is carefully wiping the monster figure.

Qing Xiushu entrusted the shop to him before he left, and he would come and clean it every three days.

"These monsters have a lot of similarities to Earth's monsters."

"More like a subspecies.."

"How many worlds has he saved, senior?"

In the past few months, the compatibility between Fujimiya and Haiyang has become more and more consistent, and the whole person is no longer so proud?
Fujimiya found that he could face the unacceptable things calmly.

"When will you come back?"

Fujimiya couldn't help but frown when he thought of that man's powerful figure.

His running-in with Ocean Light has reached V2 form, and he knew the ocean's warning earlier than I dreamed.

In order to defeat the final opponent, he must touch that area, and he has no clue yet...

In the monster breeding house, Ao Hideki's figure appeared and he was a little surprised to see Fujimiya Ao Hideki who was carefully wiping the golden dragon.

Fujimiya is so reliable.

It seems that it has reached V2.
"Have you already touched that realm?"

In Qing Xiushu's eyes, Aguru V2 is equal to A+ to S- level warriors.

Especially in the ocean, they tend to be more powerful.

The main reason is that if the bonus on earth is too big, it won’t work well outside the universe.

"Well, with senior's reminder, we have reached it."

Fujimiya nodded slowly and said.

Compared to Gamu, Fujimiya seems to be merging with Aguru.

It has Agur's teleportation and super-speed movement from the beginning.

Even the human body began to have superhuman characteristics.

More like him, Fujimiya received Aguru's light and embarked on the path of evolution.

I just don’t know if my dream will be so special
"Then it will be much easier to handle next time."

Qing Xiushu's eyes flickered.

Maybe both Fujimiya and Gamu can reach SV
Angel Zog...should not be difficult to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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