Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 63 The dark beast, the vanguard is coming!

Chapter 63 The dark beast, the vanguard is coming!
A few days later, the space vortex in the sky became larger and larger, and it was already a space distortion that far exceeded the normal level.

"There's something wrong with Chrysis"

"Finally found it."

Alchemy Star, Fujimiya, who was investigating the sky whirlpool incident, flashed his eyes and found the place where Crisis was manipulated.

Immediately, blue light was injected into Krisis, directly destroying the passive parts of the hands and feet.

"Next, Chrisis can finally believe it."

Fujimiya was happy and quickly entered the information he wanted to query.

Seeing Crisis' prophecy, Fujimiya's expression changed.

GUARD air base, they have been observing the mysterious wormhole in the sky for several days
"It's as useless as before."

Director Tsui looked at the lightning team attacking the vortex and quickly gave the order to return.

"Team Lightning, return to base!"

Shishi looked at the increasingly weird vortex in the sky with a sad face.

"It was only twice the size Gob appeared a few days ago, and now it's four times the size."

"No matter what horror comes out, we have to face it."

"Besides, I always have an ominous premonition."

Facing this unknown enemy, no one feels troubled
It should be what the seniors said
I dreamed of looking at the weird super whirlpool and suddenly remembered Ao Hideki's casual words a few months ago.

Behemoth Zolim?


"President Daniel of Alchemy Star has requested to speak with you!"

When he was at a loss, liaison officer Dunzi received a message from Alchemy Star and contacted him quickly.

"Well! Come in!"

The commander of the stone room looked heavy, and his posture was slightly taller while he communicated with Daniel via video.

"Have you found any solution?"

"No, but the results of Fujimiya and I's investigation over the past few days have come out."

"The distortion energy of the space phase has reached a level that can deform stars. This is a phenomenon caused by a distant universe trying to connect with the earth!"

Daniel explained why.

"Previously, combat weapons such as the Gob created a small wormhole outside the Earth's atmosphere and then dropped it onto the Earth. This time, the different scale is not the point. It is directly connected to the huge space channel behind it."

As soon as these words came out, Shishi's face darkened and he looked up at the vortex with purple lightning.
Could it be that everything before was just a small fight?

"Could it be said that the real source of death is coming?"

As soon as these words came out, the members of XIG all looked heavy.
It makes no sense, it’s so fast!
"No. After we troubleshoot the problem with Chrysis."

"We got a result. It's linked to the vanguard of the root cause of death, the giant beast Zolim."

"Without special circumstances, the probability of human destruction is [-]%, and the two Ultramans only have a [-]% chance of winning."

Then Commander Shishi hung up the call, his expression extremely heavy.
Is the disaster that will exterminate humanity coming?
"This is a tough war!"

"let's go!"

Captain Di also stood up and said loudly.

"Team Lightning is on the move!"


Captain Kajio, a professional soldier, was the first to stand up.

"Captain Kajio, you"

My dream has greatly changed my view of Kajio, and he said quickly.

Kajio just said with a serious face.

"When I got here, I already knew what I was going to face!"

"My dream, you are a scientist, so you don't have to go this time."

Kajio patted this hot-blooded young man who impressed him with admiration.

After learning about Yume's actual age, Kajio gradually understood this talented boy.

"and many more."

I Meng hurriedly stretched out his hand, could only open his mouth and watched helplessly as everyone on Team Lightning flew the plane towards the super-large wormhole area.

At this time, the sky was filled with dark clouds, with dark purple thunder and lightning rolling in them, and the affected area had spread to the entire Japan.

As if to hint that the end is coming
"Is it coming? It's that dark aura again."

Qing Xiushu's eyes were cold, looking at the same dark aura as Diga's time and space
I originally thought that this darkness did not exist in Gaia's time and space.Was the guy who destroyed his hometown dispersed by the mysterious Four?
Or has the multiverse invasion started?
If it's the latter, you'll be in big trouble.

Even if you ask King Ao, you may not be able to control it.
As a result, Fujimiya, who just went to V2 just now, is probably unbeatable.
The aura on the wormhole is at least S-start.
Beneath the wormhole, Reiko, who has a tacit understanding, rushed to the live broadcast.

"The whirlpool that has troubled people in the Tokyo area for several days finally has a solution."

"I hope Team Lightning's mission goes well."

"This woman is looking for death."

Alchemy Star, Fujimiya couldn't help but snorted while watching the TV report.

Then he changed out of his research clothes and put on more sporty clothes and prepared to go to the battlefield.

Just as Fujimiya was about to leave, a soft body pressed against him.

"Fujimiya must pay attention to safety, I will wait for you."

"Paddy, don't worry, I can do it."

Feeling the concern of his partner, Fujimiya became more determined to protect everything.

Looking at the sapphire cone in his hand, the light seemed to merge with himself.

"Aguru, you think so too, right?"

At this time, the wormhole that had been suspended for several days was contaminated by a mysterious force.
The large wormhole was quickly infected with purple thunder and lightning, and there was also a strange roaring sound.

"Listen to my command, Team Flash, Team Falcon! Launch!"

Captain Kajio controlled the fighter plane and rushed to the front to launch missiles.

The missile entered the wormhole, and it was like sinking into the sea without any reaction or fluctuation.


At this time, the wormhole cyclone was greatly expanded due to the influence of unknown forces.

The entire sky was shrouded in dark clouds, leaving only a steady stream of thunder and lightning flashing in the night sky.

"The wormhole has expanded again!"

"The monster is out!"

Under the control of Captain Yoneda and Captain Kajio, the monster's appearance gradually emerged, and a huge monster head came out.

Black-red eyes, blue crystals, the head alone is hundreds of meters long, and the remaining parts are still emerging from the wormhole.

"Yoneda, let's rush!"

Kajio watched the super monster hovering under the wormhole, which was more than one kilometer long, not only not afraid after it came out completely, but also started teasing him.

"Okay! Kajio!"

Yoneda, who had already awakened to death, rushed towards Zorim with Kajio without any hesitation. The fuselage was already empty of ammunition.

Now all that's left is the plane to sit on.

Blue light flashes in the night sky
The giant's body leans towards the light blue chest, which strengthens the lines of the breastplate, and the black lines on the shoulders and waist turn into white.

"This power."

Fujimiya completely entered the V2 form, feeling his powerful power. He clenched his fists and quickly rescued Yoneda and Kajio before rushing towards the giant beast.

"It's Aguru."

"Have you noticed that your body has become different?"

At this time, Qing Xiushu's figure ignored the burned buildings around him and looked up at Aguru, who was shriveled in a fierce battle.

Qing Hideki couldn't help but sigh.

Even with Fujimiya's guidance, the awakened V2 form, whose strength is comparable to Gaia's SV form, is still unable to defeat this strengthened behemoth.
At this time, it can be said that Fujimiya can basically compete with Gaia SV in addition to strength, and his defense is even better.

Maybe my dream is a fake son of the earth?

If it weren't for the finale, Angel's Cerebral Palsy operation would replenish energy for the two of them and add a plot kill.

Either you need Aguru V3 or Agururu's supreme form and cooperate with Wo Meng to defeat it.

However, there are also special reasons. For ordinary Ultraman, 1+1 is greater than two. Gaia and Agur are so special that 1+1 may be greater than three.

But obviously, Fujimiya has not yet fully grasped the power of V2.

Judging from performance, Aguru V2 should reach S- for complete mastery of Gaia SV, while V3 should reach S.

Of course, this is all a story for later...

"No matter what, I accept the power of this monster!"

Qing Xiushu was wrapped in golden lightning, and he landed next to Aguru in a way similar to Aowang's space jump.

(End of this chapter)

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