Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 65: Team up with the Demon Vanguard!

Chapter 65: Team up with the Demon Vanguard!
a few days later.
"Boss, it's still the same old rules, one set of lemonade."

At the izakaya, Ao Hideki skillfully greeted the boss and after paying the bill, Ao Hideki took the lemonade from the front desk.

In the alley, Qing Xiushu stopped and looked around.

Different spatial fluctuations from last time enveloped the entire area, as if they were secretly peeking at him.

Are they the subordinates of the source of destruction again?
Are these guys doing it too often?
Maybe it's time to take care of it
And judging from this situation, has the space channel been repaired again?
So Qing Xiushu snapped his fingers, and a touch of golden energy quietly touched in the direction of the peek.

The guy with this ability may be Demon Destroyer Zebubu.

A highly intelligent demon with spatial deformation and electromagnetic abilities, high attack and low defense.

He can transform and disguise himself as a human being, transform into a god of death and claim to be a god, fool Fujimiya, and capture Reiko.

somewhere in space...

"Zebubu, won't this be discovered?"

"Don't worry, Blitzblotz, I'll make a safe move."

"After a while, your Excellency will send out the whole army. Just the two of us will be sentry to observe carefully."

"Catch Gaia first, he should be the weakest."

Inside the giant creature, two Demon Destroyers were slowly communicating next to a huge machine.

"The unknown wormhole appears again!"

"Issuing a level one alert! Issuing a level one alert!"

"All teams attack quickly!"

space base.

As a wormhole appeared over the coast, the XIG warning bell rang loudly.

"The wormhole has expanded by [-]% since it first appeared, and it is still expanding!"

"Why is it so big? Could it be the same as the past few days?"

Commander Shishi looked at the screen with a frown on his face.

If it were Zolim's situation, no matter how many teams there were, it would be of no use!
"I dream! Come here and take a look at this radio wave."

Dunzi looked at the data on the console and frowned.

"This situation is exactly the same as Zolim's."

"Could such a big monster appear again?"

"Not sure, but."

A sense of powerlessness arose out of thin air in my dream
The last time Zolim and the natural machine appeared, this period of time seemed to be the prelude to the final war between the source of death.

It gave him a feeling that a storm was about to come.

The strength leap is too great.

The power of the earth...
"Commander, I also want to go to the battlefield!"

I dreamed of feeling the light of the earth and said with firm eyes.

"You are allowed to go to the battlefield together, but please pay attention to safety!"

Commander Shishi looked at my dream, as if he knew something, turned around and gave the order.

The wormhole landed high above the coast.

A blue stream of light landed in the sky, and the giant assumed a fighting posture in advance.

Amidst the thunder and lightning, countless metal fragments fell, and then a huge metal robot was formed on the coast.


Aguru put on a fighting body and fought the robot head-on.

"It's Fujimiya!"

On the fighter plane, I Meng looked at Aguru's figure and murmured.

Facing the robot's attack, Fujimiya straightened his body, and the blue giant's powerful defense caught the destructive light bullet without any damage.

Then he ran a few steps and whipped the robot backwards with a whip kick.

"not right"

Watching the robot Fujimiya retreating in front of him, he frowned and did a backflip before jumping into the distance.

Then a mechanism suddenly opened in the robot's chest.Several white light bullets were fired but were blocked by Aguru's raised hand.

However, the "ultimate move" that Fujimiya imagined was completely different. He just found a little electric current and a little numbness in his arms, which did not affect the battle at all.

Without waiting for Fujimiya to be confused, Fujimiya, facing the attacking robot, swung his arm and fired a small cutting light bomb.

The monster that was originally thought to be destroyed by the photon spiral was destroyed by a cutting light bullet.

Even the wormhole above the coast disappeared instantly
"Is it that simple?"

On the fighter plane, I Meng looked at the robot that was easily destroyed and said with a puzzled expression.

Is Aguru actually so strong?
But me.
Thinking of this, Meng looked at the sapphire awl in his hand with heavy eyes.

Gaia, your power
In a certain space, Qing Xiushu's energy turned into a temporary phantom and appeared in it.

Zebubu, the Demon Destroyer who had not yet disguised himself, and Blitzblotz looked at Qing Hideki's energy in surprise.

"Zebub, Blitzblotz."

Qing Hideki was slightly startled when he saw two familiar monsters.

Unexpectedly, the Death Body sent two powerful vanguards with brains to arrive in advance.

These two people can be said to be characters with high IQ and high combat effectiveness among monsters.

"The golden giant came to us to cooperate?"

"Master Gengen told us in advance that as long as you join our side, you will be on an equal footing with him."

"Or you can get a piece of the pie by not taking any further action."

Zebubu coughed twice and said with a very human expression.

This is where he and Blitzblotz settled in the super-giant monopole creature. They originally wanted to capture Gaia while observing Aohideki's movements.

After repeated evaluation, Gaia's current combat effectiveness is too low, and capturing it will not affect the overall situation.

So they set their target on Earth's No. [-] combat force, Agur.

I just didn't expect Qing Xiushu's spatial perception to be so powerful that he would actually find this place.

"I'm not here to look for cooperation."

"I'm just warning you not to make any small moves!"

Qing Hideki looked at the surrounding environment. He should be in a mysterious space like the Yabo people from another dimension.

And even this big killer was sent out.
A biological weapon that is not inferior to the Star Destroyer Cannon.

The super giant monopole creature Mochian's landing on the earth will cause the land at the north and south poles to squeeze each other, leading to the destruction of the earth.

I simply can’t figure out why the root-destroying body hates the earth so much?
Is Gaia's time and space really the kind of time and space full of dark forest laws?
Then humanity will suffer...

In an unknown space at a certain latitude, the root cause of death is discussing countermeasures.

They are one.

"Anyway, the bottom line is we can't do it ourselves!"

"In a few days this will be the final attack on Earth."

This is the result of discussions over the past few days, and they are still mobilizing weapons urgently.

Regardless of whether this time succeeds or not, it is their last attack on the earth. It is best if so many weapons succeed. If they fail, only they can beat Qing Hideki.

But this is obviously impossible. What are their identities?A majestic body, a super power in the universe!
If your subordinates die, you can recruit new ones, but if you die, the entire race may be gone!
As beings summoned by destruction, they know what their purpose is, which is to fear that the earth will be wiped out by humans according to the laws of the dark forest when it develops.

As long as humans can't be wiped out, forget it. Once the giant discovers the coordinates of civilization, there's no need to play anymore.

Even if their strength far exceeds the strength of the Destruction Demon and Angel, they will not take action.

The root of death can be said to be the smartest villain.

Just look at the other villains and you'll see how smart they are.
The conch dies due to human light, and the emperor dies due to his inability to move.

Later, Belial, the overlord of the galaxy, deigned to fight.

Fried chicken is also a solitary solution that reminds me of tuba.

Dark Lukiel was also killed by Galaxy Kai's second stage.

"Enough to say, the advantage is ours!"

The dog-headed military advisor of the Roots said confidently that except for the defeated behemoth, the remaining combat power was well preserved and ready to launch a final push against the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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