Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 66 The true power of the earth! !

Chapter 66 The true power of the earth! !

In the different space inside Moqian's body.

"Haha, let me show you what the source of power is!"

Demon Destroyer Zebubu suddenly changed his attitude and said arrogantly.

Beside him, Blitzblotz also had a flashing expression, as if he wanted to devote himself to his roots right away.

Just now Master Gengen contacted the two of them.

Within three months, Lord Root will organize all the troops to launch a general attack on the earth.

And they just need to observe and gather information carefully and not send more people to death.

The golden giant in front of them was just a part of their power and not something to be afraid of.


"It seems like these guys at the root cause can't hold it in any longer."

"Don't let me find your hiding place."

Qing Xiushu in the monster breeding house frowned and directly took back the phantom of the body in the different space.

Compared with the conch, Qing Hideki was more annoyed by enemies like this who were sneaking around and doing things in the dark.

If I remember correctly, the source of death never appeared once in the entire drama.

At this time, the Alchemy Star.

My dream and Inada are carefully observing the shallow mark on Fujimiya's hand.

"Fujimiya, when did your mark appear?"

I dreamed about looking at my comrade-in-arms and confidant Fujimiya.

"The robot monster appeared right after we defeated it."

"There shouldn't be any big problems."

"Don't worry, Inada-san."

Fujimiya cast a reassuring look at Inada who cared about him

With tears in the corners of Inada's eyes, he tightly grasped Fujimiya's palm.

At this moment, the Alchemy Star's detector sounded the alarm again.

Dunzi's voice also came from my dream's communicator.

"I dreamed that the monster appeared again where it appeared last time."

At this time, Inada looked at the results on the monitor and turned around.

"It's the same waveform as last time"

After hearing the news, Fujimiya's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly looked up towards the seaside.

Feeling the light of the ocean around him, and the strange behavior of the monster flashing through his mind, Fujimiya said with a heavy expression.

"I'm afraid this monster is coming for me!"

on the coast.

Fujimiya's figure turned into blue light and landed.

The robots that were easily defeated by Aguru reorganized and appeared on the coast.

Ao Hideki, who came to the battlefield early, clearly sensed the special power existing in Fujimiya's arms on the beach.

That machine was not aimed at humans at all. The name of the machine was the Space Capture Robot Beast Sigma Tsigur.

It turns out that the root was created to deal with Ultraman Gaia. I don’t know why it is now targeting Agur.

In addition to the special point that prevents Ultraman from transforming, he is not particularly strong.

In the last battle, the capture light bullet fired through the chest set a trap on the back of Fujimiya's hand.

As soon as Fujimiya transforms again, he will be captured and taken to a wormhole high in the sky.


Seeing the arrogant and proud monsters on the coast who could pretend better than him, Fujimiya took out his sapphire bracelet with a cold expression and prepared to transform.

In just an instant, the sapphire bracelet was wrapped in silver-white metal, and a silver logo appeared on the back of the hand.

"This is?"

Fujimiya's expression changed and he looked at the changes on the back of his hand.


Lightning wrapped around Fujimiya and was immediately shrouded in a special box, and even his super powers were suppressed!

"Captain Tsutsumi, Fujimiya was caught by that monster!"

On the ground, I dreamed that Fujimiya appeared on the monster's chest and quickly contacted Captain Tsutsumi.

At this time, Captain Kajio, who had just received the attack order, opened the aiming panel and was preparing to attack.

"Kita, Ogawara, start attacking!"

"Kajio! Stop it!"

The captain's voice sounded

On the fighter plane, Kajio's expression changed when he saw Fujimiya struggling.At the edge of the battlefield, Qing Hideki squinted his eyes and looked at the locked Fujimiya.

"Can you even suppress super powers?"

"But it's the right way to go without a transformer."

Basically, Ultraman who needs to transform has encountered a situation where the transformer cannot be used.

However, given the current situation, Gaia should be awakening.

He felt the same power in my dream as when he met Agururu last time.

Very rich light, it seems that my dream is about to transform into V2.

Gaia! !
Seeing the space machine that was about to take Fujinomiya away, Gamu roared and transformed into Gaia
Beep beep!

The roar of Gaia's indicator light on the battlefield resounded across the sky. Gaia's basic form was really weak.

Ao Hideki calmly looked at the figure of Gaia fighting hard with the red light flashing. Although he was defeated, he still stopped the machine from taking away Fujimiya.


On the coast, Gaia once again pulled the robot from the sky, held the robot's head downwards, and violently bombarded the ground.

The indicators on Gaia's chest seemed to be connected.

Gaia, whose defense was not outstanding, almost resisted the destructive light bombs to prevent the robot from taking away Fujimiya.

The most terrible thing is that because Fujimiya is in the cage on the chest, neither Gaia nor Team Lightning dare to attack rashly.

The capture machine obviously had a set priority. Even if it was carrying the attack, it kept trying to take off. It seemed that it would not give up until Fujimiya was taken away.


Gaia watched Fujimiya struggling, roared and used her body to resist the continuous blast of light bombs, and once again pulled the machine down from high in the air.

Amidst the huge explosion, Gaia held on to the attack and forced the robot downwards.

"Damn it!"

Fujimiya looked at Meng's painful figure with an angry expression.

Is the strength still not enough?
Could it be that only by becoming one with the light as the senior said can we protect humanity and protect her?

At close range, Fujimiya even sensed the infinite entanglement in my dream's heart and the fear of the future.

"Dadi. Fight with me one more time!"

"Once again, give me power again!!"

I dreamed of seeing Fujimiya being carried high into the sky again, feeling my exhausted body roaring to the sky in my heart.

The shadow of the same age, the fear of eyes, and the confusion of light were all shattered by a firm heart.


The earth shook violently with a magnitude [-] earthquake, as if responding to my dream.

Then wisps of red light emerged from Gaia's body, and then gradually disappeared into Gaia's body.

The pattern of the black breastplate with gold rim has also changed, and the figure has become more upright.

The energy is also instantly replenished and turns into a blue health state.


Before I could feel the powerful power of V2, I dreamed of flying directly into the sky and destroying the robot's take-off device with one punch.

Is this the power of the earth?
In the air, I Meng felt the power of the earth that was completely different from before, and I couldn't help but tighten my fists.

As powerful as Agur's new form, he is finally qualified to face this kind of enemy.
I will protect the future!


Gaia looked at the capture machine with cold eyes, and raised her hand to catch the light.

Put Fujimiya directly from the cross cage to the ground, and then used an enhanced version of the stupid kill to directly destroy the capture machine.

"now it's right."

Qing Hideki looked at me, who seemed to be waking up, and nodded.

Maybe it's because of this that he can't be a giant of light at the top of the warrior?
Now it seems that every Ultraman's growth is accompanied by loss and infinite pain.
This is also the reason why Noah played the trumpet. Human will will always produce some miracles.

Maybe becoming Ultraman is not a good choice.

"That is?"

On the ground, Fujimiya looked at Sapphire Cone returning to normal and fell into deep thought.

As if he noticed someone peeping, he turned around and looked at the disappearing figure on the hillside in the distance.

Is it a senior?

Since merging with Aguru, Fujimiya has found that he is becoming less and less similar to ordinary people.

"Hey, Fujimiya, are you okay?
After overcoming my fear, I was once again recognized by the earth and felt happy.

"It's okay. Congratulations in advance."

Fujimiya came back to his senses and congratulated me on Meng Dao.

"Haha, that's right"

(End of this chapter)

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