Chapter 67 The eve of the end
In the monster breeding house, Qing Hideki recalled the changes in Gaia on the coast just now.

Gaia V2 also appeared, and it didn't rely on Fujimiya's Ocean Light.
To be honest, Qing Xiu Shu always felt that the power of my dream was lower than Aguru.

The most important reason is the way to advance.

Fujimiya inspired Aguru V2 to appear with the call of the sea and his own will.

It turns out that my dreams are caused by the light of the ocean. From this look, I feel that it is inevitable that Gaia SV is weaker than Agul V3.

The power that is not absorbed and becomes one's own is ultimately vain.
And V2 Aguru is dividing the sea?Is Gaia V2 a super large earthquake?
Then when the light in the sky reaches the back, doesn’t it mean that the sky is clearing?
"Maybe it's time to give those two guys a special training."

Qing Xiushu glanced at the sky where the dark clouds were getting thicker and thicker.

Disaster is coming
different space.

Seeing Gaia suddenly awakening on the coast, Zebub angrily gave himself a big mouth, and then turned to look at his colleague Blitzblotz.

"Zebubu, this is your idea, my job is just to be a thug."

Blitzblotz, who looked like Birdman, spread his hands.

"Forget it! I'll go back and revive Master Gengen."

Zebubu gritted his teeth as he looked at his colleagues, and his heart was bleeding as he watched Gaia evolve again.

They could have succeeded if they took action, but every time they were about to take action, they felt a powerful gaze watching them.

So they made a conscious choice not to take action.

During this time, he secretly arrived on Earth in mimicry to investigate the weaknesses of this group of Ultraman.

Except for Ultraman materials purchased from toy merchants.

He investigated everywhere and found that the golden giant did not seem to have any weaknesses, and it seemed that it had not even used its true power.

And he discovered a terrifying fact, even if he used the super technology given by Lord Root.

After invading all the networks on earth, the existence and origin of the golden giant were not discovered.

In other words, the golden giant does not have any fetters or weaknesses, and the only solution is to defeat it head-on.

Moreover, the bones must be crushed, otherwise civilization will never have peace if such a being targets its roots.

Thinking of this, Zebubu took out a one-time special communication device and began to contact the source of death.

There is no blame or punishment for Zebubu's message about the source of death, because Zebubu was originally a tool to safeguard their interests.

But he was very interested in the news that Zebubu had brought the golden giant.

As for Gamu and Fujimiya, they simply ignored them, even though they had already strengthened.

But judging from their performance, they still couldn't defeat their carefully prepared monster army.

"So, the golden giant does not exist in this time and space."

"Is it more likely to be a giant from another universe? Not to mention its weakness?"

Zebubu nodded in response.

"Sir, he is like a mysterious existence. The earth has nothing to do with him, or it has something to do with it. He does things according to his own will. My little trick seems to have no effect on this kind of existence."

After hearing this, Destruction caused the body to nod frequently.

"Well, well done."

After hanging up the cosmic communication, Destruction summoned his body to crush the communicator and turned to look at the clansmen.

"Continue to make war weapons! Increase the quantity!"

"At least destroy all research institutes on Earth that have the potential to develop aerospace civilization."

"Or seal the earth in the solar system!"


The place where Fujimiya and Dr. Inada used to study earth particles was temporarily transformed into a training base.

Ao Hideki serves as an instructor.
"Take a break, stand at attention!"

"From today on, you will spend half a day training in combat and half a day realizing the light of the earth!"

“If you don’t sweat more now, you will bleed more then!”

"Do you also want to see the collapse of civilization?"

On the training ground, Qing Xiushu said loudly.

This was not Qing Hideki's impromptu idea. Although the way the light evolves is different, it can always be drawn by analogy.

He didn't know much about the light in the sky. The original plot was the light that abolished the case.But thinking about it, it should be no worse than the King's Ocean Light. Maybe the way to evolve is to fight in the air?

After the last fight with the giant beast, I felt that the light in the sky was much stronger.

However, this kind of light is in the minority, and most of it is residual without the possibility of advancement.

"Yes, senior!"

My dream and Fujimiya looked solemn.

The destruction of civilization was something neither of them could accept just thinking about it.

"Good! Very energetic!"

"To be honest, senior, I am also a special fighting instructor of the Kingdom of Light!"

Qing Hideki looked at the two people who were confidently facing the death training and nodded with satisfaction.

Just as Qing Hideki started the inhumane special training plan, the root-destroying body once again sent people to the earth to start reconnaissance activities.

First, let's see if we can break Ultraman's divinity on Earth.

The second is to explore the major key science and technology research cities on the earth.

Third, even if the entire army is annihilated, Ultraman will destroy both Agur and Gaia.

As for the golden giant that suddenly appeared, the root-destroying body planned to destroy it.

According to the analysis of highly intelligent tribesmen, the golden giant will leave the earth sooner or later.

Because the research institute was covered by Aohideki's power, the root cause of death lost all information about Fujinomiya and Kamu.

Little did they know that Gaia and Aguru had become the ultimate form under the painful special training during this period.

Fujimiya even contained the light of the ocean in his body, and the strength of the two of them far exceeded the level of the original work.

The Root Death Body judged through the biographies of characters on Earth that Ultraman would not become stronger as long as he did not give away experience.

This time came Angel Zog, who was spying on the site, and Zebubu, who was exploring Ultraman's location.

Zebubu turned into an honest person, and Zog turned into a gentle and friendly young lady.

They found out that the trio could predict the appearance of Ultraman every time, so they planned to join KCB.

Zog became Reiko's follower as a trainee reporter because of his affinity, while Zebubu replaced Lunwen who was transferred.

An honest man and a gentle and sweet young lady were quickly liked by the two of them.

Kenji and Reiko often take the two newcomers to shoot strange things and do street interviews.

"Suddenly there are no monsters anymore. I'm really uncomfortable."

Kenji braced himself and sighed lazily.

"Mr. Kenji, isn't peace good?"

Zebubu said with a confused look on his face.

This is the first time he has seen humans on Earth who wish for monsters to appear.

"That must be good, but it feels a bit unreal, and I have an unknown premonition in my heart."

Kenji sighed as he took the tea handed over by Zog.

"Sir, are you afraid that the root cause of destruction will appear again?"

Zog tilted his head and said.

Kenji rubbed Zog's head, which made Zebubu tremble in fear.

Glancing at Zog, who had a cute expression on his face, he explained.

"Peace can come so easily. The history of mankind is full of wars, not to mention this is a war of races. We have never even seen the root cause of death, and now we are talking about peace? Who dares to believe it..."

After watching Zog deep in thought, Zebubu took the camera and took a deep breath.
NND, humans on earth are really desperate.
"Don't worry, Ultraman will protect our Gaia, Agur and the Golden Giant! Agur will definitely save the earth."

Reiko said with firm eyes, she firmly believed that Aguru would save the earth.

"Aguru? Gaia?"

Zog looked at the increasingly darkening sky, his whole person smiling.

Except for the golden giant, Aguru and Gaia are just little Karami who can be solved with a little effort.

Lord Root, are you ready?
Zebubu felt a little excited and raised the camera to look at the sky, looking at Kenji with great disdain.

Ignorant mankind, usher in destruction!
Master Zog's head is not something you can touch!
(End of this chapter)

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