Chapter 68 Destroy the Poseidon!

Just as Kenji was about to say something, he subconsciously looked at the sky but was attracted by the strange sight that had just appeared.

"Lingzi, what on earth is that thing? Why do I feel like there are fish flying in the sky?"

The crowds around them were also attracted by this strange sight.

The originally clear sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds.

The dark clouds seem to be crushing the bottom line in people's hearts.

Moreover, strange flying fish creatures appear in the clouds, seemingly provoking a fight.

"Everyone, start reporting!"

Kenji discovered the abnormal situation and skillfully arranged it to work.

It has to be said that Zebubu's photography skills are quite superb, and even in this environment, the picture was clearly recorded on the camera.

Zog, on the other hand, helped Reiko put on makeup and waited aside.

"Thank you, Zog-chan."

Reiko took a deep breath, emboldened herself to pick up the microphone and start recording.

"Hello fellow citizens, this is KBC TV station. We are in the Yokohama area now. Just a moment ago, the sky was clear, but in the blink of an eye, there were dark clouds, and there seemed to be biological activity in the clouds. We do not rule out the resurrection of the root cause of death. .”

Unusual weather makes people who are often attacked very alert.

The attack from the root-caused death body had not come for several months. They did not lose their training foundation and entered the underground protective facilities with the help of GUARD ground troops.

"It turns out it's you"

Zog narrowed his beautiful eyes as he looked at the huge purple light pillar that suddenly appeared in the ocean.

Although she and she were both Generals of Destruction, this guy was more than a step behind her in strength.

Not long after, Kenji's guess was correct, and another strange change appeared in the sky.

Creatures that looked like fish were flying densely in the sky.

Kenji picked up the telescope and looked at the Destruction Flying Fish. After seeing it clearly, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

"I'm such a crow's mouth."

At this time, looking at the darkening sky all over the world, people in the shelter had a feeling of doomsday in their hearts.

"This is?"

In the training base, Fujimiya suddenly heard the call of the ocean in his mind.

"It's about to wake up!"

"Senior, you too"

Qing Xiushu had a solemn expression and nodded heavily.

The mysterious source of death, Angel Zog is definitely not the most powerful, but there are others who are similar to Zog.

That is the Poseidon of Destruction, the source that sleeps at the bottom of the sea.
As long as Qing Xiushu closes his eyes now, there will be green tadpole-like creatures reminding him in his mind.

It was like a huge sea monster making a terrifying roar in the depths of the sea, and there seemed to be some kind of light that was constantly flowing and being absorbed by it.

"Senior! Purple light pillars suddenly appeared in the ocean! There are also fish-shaped monsters!"

I hurriedly ran back from outside in my dream, and obviously noticed something unusual in the sky.
The Flying Fish of Destruction has a huge number of Poseidon relatives that can cover the whole world, but they are not as powerful as the relatives of the conch.

"The war has begun"

"You two go back."

"The future of mankind is in your hands."

Qing Hideki turned around and used teleportation. While moving, he transformed into a golden ball of light that dispelled the darkness and rushed towards the purple light beam.


Just when I dreamed of running out, Fujimiya grabbed me tightly.

"Fujimiya, what are you doing?"

"I dream, look carefully at the sky."

Fujimiya looked through the skylight with a stern expression as he watched the basketball-sized Demonic Destruction Insects follow the flying fish and wreak havoc in the sky.

Thanks to Linard's reminder and the purple beam of light, Qing Xiushu knew the location immediately.

The body instantly turned into a golden lightning, flying low over the sea level, reaching the Pacific Ocean and then plunged into the deep sea.

The origin-destroying sea god Gakuzomu is a monster that came to Earth in ancient times.

It has been lurking in the Mariana Trench at a depth of 8000 meters under the Pacific Ocean, taking away the light energy from Rinal's world to strengthen itself.

Mariana Trench.

The deeper he went, the more Qing Xiushu felt the richness of the darkness.
Gakuzom seems to be converting Rinal's light energy into dark energy.

In fact, his own strength does not seem to be very good. He is a general like Zog and has the title of "god".But at the beginning, he was almost beaten by Aguru alone, and his performance was really poor.

"Why is it an A+ grade monster?"

Qing Xiushu frowned and looked at the "Poseidon" who looked like he was sleeping.

It seems that he has to fuse with the Destruction Flying Fish to reach the same level as Zog. He can crush A+ level monsters with one hand.

Roar! !

Gakuzum let out a shocking roar when he found such a high-energy giant appearing in front of him.

With greed in his scarlet pupils, he directly recalled all the flying fish and merged with himself.

"Come on, giant!"

Under the sea, soft voices sounded, seemingly cheering for Qing Xiushu.

Roar! !

He looked at the giant not far in front of him, hugging his chest and looking at him.

Gakuzum was so shocked and furious that after absorbing all the flying fish, the entire beast reached the S- realm.

"The attack of destruction?"

Qing Hideki was slightly dazed in his heart, looking at Gakuzomu who had absorbed a small ray of light from him.

Is this Gakuzomu’s most powerful skill?
It is the same version of ability as the absorption and reflection ability of Blitzblotz, the bird-headed man with a heart, both absorbing and reflecting light skills.

He also knows this skill, but Gakuzoum's absorption limit is higher, and it can also increase the intensity of reflected light.

This is a bit powerful. In the end, Gakuzomu died from too much energy and was unable to reflect.

This is the advantage of Earth Olympus. If it were someone from the Kingdom of Light, they would probably be on the back burner.

"You seem very proud?"

Qing Hideki turned around and used his wrist armor to block the enhanced light and said lightly.

Immediately, the giant body rushed towards Gakuzomu, and directly hugged the thick-skinned Gakuzomu and pulled him away from the bottom of the sea.

Even in the sea, the golden giant's ocean ability even surpasses that of Gakuzomu, who has been living here for hundreds of years.

The golden giant's eyes glowed golden, and he quickly formed a huge golden beam of light in his hand, which struck Gakuzum who was still planning to attack.

【Absolute Destruction】

The Poseidon's Rain attack it launched did not leave even a trace on Qing Xiushu's body.

The huge light directly exceeded the upper limit of Poseidon's absorption. In the end, Poseidon was turned into living particles to nourish the ocean.

When Qing Hideki got the materials and was about to leave, he was blocked by a group of glowing little guys.

The strange and glowing beings were shining brightly around the golden giant.

"You are."

Qing Xiushu felt the message of gratitude conveyed by the living body, and suddenly remembered what it was.

Is this Rinal's life?

An existence similar to light
"Thank you, great golden giant."

"This is our reward for you"

As he spoke, thousands of little beings walked up to Qing Xiushu carrying a glowing light.
"This is?"

Qing Xiushu felt this strange light and immediately became interested.

The very strange light seemed to be somewhere between AS, giving Qing Hideki the feeling a bit like a temporary ineffective stimulant.

This is probably what made Gaia Yume and Fujimiya stand up again in Gaia OV. When they stood up, they could also strengthen Gaia and Agur.

"no need"

"In the future, Gaoshan Wo Meng will lose the light of the earth."

"You have to help them get the light of the Earth again."

After Qing Xiushu left, a bulging red ball appeared in the ocean and swayed.

"(╬◣д◢), the light in the sky still can't satisfy you..."

The floating light creatures around her circled the red ball and screamed, as if to comfort her.

"Okay, okay. I'll try to rub another one out..."

"You should also take a good rest."

Red Ball was slightly concerned about the special life living in Linal.

 The chapter name is wrong, thank you for your support (T_T)
(End of this chapter)

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