Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 69 The time of despair!let's go!Jetton!

Chapter 69 The time of despair!let's go!Jetton!

"That is?"

"Commander, the purple beam of light has disappeared!"

"There are no more weird fish, just basketball-sized bugs flying in the sky."

At Geo Base, everyone turned their eyes from the intense meeting to the window.

At this time, all the skies on the earth are covered with dark clouds and the light is extremely dim.

Reiko, Kenji and some other people used their courage to rescue those who didn't escape.

"Are you OK?"

"Come, follow me"

The death-seeking duo Kenji carries a camera and runs around the streets with Reiko.

"Reiko! Mr. Kenji!"

Lunwen waved his hands to the crowd at the side and rushed over to take the camera.

"Lunwen, you are back!"

Kenji also looked happy.

"Of course, it's time for the three of us to appear!"

"By the way, where are the two newcomers?"

Lun Wen looked around and saw no sign of the newcomer.

"I don't know, maybe I ran away because I was afraid."

Kenji shook his head. He didn't see anyone just now.

At this moment, demonic insects the size of basketballs were raging crazily in the sky, and they were so densely packed together that it was terrifying.


"The monster is coming! Run!"

People who dared to come out on the streets began to fall into a state of fear.

"Oops! Let's go!"

Lun Wen held the camera and after zooming in, he finally saw densely packed biological prototypes. Weird creatures that looked a bit like locusts and bats were attacking people crazily.

"There is unfortunate news that the GUARD Australian troops have been wiped out. GUARD combat troops in various countries are on the verge of collapse. The situation is out of control!"

"Such a large-scale attack. Is it going to be a full-scale attack?"

Staff Officer Chiba's face was extremely heavy as he looked at the information on the dissected creature and his heart felt cold.

If this bug alone has some of the root characteristics, if not managed, all human urban creations will be destroyed.


"The coordinates of the source of the occurrence have been determined!"

I dreamed of returning to the command room, and my fingers were operating the computer like a phantom.

"It spread all over the world from the main wormhole in Tokyo!"

"And the wormhole behind it is still expanding rapidly!"

Watching Kajio and Captain Daocheng go out, Gamu couldn't help but speak.

"Captain Kajio, you must come back alive!"

On the fighter plane, Kajio put on his helmet and was stunned when he heard what I said in my dream.

Then Kajio took a deep breath and squeezed the joystick with firm eyes. He was a qualified soldier and had long expected this day.

"Don't worry, I will definitely win this battle beautifully!"

Everyone in the command room was silent after hearing this.

"Kajio, he is ready to wake up."

On the coast outside, Hiiragi looked at the fighter planes rushing towards the insect swarm and took off his gloves before saluting a military salute.

Underground hangar.

I dreamed about the tragedy caused by the demonic insects, my hands trembled slightly, and my mind was racing with thoughts.

Can I really save the planet?
"I'm dreaming! What are you thinking about?"

Fujimiya appeared instantly and handed me a hamburger.

I looked serious and shook my head.

"I'm not in the mood to eat right now."

"Eat, it will be troublesome if you get hungry at a critical time."

Fujimiya told me Mengdao with a calm face.

"Fujimiya, do you think we can win?"

"Believe in yourself and the power of Gaia. Human potential is endless."

Hearing my dream's lack of confidence, Fujimiya patted my dream's shoulder heavily.

"You'll go clean up the locusts later, and I'll find the right time to see what's inside the wormhole."

"Also, regarding the crisis under the sea, Agururu told me that it had been eliminated by seniors."

I dreamed of taking two steps forward.

"Fujimiya. Am I too weak?"

"I dream of believing in myself, and I also need an answer."

Fujimiya looked at my puzzled expression and explained.

"What is the real light of the ocean? I also need an answer now." "With the addition of our seniors, there is nothing we can't overcome."

Fujimiya touches the light of Agur in his heart
someone is coming
Fujimiya’s figure disappeared next to my dream.

Atsuko's footsteps made a clicking sound as she walked toward my dream.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why did you hide it from everyone?"

"Atsuko, I'm sorry, I'm not very good at saying goodbye..." I dreamed of opening my mouth.

"At least, I dream that you should tell everyone that I'm leaving."

Atsuko's eyes were red and she choked with sobs.

"I can't do anything except tell my dream that you must work hard."


I dreamed of looking at Atsuko who was worried and sad.

In an instant, he grew up a lot, as if he understood why Fujimiya worked so hard.
Is this growth?

Then Gamu turned around and walked towards where Fujimiya was.

"Have you had a good farewell?"

"Maybe it's the last time!"

Fujimiya said coolly while leaning against the corner wall.

"Well, let's go! Fujimiya!"

I dreamed with firm eyes.

"We will protect the earth!"

At this time, it was already in chaos, because of the attack of the Demonic Destroyer Insects, all the people were hiding in safe places and praying.

"Now a piece of news, Ultraman Gaia and Ultraman Agur are already fighting monsters."

"We have to believe in Ultraman!"

Just after Liao had just solved a monster composed of countless bugs, several more monsters quickly landed on the ground and roared.

Destroy the Demonic Insect-Caesar Sibbed!
Destruction bugs can have many different sub-bodies
"Fujimiya, what is this?"

"Do you want to activate the final form?"

"No, don't rush!"

Fujimiya directly stopped my dream.

Er'ao, who has gone through special training, can defeat ordinary A-level monsters like Gossamer even in combat.

At this time, inside the super large space wormhole.

Zebub and Blitzblotz were chatting happily.

"Fortunately, Lord Poseidon bought time for us!"

"It's just missing the can-eating monster."

"This time, I'm waiting at the front and I'm invincible!"

Behind them are Mimos, Mezad's ultimate form, the Great Universe Demon Basiku, and Mochian, as well as Gobs and Bazis who finally produced nearly a thousand heads in batches to consume arcane. A monster with Terman's strength.

"what is that?"

On the rooftop, Lunwen nervously increased the focus and looked at the light reflected in the super-large wormhole. He saw the ferocious faces of thousands of monsters and vague roars.

"It's over, the end of mankind has come!"

Many people who had just been inspired by Gaia and Aguru immediately fell to their knees on the ground.

"Is this the end?"

"Is this the true strength of the root?"

Through the broadcast scenes, the command point in the stone room has given up cigarettes for many years.

Looking at the terrifying scene in the wormhole with trembling eyes.

"Fujimiya, don't go."

I dreamed of grabbing Fujimiya who was about to rush to fight in the wormhole.

At this moment, a white light shone across the world, and a huge intellectual beauty appeared on the earth.

127 meters far exceeds Ultraman's height, and white holy light shines all around.

The whole world seemed to know her name.

angel zog
"How do you fight this?"

Fujimiya's eyes tightened. He could touch this angel by turning on V3, but he only had 1 minute.
Can he beat it?

At this time, under the despair of mankind, Gaia and Aguru were helpless.

A magnetic sound sounded in the night sky!

"It's up to you!"

"Go! Zeton larvae!"

Appeared with sound and translucent golden light.

A super monster over 200 meters in size appeared in the wormhole space.

The orange crystals on the super monster's huge body make a sound that makes all monsters tremble.


(End of this chapter)

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