Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 70 Suppress the angels and make your own chapter!

Chapter 70 Suppress the angels and be yourself!
Under the lightning and thunder, the monster once again transformed into a demonic insect and covered the sky again, bringing a deep sense of uneasiness to people.

At this time, the monsters on the earth also began to fight bravely. The powerful monsters represented by the four holy beasts began to clean up the demonic insects in the sky.

"Those are underground monsters! They actually came out to help us!"

When people saw the monsters on the TV that the earth's monsters also came out to help fight against the source of death, they felt a little more angry in their hearts.

"Go! Come on!"

"We must defeat those bastards!"

"It's useless, Gaia and Aguru can't beat it!"

At Geo Base, the stone room looked at the monster battlefield and took a puff of cigarette to calm down.

Back to Aguru and Gaia who were frightened by the angels
"I see."

"Can demonic insects alone destroy humans?"

"Just a tiny bit that can block the sunlight will cause humankind to perish."

Commander Shishi looked grave.

He's figured out why the line wasn't cut
I'm afraid those groups of root-destroying bodies want humans to watch Ultraman be defeated with their own eyes.

That's why the line was never cut off.

Do you want to bring mankind to complete despair? You are so vicious!


"Is there no solution?"

Kajio and Yoneda looked at each other and said in unison.

"I'm afraid not. The technologies we are most proud of are..."

"These demonic insects cover more than just the sky."

"And the dreams and hopes in people's hearts!"

Staff Officer Chiba looked at the picture on the TV and said with deep eyes.

"what is that?"

"Someone is flying a fighter plane out!"

With an exclamation, Commander Shishi looked at the EX fighter that maneuvered at super high speed to avoid the demonic insects and headed for Zog's location.

Kajio and Yoneda looked at each other after fist bumping on the EX fighter plane.

This is the last strength of mankind...
Whether it's the Earth or Ultraman, it's up to us to save them!

At this time, Lunwen looked at the angel's pure face and fell into deep thought.

"so big."

"It's so beautiful, I feel a sense of closeness."

Lun Wen's eyes were blurred as he looked at the angel, who was all white and flawless under the huge light, and there seemed to be thousands of lights behind him, as if he were like a god.

"Is this Zog?"

"Fujimiya, be careful."

Aguru and Gaia looked up at the angel who was exuding divine radiance. Their bodies, which were already slightly exhausted, had actually recovered completely.

"Lunwen, I have an unknown premonition."

Kenji looked at the extremely beautiful angel and fell into deep vigilance.

According to his experience, the more beautiful something is, the more toxic it is.
"It's okay, I'm only responsible for shooting."

Lun Wen smiled and captured all the giant goddesses that appeared in the image.

It's so beautiful.
At this time, golden light suddenly appeared in the super large wormhole.

Beside him, Jayton was firing countless dark fireballs to harvest the lives of these ordinary monsters.

Zebub and Blitzblotz, who were hiding at the end, looked at the huge Zeton larvae in front of them with wary expressions.

“Where did the earth come from such terrifying monsters?”

"It's not sent by Master Gengen at all!!"

"It feels like it's not much worse than Lord Angel."

Seeing Jayton releasing A+ grade dark fireballs like Gatling, the two of them were filled with fear.

Only a few of their high-end combat powers can barely dodge.

"Where are you going?"

Zebub and Blitzblotz wanted to turn around and run towards the back of the wormhole, but were stopped by the huge golden light and shadow that appeared out of thin air.

"You are you?"

Zebubu seemed to have remembered something, and looked at the giant figure blocking his steps with a look of fear.

I saw the golden giant posing in a cosmic boxing fighting style, with one hand holding Zebubu's dog head as his figure flickered.

After a few more consecutive whip kicks, Zebubu was killed in a sudden explosion.

"Let me go!"

"I was forced!"

Birdman Blitzblotz immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed crazily.

Before he could finish speaking, Blitzblotz's eyes were flooded by golden light, and the entire beast turned into material and flew into the star of light.

"Next, it's you."

Qing Xiushu looked at Moqian's huge body, and the energy in his hands gathered together. [Cosmic Beast Fist-Dragon]

A thousand-meter-long red-gold dragon roared in the wormhole and swallowed Moqian whole.

"This time it's really a bumper harvest."

Qing Hideki looked at the Gobu who formed the monster alliance and were still being killed by Jayton Gaga.

It is worth mentioning that those killed by pets can also be used as materials.
Of course, apart from feeding Jayden, there is nothing special about this low-level material.

"Xiao Dun, leave this to you."

"You fight here, and I'll come back as soon as I go."

Looking at Jayden who was killing randomly, Qing Xiushu nodded secretly.

It has to be the space dinosaur Zeton, the other monsters are just rotten fish.


As if to reassure Qing Hideki, Jayton roared happily.

ground battlefield
Reiko, who noticed the strange situation of Angel Zog, quickly reminded him in the studio.

"No, it's dangerous!"

I saw a blue halo appearing all over Aguru's body, and his whole body began to be tempted by some kind of angel's power.

His body moved towards Angel Zog uncontrollably, as if praying for the angel's mercy.

"Fujimiya, hold on!"

"She is the enemy."

Gaia, who was not tempted, pulled Aguru, but it also made Aguru wake up instantly.

"Be careful, this monster has the ability to confuse!"

Fujimiya suddenly woke up and looked at the angel Zog who exuded a strange aura.


Zog glanced at Fujimiya, who was recovering quickly, with a surprised look on his face. He raised his hand and fired two rounds of bullets.

The light from that planet before was not that powerful.

Aguru and Gaia were violently knocked away by the wave bullets, their bodies bent like lobsters.

With the explosion of buildings one after another, the two Austrians divided the city into two new streets.

"I dreamed, are you okay?"

"The gap is a bit big."

Fujimiya, who just felt a little hot all over, looked at Gaomeng who was lying on the ground with concern. Gaomeng's defense was not at the same level as his.


"do not go!"

I Meng raised his head and watched Fujimiya, who was fighting at close quarters, being beaten back by light skills.

In the blink of an eye, Aguru was manipulated wantonly by Zog's finger light.

Is this the combat effectiveness in the field that the seniors mentioned?

The gap is so big

Huh! !

Gaia ran wildly and tried to save Fujimiya immediately.

Apparently the angel had noticed my dream thoughts, and a strange smile appeared on his lips, and the wave of bullets condensed on his hands again.

The super strong shock wave directly hit Gaia's body, and the explosion of surrounding buildings knocked Gaia away!

Gaia roared in pain on the TV, like an ant being played with.


"How to do?"

In front of the television, the audience fell into despair.

Everyone watched with their own eyes as Angel Zog used his telekinesis to play with Gaia and Agul.

At this moment, Angel Zog's back was suddenly attacked.

"That is?"

After being put down, Gamu looked at the speeding EX fighter with difficulty, and clearly saw Captain Kajio and Captain Yoneda!
In just a split second, the fighter plane was hit by Zog's eye beam and emitted billowing smoke.


"what is that?"

Before he could feel sad, visions appeared in the sky.

A giant dragon energy of several hundred meters appeared above the city.
Different from the huge vision of angels coming, people can hear the faint roar of dragons coming from the clouds.

Before anyone could react, the huge dragon-shaped energy roared and directly bombarded Angel Zog's body.

Zog's sharp screams reached almost everyone's minds.

"what happened?"

"what happened."

I saw a golden giant full of golden light, a cold face, and a powerful aura slowly descending from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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