Chapter 72 Return to Planet O-50
Planet O-50
top warrior
I don't know how many years have passed, but O-50 is still a planet with a harsh and desolate environment that refuses all life to survive here.

It is worth noting that the mountain environment at Warrior's Summit has become less harsh than before.

Without the test of the black heart circle arrangement, the Warrior's Peak seems to have become an ordinary mountain.

"The sky is still the same as before"

Wearing a windbreaker, Qing Xiushu glanced at the sky covered with dark clouds and walked past the Warrior's Summit Camp, which was already covered by yellow sand.

The gathering place comes because of the circle, and it also disappears because of the circle.
After the ring gave Kai the light, he went to other planets to continue fooling the honest people.

This gathering place filled with all kinds of cosmic beings because of the Warrior Summit is also gradually withering away.

Without the existence of legends, naturally this desolate planet would be abandoned.

"right here."

Qing Xiushu teleported to the platform of the Warrior's Summit. The Warrior's Summit, which was previously as difficult for him as climbing to the sky, can now be reached with just a thought.

Qing Xiushu was not surprised when he saw the mottled marks left on the ground.

The world has never been short of speculators.

Arriving at the cliff, Qing Xiushu squatted down and reached out to touch the symbol of the kingdom.
He may never forget the time he spent fighting at the top of the Warriors in order to embark on the path of evolution.

This is where evolution begins…

[Name: Qing Xiu Shu]

[Race: Ultimate Life Form]

[Life level: S]

[Evolution Material: None]

[Time travel: 0.5]

[Giant skills: Absolute light, absolute destruction light, destruction light ball, destruction field, final catastrophe, flame destruction light, reinforced barrier, energy conversion, Leo flying kick]

[Physical skills: Fantasy beast fist-dragon, cosmic boxing]

[Normal skills: high-speed movement, super jump, ultra telekinesis, telekinesis, teleportation, barrier, mimicry, blessing from the sky, blessing from the sea]

“I feel like ordinary materials are of no use anymore.”

"But it's also thanks to them."

Thinking of this, Qing Xiushu silently placed a stick of incense in the heart of Angel Zog.

Originally, he had no healing skills, but with energy conversion, he can convert it into light energy, which can be regarded as having a certain healing effect.

"But first find those two cheap brothers."

Qing Hideki locked Jakula's aura, then transformed into a golden ball of light and entered a state of time and space travel to the planet Ganon.

Planet Ganon is located in another universe and can be reached through the O-50 universe, and this planet has an extraordinary tree.

There is a towering tree on its planet that has triggered countless wars. It is a tree of life that is more than 300 meters tall.

Just like the plasma spark in the Kingdom of Light, everyone wants it.

In that universe, it is said that the Tree of Life is the tree of origin that brings life to the universe.

And it has the effect of promoting evolution, like an alternative spark tower without side effects.

Later, Jagula also embarked on the path of evolution with the help of a seed from the Tree of Life, but this price was unacceptable to ordinary people.

In the tunnel, Qing Hideki seemed to be able to see Kai and Jakura climbing to the top of the warriors, and then their collapse and Jakura's pain.

Gradually, the speed of time and space slowed down, and after Qing Xiushu passed through the golden vortex, a huge life planet appeared in his field of vision.


Thousands of years passed.

In addition to Jia Gula's search for Qing Hideki and his own meaning, Kai was also assigned a mission by the Black Heart Circle.

Ever since he left behind the legend of receiving light in O-50, Ao Hideki has never been active in the universe again.

However, the original trajectory of the two is still running, and the cause and effect and fetters have made the two unable to separate.

The early days of Orb's birth
There is a monster with a social structure similar to ants active in the universe. It looks like a fly, but it keeps destroying civilized countries in the universe.

This monster has red eyes, sickle-like arms, and wings on its back. It is called a cosmic demon that controls darkness and destruction.


This kind of monster can be big or small, and it is hard to guard against at 2-50 meters.

And the number is extremely large, and is produced and commanded by Queen Kuin of their race.

The terrifying monsters cooperated with the command and crushed one civilization after another.Finally, he focused on the tree of life, the most precious treasure of planet Ganon, and started planning.

The most important thing is that this monster is also powerfully poisonous. It can puppet and control creatures injected with poison. It is a very strange monster.

On Planet Ganon, the golden light shone, revealing the figure of Qing Xiu Shu, standing on the hillside behind Jagula.

"Long time no see, Jagula."

"I wonder if you can listen to my warning this time..."

Qing Xiushu looked up at the Tree of Life, which contained a huge mysterious energy.

But he seemed to have arrived just in time. Queen Silly Baitian transformed into Amaterasu God of War and ran to negotiate, but was tricked by Queen Kuin and turned into a puppet.

Several Ultra Warriors rushed forward to stop the female giant who was controlled by the puppet.
Really incompetent.
If you can't control your own power, you don't even have a high will to fight.

Not only was he an unqualified king, he also failed to become a qualified warrior.

If it weren't for this group of Ultraman, it would have been destroyed long ago.

"Has Kai turned into Orb?"

Grade A.
Ao Hideki looked at the powerful energy in Kai's body on the battlefield and looked sideways. Sure enough, it was Kai + light that made Uub.

As for the Ultraman Agur, Gaia, Gauss and others who were criticized in the original movie, Ao Hideki has some guesses.

"Perhaps, it's Ultraman from a different parallel world."

"After all, not everyone is active in various multidimensional worlds like Tiga, and like Noah, he throws away his transformers and powers everywhere."

Only this explanation is slightly more reasonable.
Sure enough, he still wasn't too interested in the righteous Ultra Warriors.

I don’t know why, it’s the same in Tiga and Gaia.

He prefers the type who are talented but extremely hard-working. Maybe brainless and hot-blooded are not his cup of tea.

After all, the main theme of the universe is not a utopia.
"Only the seeds of the Tree of Life can break the poison of the puppet!"

Under the Tree of Life, Jagoula and his four disciples broke through the pursuit of the small Balisib and threw the Snake Heart Sword hard towards the place where the fruit was.

The long sword turned into a blade of light, and a seed was cut out under the light, which Jagula jumped up to catch.

"Kai, put your seed into the queen's body!"


On the hill next to the Tree of Life, Jakula called Kai to throw the seeds of the Tree of Life into the battlefield.

Hearing his friend's call, Kai reacted and turned his seeds into sword-like light into the Queen's eyebrows.

"it is good!"

Seeing the queen regaining her composure, Jiagu La felt happy and shared happily with his female apprentice Yu Yan.

"We made it!"

"You are indeed my master!"

At this moment, a Baalzebub attacked Yuyan, and Yuyan hurriedly responded to the enemy.

Jakula's pupils widened when he saw this scene.

You can't beat it. Yuyan!Run!
"No! No, Yuyan!"

Time gradually stopped, and the sword was placed on Baalzebub's neck but never struck again.

The female apprentice Yu Yan looked at her abdomen in disbelief, feeling that her life was passing by.
how come.
I still haven’t followed Master
"how so."

Jakula witnessed his apprentice falling to the ground, grabbing his hair in pain, and roaring angrily.



strength!I want strength!
"Your swordsmanship is so good. What style is it? Can you teach me?"

"Master, you seem to be feeling sad in your heart. Who betrayed you?"

The female apprentice's voice seemed to still be ringing in Jagula's mind.

After taking a look at his apprentice's body, Jagula looked extremely calm.

Wielding the Serpent Heart Sword, he vented his anger on the surrounding Baalzebub.

"Give me death!!!"

After killing four or five enemies, Jagula held his sword while panting, remembering what happened on the planet O-50.

Brother Xiushu, is this what you were talking about at that time?
strength!Give me more strength!
As long as you have power, none of this will happen! !
Brother Xiushu, I completely understand what you mean!
(End of this chapter)

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