Chapter 73 Demon, Jagula

Qing Xiushu looked at the energy in Jakula's body that was rapidly expanding as he was killing Balisib.

There seems to be a powerful force awakening under the will that is on the verge of reaching its limit.

Demon form, potential is pretty good
The life seeds that Jakura once swallowed finally took effect. Under these extreme conditions, Jakura started the path of evolution.

"Jagula, don't worry, I'll be here soon."

Ao Hideki watched Jakura transforming into dark energy from his demon form and nodded slowly.

Very good. It has a C+ level combat power from the beginning. It is not a problem to reach B level in an instant.

But I accepted this tree.
It would be a disaster to leave it to you. It would be nice to occasionally improve Jayden’s food, or use it as an exchange.

It can be considered a path of evolution.
After all, it's not much different from something that can reach the sky in one step.

Unless he is his own body like Kai, the temporary light of Tiga or Noah cannot compare to the seed of life.

After all, one is normal and the other is temporary. In the long run, this is still a good deal.
Don't be afraid, your good brother will support you right now, Jagula
So be bold and make a fuss!
"This group of Ultra warriors are not as sensible as the Ultra warriors from the Kingdom of Light."

Qing Xiushu looked at the fighting Zhongao and slowly shook his head.
Is it really parallel time and space?
"Hey! Is this tree the treasure that is fought for in this war?"

Jagula looked up at the towering tree, his eyes full of hatred.
that's it……

The captain of the Guards looked at the Tree of Life and replied.

"It is the center of this planet and the spiritual pillar of the people!"

"Haha, in my case it is a devil tree." Jagula said in an indifferent tone, "All these sacrifices and disasters are caused by this tree, right?"

"What do you want to do?"

"As long as there is no such tree, the war will end and no one will die! I will end this war!"


Jakula let out an angry roar and flew into the sky with his knife.

Queen Amaterasu was slashed away by Jakura, and then swung a huge light blade to chop down the Tree of Life.

"Hurry up and grab the fruit!"

Dr. Genius ordered Baalzebub to quickly seize the fruits and seeds.

"everything is over."

"That is?"

Jakura's eyes widened.

I saw the sudden appearance of substantial golden telepathy and snatched away all the fruits and seeds.

Queen Amaterasu's rays destroyed nothing more than a bare tree trunk.

The tree of life was completely destroyed along with its roots.

On the back of the hillside, Qingxiu tree looked at hundreds of fruits and felt happy
Sure enough, when you are powerful, everything is easy to plan.
Next, the seeds of the Tree of Life will be resurrected on earth, right?

It was time to talk to Jakura. Qing Hideki put away his harvest and looked at the battlefield that was over.

On the nearby plain, the Ultra Warrior who had released his transformation looked at Jakula.

"Haha, is that your justice?"

Musashi and Asuka walked side by side and questioned Jakura.

"I, Jagula, protect this planet!"

Facing the question, Jagoura said with a proud expression.

"It doesn't mean you can do whatever you want with power!"

"and many more!"

Looking at the alienated eyes of everyone, Jia Gula felt cold and said with a stiff expression.

"Do you regard me as your enemy? I have also climbed to the top of the Warrior Summit and am qualified to become a Warrior of Light."

"But this is not how the Warrior of Light fights, Jagula."

"You know this very well, right?"

Asuka and Musashi accused.

Jagula looked at the soldiers surrounding him with an angry expression.

"I saved you and this planet. Do you know how many people died because of this tree? The so-called queen is ridiculous. Protecting it is indirectly killing lives!"

"Haha, I won't let you go if you chop the queen without saying this."

The soldiers surrounding him sneered.

Musashi and Asuka proudly prepared to say something, but were interrupted by a mysterious voice.

"I'm sorry, but with power you can do whatever you want."

"You Ultra Warriors."

A majestic force of thought pressed Gauss and Feiniao to the ground, and they immediately fell to the ground.

"That is?"

Jakula looked at the mysterious man standing on the top of the mountain and moved around everyone in an instant.

Parallel Musashi and Asuka looked at the strange and powerful mysterious man and took out the transformers with difficulty.

As soon as his whole body shone with light, he was kicked to pieces by a man and transformed.

"Damn it, who are you?"

Musashi, who couldn't get up, looked at Qing Hideki's back fiercely.

"I'm giving you a warning. If you do this again, don't let me take away your light."

Ao Hideki sensed the hatred of Musashi in the parallel world, and his S-class aura emitted. "Musashi, don't act rashly!"

Musashi, who felt the threat of death, did not dare to speak, and Gauss in his body quickly reminded him
"Jagula, you have grown a lot."

Seeing that Musashi and Asuka didn't dare to yell blindly, Ao Hideki turned his attention to Jakura.

"Is it you? Brother Xiu Shu!"

Jagula's face was trembling, and he looked at the man in the trench coat in front of him in disbelief.

He is still the same, without any change.

And, so strong.
"It's me, long time no see Jagula."

Ao Hideki said quite gently, Jakura is the most sensible one in O-50.
Even now, he has already understood the main tone of the universe.

"Let's go, Jakura."

Qing Xiushu swept his windbreaker and invited.

Kai on the side opened his mouth but couldn't say anything.

"Kay, you disappoint me."

Qing Hideki looked at Kai who seemed to be fascinated by the queen.

I didn’t expect that Kai would still look like that after a thousand years.
In the final analysis, whether or not to cut down the tree does not matter, but is the solution.

Whether in Tiga or Gaia, giants and humans fight side by side.

Just rely on giants to repel outsiders again and again. How can you protect yourself without improving yourself?
If you are weak, you should not hide too precious things, otherwise you will only be destroyed.
As long as the Tree of Life remains, the death of this planet will never stop.

Although Jagula's method is very one-sided, it also solves the problem.

As long as the Tree of Life exists, humans on this planet will only stand still and will eventually be destroyed by some powerful creature.

Qing Hideki took Jakura and teleported to a hillside somewhere on the planet.
"Have I not grown?"

Kai looked at his hands and felt lost for some reason.
"Is that Yu Yan?"

"Brother Xiushu, did you save her?"

Jakula looked at his apprentice lying on the grass nearby and quickly ran over to check the situation.

Feeling Yu Yan's life breath, Jia Gula smiled happily.

"Well, I fed her a fruit."

Qing Hideki looked at the big boy Jakura gently, and he no longer looked as arrogant as before in front of him.

Jagula's fighting ability is very strong, not ordinary.

At least not weaker than ordinary members of the Ultra Guard.

He didn't know what unimaginable training he had gone through in these years that he hadn't gained any brilliance.

"Brother Xiushu, am I wrong in my thinking?"

Jagula finally couldn't keep calm and looked at Qing Xiu Shu's figure with red eyes.

"It seems you haven't forgotten what I told you back then."

"Wrong? Why is it wrong? In this weak universe, it is always original sin."

"What's wrong with pursuing strength?"

"Even if you don't cut down the tree, there will be endless war."

"I've seen the destruction of civilizations, and the catastrophe is unspeakable."

Jakura calmed down a little and looked at Qing Hideki with questioning eyes.

"What am I supposed to do?"

"There is only one reason."

"That's just not strong enough!"

"That's getting stronger! Getting stronger and stronger! It doesn't matter whether it's light or dark, as long as you keep your original intention, it doesn't matter at all!"

"Becoming a Warrior of Light is not necessarily the only solution..."

"this is for you."

Qing Xiu Shu raised his hand and handed over twenty seeds and fruits to Jia Gula.

"Brother Xiushu, this is..."

Jakula was stunned when he looked at the fruit. It turned out that Brother Xiushu had just taken it away.
"Take it, take your apprentice and become stronger together!"

"I believe you also know the reality of the universe. All you can do is become stronger."

"Don't you also want to protect those people? How can you do it without power?"

Then, under Jakula's watch, Qing Xiushu transformed into a golden giant and stepped into the wormhole.

"Brother Xiu Shu"

Jagula's face gradually became firmer, and he felt furious as he looked at the fruit in his hand.

Brother Xiushu turned out that he really didn't get the light of the warrior's peak.

I want to get stronger too!
"Yuyan! Let's go!"

"Master, where are you going?"

Looking at Yu Yan who hugged him tightly, Jia Gula showed a smile and said loudly.

"Practice and become stronger!"

(End of this chapter)

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