Chapter 77

The boss’ pupils shrank when he saw my dream, and he quickly looked back and forth between the poster on the wall and my dream.

Finally, he got so excited that he took out the Sapphire Cone and shouted, which even scared me.

"this is"

I Meng shrank back and looked at Qing Xiushu.

"I dream, let's talk somewhere else."

Qing Xiushu nodded, glanced at the boss indifferently, and then prepared to leave with my dream.
He is the predecessor of Ultraman Gaia
Hard to do.
"What the hell did I just do."

Putting down Gaia's transformer, the boss showed a mask of pain and pulled his hair hard with his fingers.

"It's really my dream"

"Everyone, look."

Three children came to the toy store, and the little boy in the lead looked at Wo Meng with an excited face.

"My name is Xinxing Mian. I called you here."

Xinxing Mian, who looked at me and wanted to run away again, said quickly.

"Is it you who called me here?"

I paused in my footsteps and fell into deep thought for a while.

Xinxing reluctantly asked the little boy with glasses to look outside. When no one answered, he turned around and said.

"My dream, let me take you away..."

Xinxing reluctantly waved his hand and motioned for Wo Meng to follow.

The remaining little girl carrying a red schoolbag is Xinxing Mian's perfect match.

The girl's smooth long hair was tied with a red bow, wearing a black top and suspender skirt, and she looked at Qing Hideki with clear eyes.

Obviously, the girl has no intention of concealing her identity
Is Nanase Risa the incarnation of the red ball?
The two followed the extremely happy primary school students to another place.

"That's it, a magical item that can make wishes come true."

After listening to Xiao Mian's explanation, I suddenly realized that for him who could develop a shuttle, his ability to accept it would be maxed out.

"Is it because of this wish that I got here?"

I dreamed and turned my head to look at Qing Xiushu.

"I was brought here by Red Ball himself."

Looking at my dream's questioning eyes, Qing Xiushu said calmly.

"No wonder the senior suddenly disappeared a few years ago. So that's what happened."

"Senior is indeed a good person..."

My dream looked like it suddenly dawned on me.

"My dream may be a little different from what you imagined."

Looking at my dream, which seemed to understand something, Qing Xiushu couldn't say anything.

But this reaction also means that this dream I fought with Qing Hideki.

"Where's the red ball?"

Qing Xiushu turned his eyes and looked at Xiao Mian who looked happy.

"there is none left"

"Snatched by the street kid Xiaohao and the others."

Xiao Mian shrank his neck, not daring to look at Qing Xiushu, and hid behind my dream.

"They are the three favorite bullies in school."

"Well, senior, don't scare him."

I said dreamily.

Then Qing Hideki looked at the incarnation of the red ball and saw the little girl helplessly shaking her hand.
"Senior? Xiao Mian, this terrifying uncle is actually my senior Meng."

The kid with glasses adjusted his glasses and said with a surprised look on his face.

"Really? Who called me here."

"Will uncle also be Ultraman? I'm really looking forward to it."


While several people were talking, something strange happened, strange dark clouds appeared in the sky, and a space-time energy covered an area.

A monster that looks like Squint appears on the dock with dark lightning.

At this time, on the dock, Xiao Hao was looking at the huge monster with joy on his face.
Even though he had just mocked Xiao Mian, his mouth was as fast as he was delivering an acceptance speech, uncontrollably speaking out the monster's data.

"Giant monster Satan Bizo, weighing [-] tons"

"Why would a monster appear?"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the monster, Xiao Mian staggered back a few steps.
"It must be Xiaohao who did it"

"Come on!"

I dream of running away with little children.

"My dream, no need to run away"

Qing Xiushu waved them to stop
"That's true, senior, you are here."

I suddenly remembered something in my dream.

Yes, what are you afraid of when there are seniors there?
At this time, Satan Bizo waved his huge claws and directly destroyed the towering exhaust building.

The yellow crystal in the middle seemed to be infected by some mysterious force, instantly turning into a black form and emitting powerful Bis light.

The blackened Satan Bizo uses light to destroy various buildings, seemingly announcing his arrival to the world. "Gaia!!"

I couldn't wait any longer, so I transformed into Gaia and rushed forward to fight with the monster.

The giant alien beast Satan Bizo is a character in the middle to late stage of Gaia TV.

It is an ordinary A-level monster, with the ability to light and a pair of sharp claws that can cut iron like mud.

In the original Gaia plot, he was defeated by Gaia V2.
In the previous time and space, he was swallowed up by Jayden as fodder.
Now, after merging with darkness, it might become an A+-level monster.


"Did-dong, beep-dong."

Being repulsed, I just wanted to transform into V2 and have a good fight with this guy.

When he lowered his head, he found that the light on his chest was flashing rapidly.

Am I not the light of the earth?
The earth clearly responded to my transformation.
"Sure enough."

Qing Hideki adjusted his non-existent glasses.

Ordinary light has limitations in the universe. If the light of the earth is separated from the original universe and on the earth where the light of the earth does not exist, its combat capability and battery life will shrink rapidly.

Even a warrior with powerful energy like Zero will be greatly restricted after crossing different universes in Super Galaxy 2.

The only thing that is not limited is some alternative existences, such as some dark existences or Absolut.
At least so far, Qing Xiushu has not found himself acclimatized.


Qing Hideki's figure quickly grew in size and turned into a golden ball of light that directly flew away the monster that was beating Gaia.

"That's the new Ultraman!!"

Seeing the golden giant appear, the boy with glasses looked at Xiao Mian excitedly.

"It turns out that the scary uncle is too."


Seeing Qing Xiushu's movements, Xiao Mian's eyes suddenly shone with light.
After Qing Xiushu landed, he punched Satan Bizuo into the sky.

Then, he charged his legs in place, burning golden flames, and bombarded Satan Bizuo's abdomen, which was still trying to fight back, and a large amount of fire exploded.

As the flames burned, Satan Bizo turned into ashes and disappeared.

"Senior is still so strong"

I dreamed with emotion on my face.

I feel like my seniors just don’t have enough energy to get through.
“Psychic monster, not bad”

Qing Xiushu raised his hand and picked up the materials.

The reason why his ultra-psychic power is so powerful is that he has absorbed many monsters with spiritual attributes.

In order to suppress Asuka and Musashi just by relying on telekinesis...

"What a powerful force."

Seeing Ao Hideki's strength, Nanase Risa was slightly relieved.

Perhaps the destruction of this world can be successfully prevented.
"Let's go find the red ball quickly, otherwise those three little brats will summon some terrible existence."

“I feel like Gaia’s strength cannot be fully utilized.”

"Is it because it's not the same world?"

I dreamed of scratching my head a little distressed.

"Energy is one aspect, and there is another aspect. I don't know if you have discovered it or not."

Qing Xiushu reminded.

"Did he disappear?"

I dreamed that I could feel the fluctuations of time and space on my body, and looked at Qing Xiu Shu with a serious expression.

"Senior, we must find the red ball in advance."

"Naturally, the speed must be accelerated."

I hope that special photography enthusiast Xiao Hao will not summon something from Tiga
For example...Sphia and conch...

Although he really wants material
It would be troublesome if the world was destroyed.

Qing Xiushu teleported to the vicinity of Xiao Mian with my dream.
"The red ball will increase as its desire increases, and the things it summons will become more and more terrifying."

"Finally destroy this world completely."

"This monster is just the beginning."

"And what I dream you want to do is encourage Xiao Mian and let them overcome their inner fears."

Qing Xiushu looked at my dream with bright eyes

I Meng looked stunned and pointed at myself.

"Yes, it's you. They are your fans."

"Don't underestimate the power of idols."

"As for the monsters, leave them all to me."

Qing Hideki patted my dream on the shoulder and encouraged me.

"Okay, senior"

Looking at Qing Xiushu who regained his calm expression, I Meng gritted his teeth and nodded.

Senior will not lie to him...

Not to mention that the seniors must have saved a lot of worlds over the years.

Isn’t it just to restore children’s confidence?
(End of this chapter)

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