Chapter 78 The Legendary Man
"I've searched everywhere I can think of, but I can't find any trace of Xiaohao and the others."

"Just go find parks and arcades anyway."

Xiao Mian, a boy with glasses, ran around trying to find traces of the trio of street runners.
"I'm so tired, Xiao Mian!"

"Don't give up. This is my dream."

On the street, Xiao Mian gritted his teeth and kept running, not daring to relax for a moment.

The two of them have been bullied by the trio of street gangsters for a long time, and their timidity seems to have become a habit.

This made Xiao Mian feel very weak.
But he wants to act stronger in front of his idol Gamu and the unknown uncle.

"found it!"

"They went to the school."

After asking around, Xiao Mian and his companions finally found out the news from Ya Ren, so they quickly ran back to find Wo Meng.

"Senior, this is"

I dreamed that Nanase Risa was holding Ao Hideki's hand and was dumbfounded.

"I don't understand either"

Qing Hideki looked helpless as he looked at the spiritual incarnation of the red ball.

This red ball feels a bit strange.

If he remembered correctly, Hong Qiu seemed to be Yu Jieyin, right?
As if aware that Ao Hideki was looking at her, Nanase Risa raised her head and showed a sweet smile.

"Well done, little Mian!"

After hearing the news, I Meng gently patted the shoulders of the two children and encouraged them.


Xiao Mian happily scratched his hair after receiving the praise.

"Well, let's go then"

I Meng looked around suspiciously.

That feeling of disappearing is gone.

Just now, a strange power seemed to envelope him.

"What are you doing?"

"You can't even protect yourself, so you still want to keep my dream?"

Ao Hideki looked at Nanase Risa who turned pale with cold eyes.

During this period of in-depth contact with Qing Xiushu, he understood the nature of the red ball.

In fact, it is exactly the same as fixed, except for the program that has been set by the mysterious existence.

Her core is gentle, longing for light, and longing for someone to save her.

In other words, what destroyed the world before was all due to humans being unable to control their desires.
If there are special cases of people who have no desires or desires, it seems that the red ball can be used to benefit mankind.

Maybe the red ball will bring hope and change to people again.

"So it's like a double-edged sword."

But now the red ball has been stained with darkness
"Let's go, Xiao Mian"

"I'll stand behind you."

I Meng encouraged Xiao Mian and took his hand to go to school.

"Where's Risa?"

"I left early with that uncle."

The boy with glasses looked at Xiao Mian angrily
"That's it! Let's follow too!"

"Okay, I can't stand it anymore, Xiao Mian."

Looking at Xiao Mian who was still not confident, the boy with glasses curled his lips.


On the roof of the elementary school, Ao Hideki appeared holding Risa's hand.

You can see three street kids who have pinched the super monster King Oubmons and are running up to the roof with excitement.

Large dark clouds appeared in the sky, and terrifying lightning erupted from time to time, giving people a scene of impending doom.

If the previous squinting monster was A+, then the current Oubmons King is at least S-.

After being strengthened, it can reach S. After all, it is also a combined sea, land and air monster.

I feel like the combat power is not comparable to that of the Five Emperors.
"Red ball."

Risa pursed her lips when she saw the red ball in Xiao Hao's hand.

The red ball at this time is no longer as smooth as before. Now the red ball has become several times larger in size and has some protruding spines.

There is also a certain kind of dark and red flowing light that looks very strange.

At this time, the trio of Jieliuzi had succumbed to their desires, smiling ferociously as they tried to summon monsters.

Totally desire incarnate.

"Risa, are you here to stop me with this uncle?" Xiao Hao showed a strange smile, immersed in his own world.

"You don't understand the power of the red ball at all. What kind of handsome Ultraman? Only monsters are the most handsome beings. Only by destroying the world will no one dare to laugh at you for liking monsters! No one will call you naive!"

As he spoke, Xiao Hao's desire completely swelled, and the power of the red ball surged like a tide.

"Let everyone fall into the fear and love of monsters!!"

After the red ball absorbed the desire, it began to change again, and its power was greatly improved.

There seems to be a temptation field around it, and everyone in the field will be awakened by the desire of the red ball.

In Qing Xiushu's eyes, the red ball looked like some kind of evil god he had seen in his previous life, exuding various alluring auras after it had completely entered the stage of destruction.


Qing Xiushu looked at the little kids with a determined expression. He used his superb telekinesis to forcefully immobilize the little kids, and then he squeezed the red ball tightly in his palm.

The golden energy in his hand surged wildly, completely pulling out the dark aura.

Even the strong will that he is proud of has been affected to some extent, and those dusty dark memories are appearing crazily in front of Qing Hideki's eyes.

Under the power of the red ball, his consciousness seemed to have returned to his hometown.

Behind the dark palm that covered the sky and the sun, there was a huge figure whose outline could not be seen sitting on the throne.

Seems to be harvesting life wantonly

As if sensing some kind of peeping, the power of the mysterious existence instantly rushed to Qing Hideki's position.


Qing Hideki looked at the boundless darkness coming in, and his consciousness was horrified and he quickly returned to the red ball time and space.


Is that the mastermind behind this?

It’s really the fourth Olympic level
"buzz, buzz"

The red ball seemed to have absorbed Qing Xiushu's inner desire and continued to expand and grow, emitting a dazzling light.

"this is"

Xiao Hao finally woke up and looked at the surrounding environment with a horrified expression that seemed to be in the apocalypse.

"What the hell did I do?"

At this time, I Meng took Xiao Mian to the top of the building. Looking at Qing Xiushu's appearance, I Meng swallowed and tried.


"Is this the case for you too?"

Nanase Risa puffed up her cheeks looking at Ao Hideki's appearance.

At this time, it seems that there is some kind of giant thing in the sky that is about to wake up. The dark clouds are sealed, making it even more terrifying than before.
"I can fulfill any wish you have"

"A giant full of darkness"

The program formulated by Red Ball bewitched.

"Haha, you can't!"

Qing Xiushu responded indifferently, quickly retracted his thoughts, and the red ball quickly returned to its original shape.

"Come on, Risa, you take the red ball"

At this time, Nanase Risa, whose long hair was blown by the breeze, looked at Ao Hideki's determined face in disbelief.

It is obvious that the darkness and desire in this person are so strong.
Why can it resist the bewitchment of the red ball?
"Why are you."


Ao Hideki lowered his head and looked at Risa's face, which was not in line with the mature temperament of a little girl.

"You don't need to say it anymore, just remember the agreement between you and me."

Then Qing Hideki looked at the sky where lightning roared, his face serious and ready for battle.

"Worthy of being a senior"

I dreamed looking at the determined Qing Hideki and sighed.

Qing Xiushu's windbreaker was blown by the breeze, and the will in his whole body seemed to penetrate the stars.

He already knew the power of the red ball after just testing it.

Special SS level.
Because of its particularity, it can be called a multiverse level.

But if you want to defeat the power of the Fourth Austrian level,
The power of the red ball is really different.
It is simply incomparable to the Star of Light that can evolve stably.

"It was so"

"I'm not only carrying darkness, but also hope."

"Plus an extremely strong will"

Looking at Qing Xiushu's firm face, Risa couldn't help but smile.

Finally waiting for you
The legendary man of destiny
(End of this chapter)

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