Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 85 Awakening the Ultra Brothers

Chapter 85 Awakening the Ultra Brothers
"Go and help quickly?"

I dreamed that I couldn't bear to see Mebius being beaten so hard by King Ponton.

He is about to become the Shafulin Yantou captain of the Kingdom of Light that the seniors said.


Asuka and Dagu nodded, and were about to transform when Fujimiya stopped them.

"Fujimiya, what are you doing?"

"No, I'm enough on my own"

"Reserve all your strength to deal with emergencies!"

Fujimiya said calmly, and appeared in the city of Yokohama in the form of Agur in the blue light.

The wonderful sound of the ocean, the cold appearance of V2 Aguru, and the charming way of appearing on the stage attracted a wave of fans from the crowd who were not afraid of death.

"The new Ultraman! So handsome!"

"That's Aguru, you fake fan, do you know about Ultraman?"


Aguru helped Mebius up with a somersault, then turned around and looked at King Pontun indifferently.

"Thank you"

Membius thanked him.

"No, I'm telling you, no matter what kind of enemy you face, don't over-tempt yourself."

Aguru waved his arm, and a light blade with extremely powerful energy appeared.

Then the giant's body moved at high speed, turning into a meteor with countless light blades streaking across King Pangdun's body.

Within a few breaths, King Pang Dun exploded with blue scratches all over his body.

"Sure enough."

Fujimiya looked at the timer that hadn't turned on yet and felt very satisfied.

The light blade is very powerful, but it can only kill monsters without strong recovery capabilities.

The one in front of me obviously does not have strong recovery ability.

"So strong"

"What's your name?"

Mebius looked at the blue giant with excitement.


Then, Fujimiya turned into a stream of light and landed next to Qing Hideki.

"Fujimiya, you have become very outstanding."

Qingxiu looked at Fujimiya's skillful way of beating Pang Dun and said in surprise.

"I just have some understanding of what you said, senior."

Fujimiya said quite modestly.

"After all, when fighting monsters, don't do any testing. If you need to make a sneak attack, just make a sneak attack."

"Everyone can come up shoulder to shoulder."

"At the same time, this is also the best way to reduce losses."

Fujimiya shrugged and sighed.

"It's just for you, Fujimiya."

Ao Hideki looked at Fujimiya's appearance.

In the world of Gaia, maybe Fujimiya has already reached that point.
After all, both Fujimiya and Masaki are rare examples of becoming stronger without relying on bonds.

It's really inappropriate to put it on other Ultraman.

Cats dream about being fettered.

"Stop hiding, Shadow Mage."

Qing Xiushu's pupils were bright, looking at an open space not far away.

"Oh? You know me?"

"It's interesting that someone discovered it."

Wearing a cloak and exuding dark and purple energy, the Shadow Mage stood up with a ferocious expression.

"you are?"

Fujimiya was shocked when he saw the appearance, and locked the shadow mage with ultra telekinesis.

"Little tricks, useless!"

The shadow mage waved his hands, and the telekinesis of Ao Hideki and Fujimiya could no longer be locked.

so strong?
Even my telekinesis can't cause any damage?
Qing Xiushu frowned and looked at Shadow Mage.
As expected of a BOSS known for his super powers.

In other words, bosses like Shadow Mage who are known for their superpowers are indeed rare.

If it can be absorbed, it can be said that the superpower in human form is unmatched.

"Interesting, see you next time"

Shadow Mage was hit by Qing Hideki's light just as he wanted to disappear.

【Absolut Light! 】

Qing Xiushu put down the light in his hand and didn't dare to be careless as he watched the Shadow Mage turn into ashes.

"Senior, are you here?"

Fujimiya looked at Qing Hideki's movements and said doubtfully.

"This guy is the culprit of this world."

"Have the special ability to summon and strengthen."

Qing Xiushu looked at the shadow mage who turned into ashes and disappeared with a solemn expression.

In addition to being summoned and strengthened, this guy can clone himself, join his body, and seems to be able to manipulate energy.

As for whether the original plot completely killed him, I don’t know. The only thing I know now is that this guy is Voldemort!
"Let's go, let's wake up the Ultra Brothers!"

Qing Xiushu turned and left.As for King Pang Dun, leave it to the Shadow Mage to synthesize it.
After all, Jiga Chimera is also a good evolutionary material.

On the way to awaken the Ultra Brothers, several Ultramen bumped into each other.

"It means, Gaia, Aguru, and Mumbius. You have all received special training from your seniors."

"Am I the only one not?"

Dagu looked at Qing Xiushu with a resentful look.

"Ahem, Dagu, your situation is quite special."

Qing Xiushu coughed twice and said without changing his expression.

There is indeed a special place in Tiga's time and space, and he cannot interfere too much in Dagu's growth.

After all, it is the light of all mankind
Once bad results are caused, it will be difficult to say.

"Aguru, you are amazing."

Hibino Mirai sighed while leaning next to Fujimiya.

“Really amazing”

I dreamed of an expression of deep approval.

"It all depends on the guidance of seniors"

"Otherwise, I won't be completely recognized by Haiyang."

Fujimiya looked at himself in his memory. If there were no seniors there, he might really have gone astray.

Then the group of people came to a leisure mountain villa, which was safe and quiet.

"Are you saying that some of us are also Ultraman?"

Shin Hayata looked at the expectant eyes of a group of young men with a bit of panic.

Especially one named Hibino Mirai who called him brother crazy.

You must know that he is not young at all. This young man is obviously only in his twenties, which is very unreasonable.

"Senior, do you think it can be awakened?"

Fujimiya and Ao Hideki were chatting outside the door.

"Will do."

Then Ao Hideki turned his attention to Risa who was eating a popsicle.

As long as there is Risa.
"If it's Ultraman, I might have some understanding."

"I used to often dream that I transformed into an Ultraman named Seven."

Zhu Xingtuan raised his eyes and said seriously.

"My word, Ace."



Several old people looked at each other and smiled, then opened the transformers that burst out with light in their hands.

"Sevennisan, Acenisan."

Hibino Mirai said excitedly.

"Sure enough, my memory is correct."

Dagu clenched his fists tightly, and the thoughts in his heart seemed to be tumbling.

Outside the house, Qing Xiushu smiled as he felt the strong power of light.

Now everything is complete
Dagu, I’m just waiting for you to turn on the hot spot.

At this time, somewhere in a dark space
The shadow mage was showing an evil smile and looking at the dark monsters in front of him with a ferocious expression.

“So what if I recover?”

"My best masterpiece, the super monster Dark Giga Chimera can be combined at any time!"

"And that damn mysterious man actually destroyed my clone."

At night, Qing Xiu Shu, who couldn't fit into the party, took Risa's hand and walked on the beach.

"Brother Shu, that darkness appears again and becomes stronger."

Risa suddenly stopped walking and said seriously.

"It's okay, Risa."

In this time and space, Qing Xiushu is quite confident that no big crisis will break out.

Tiga who turned on the hot spot has appeared, and it is [-]% impossible that something will go wrong.

And he only needs to pick up materials, plus those dolls that will return to the Milky Way later, he doesn't know if he can break through to SS-.

The bottom line in Qing Xiushu's heart is S+. After all, the materials he needs will become rarer in the future.

Whether it is darkness, light or even monsters, they are all materials for his evolution.

What puzzled him was where the Shadow Mage got the dark power from.

Maybe it’s time to take a risk and give it a try.

Although the Shadow Mage is very special, his attack methods are really low.

With Risa here, I guarantee that running away will be no problem.

"Can Risa take me to that dark space?"

"Okay then!"

Risa pursed her lips and waved red light from her hands, helplessly sending Qing Hideki to the unknown space.

At the same time, he was also prepared to pull Qing Xiu Shu out at any time.


"who is it!!!"

The shadow mage who was laughing wildly in the space suddenly looked behind him and said with an angry expression.

(End of this chapter)

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