Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 86 Zhao and Hecheng fight side by side!

Chapter 86 Zhao and Hecheng fight side by side!

"Shadow Mage, this is not like you."

In the dark space, a golden eye lit up in the darkness.

Qing Xiushu looked at the shadow mage who was worshiped by ghosts with sharp eyes.

"Huh! So it's you."

Obviously, the Shadow Mage was not completely controlled by the darkness, and still had self-awareness.

"Haha, you don't understand the beauty of darkness at all."

Shadow Mage said with a confident expression.

As a master of superpowers, Shadow Mage is quite confident that he will not be affected by that darkness.

Even if the dark mysterious existence is of extremely high quality.

While the shadow mage was laughing wildly, Qing Hideki's figure stepped forward to the shadow mage's position like a phantom.

The shadow mage gave him a very subtle feeling, with a vague sense of potential threat.

Is it because of super powers?
Qing Hideki's almost teleporting physical attacks were easily dodged by the shadow mage.

You must know that he is a man who can kill monsters without transforming.

A strange smile appeared on the shadow mage's pale face, and dark tornadoes struck the location of Qing Xiushu.

The corrosive dark tornado was uncomfortable even if he didn't transform.

This made him even more interested in the Shadow Mage's superpowers.
Are superpowers also an extension of will?
After avoiding the Shadow Mage's dark storm several times in a row, Qing Hideki also tested out the Shadow Mage's qualities.

To be honest, he was very weak before he was combined.

After all, it's not a combat boss, so summoning and strengthening it is certainly disgusting.

But there is still no big threat from a universe emperor.


The sharp golden light blade condensed in Qing Hideki's hand. At the same time, Qing Hideki's figure almost turned into a line.

Move at high speed!
"Where are people? It's not a space skill like teleportation!"

"Damn. Pure physical fitness?"

"How could there be such a powerful cosmic being!"

The shadow mage held two balls of black mist and looked at the surrounding environment with vigilant eyes.

I have overestimated that mysterious cosmic person as much as possible.

If he hadn't traveled in distant universes and was sensitive to space fluctuations, he might have been in danger just now.


A golden line suddenly appeared on the shadow mage's body, and was then covered by countless golden lines.

"伱!! How can there be such a race in the universe?"

"However, this is just a clone of me."

"Just prepare for destruction!!"

The dark aura swelled all over the Shadow Mage's body, and he threw the monster into Yokohama City and then dissipated into black mist.

"Risa, take me back!"

Looking at the unknown space that was about to be destroyed, he put away the light blade and maintained a half-crouching posture to contact Risa.

"Okay, Brother Shu!"

Risa's sweet voice sounded in Qing Xiushu's mind.

Among the red brilliance, the beautiful green tree appeared on the beach again.

"Brother Shu, are you okay?"

Risa ran over and hugged Qing Hideki with a worried look on her face.

Looking at Risa in his arms, Qing Hideki also smiled and rubbed Risa's head.

"Don't worry, how could anything happen to me?"

Feeling Risa's smooth head, Qing Hideki felt slightly relaxed.

"There seems to be a lot of potential in Absolut that hasn't been recorded."

"Are you looking down on the Star of Light?"

Qing Hideki clearly felt that after becoming the ultimate life form, his strength and fighting thinking had also been greatly enhanced.

Does it mean that these are not included in the statistics?

"Star of Light."

Qing Hideki quickly called out to the light star in his body.

[Name: Qing Xiu Shu]

[Race: Ultimate Life Form]

[Life level: S]

[Evolution materials: Seed of Life × 80, Light of Humanity × 2]

[Time travel: 0.5]

[Giant skills: Absolute light, absolute destruction light, destruction light ball, destruction field, final catastrophe, flame destruction light, reinforced barrier, energy conversion]

[Physical skills: Phantom Beast Fist-Dragon, Space Fighting]

[Normal skills: high-speed movement, super jump, ultra telekinesis, telekinesis, teleportation, barrier, super strength, super vitality]

"Sure enough, the Seed of Life has developed its potential again!"

Qing Hideki watched as the seeds of life he had swallowed on Planet Ganon had made up for some shortcomings through digestion over the years.

"Unfortunately, the Seed of Life can only be taken once."

Qing Xiushu clearly remembers the effect of the Seed of Life.

Only when the first dose is effective can the potential of the gene be developed.

It would be a pity for Jagula, if there are beings like Kai, Dagu, and Masaki who have the gene of light.

Maybe the seed of life will activate the gene of light in his body.

However, the extra life seed can detoxify, but I don't know if it can heal the injury.

"This thing still has to be something that not just ordinary people can eat."

Even the seemingly weak chicken queen is still a cosmic being who is infinitely more powerful than humans.Human beings' physical fitness can be regarded as the worst in the universe, except for a few occasional outliers.

It is humans with such rich emotions who are the targets of Ultraman's protection and darkness.

This is also the reason why the earth has become a novice village for bosses.

"Brother Shu, darkness has appeared again!"

Risa raised her little face and pulled Ao Hideki's pants and said.

"Oh, I see"

Qing Xiushu looked up at the dark vortex in the sky, and clearly sensed that there were three powerful auras in it.

After a while, three dark auras instantly descended on Yokohama City.

The darkened golden dragon, silver dragon plus the intelligent cosmic being Super Hippolyte.

The Super Hippolyte said arrogantly.

"Be pain, hate, destroy!"

"Humanity has no future!"


At the same time, Dagu, Asuka and I Meng were saying goodbye to their wives.

"My dream (flying bird), you must come back alive!"

Dunzi Heliang instructed.

"Don't worry, Dunzi, I will definitely come back alive!"

The voice of the little girl in the white dress flashed in Dagu's mind again.

It turned out to be that time!
"I totally understand now!"

Dagu looked at his good friends Wo Meng and Asuka and said seriously.

"We will protect this world!"

"You guys are so ink, hurry up and save the world."

Fujimiya leaned on the fence beside the bridge and said lazily.

"Fujimiya, you guy."

I dreamed of seeing Fujimiya and itching my teeth with hatred.

However, as soon as Fujimiya made such a move, the moment of sadness he had just created was washed away.


Ignoring the looks of several people, Fujimiya looked at the blue bracelet in his hand and smiled.


Finally I can fight alongside you again.

"Everyone, I'll go first."

After Vine appeared, Gaia and Asuka also turned into streams of light and arrived on the battlefield.


Dagu looked at the transformer in his hand without any hesitation and once again shouted out the voice deep in his genes.

Tiga! !
Aguru took the lead and watched as the superpower horn on the head of the golden dragon Goldras sent out golden lightning to attack the people in Chinatown.


In the V2 form, Aguru held out his chest like the first generation, and directly resisted the golden dragon's lightning attack. A burst of sparks burst out from his whole chest muscles.

"Sure enough, Aguru is strong!"

Fujimiya sighed seriously as he felt the unfathomable defense ability in Aguru's body.


Gaia and Dyna, who landed from the sky and caused a huge earthquake, looked at each other.

"I dream, Fujimiya, has he always been like this?"

Asuka looked dull, could Ultraman be so resistant?

"Fujimiya, it's always been like this. Don't worry, Aguru is very strong!"

I Meng scratched his head and explained with embarrassment. In the end, Diga, who was filled with hope, also arrived successfully.

"Let's defeat the monster first!"

Da Gu looked at his good friend seriously.

Somehow he felt an urge towards the horns of the two monsters in front of him.

"This guy Fujimiya"

"Risa, just stay here, it will be a bit dangerous later."

In the night, Ao Hideki, who was tracing the shadow mage's identity, settled down with Risa and looked at the battlefield and couldn't help but hold his forehead.

Fujimiya is still the same
I don’t know who I learned the pretense skills from, it’s like I’m self-taught.

"This young man Fujimiya is really good!"

"Use your powerful muscles to resist monster attacks and protect what you cherish."

"Even if he looks a little cold, he is still a qualified and powerful Ultra Warrior!"

Hayata, who was in the first-generation human body, looked deeply convinced, and seemed to be very optimistic about Fujimiya's way of resisting attacks.

"I feel so too."

Zhuhoshidan was very satisfied with the appearance of several Ultra warriors.

"I just don't know if I can get a name in the Space Guard."

"These outstanding Ultra warriors are also models for the new generation of our Kingdom of Light to learn from."

"It seems that Mebius still needs some experience."

on the battlefield.
"Damn you!"

The Hanging Starman looked at the Heisei Three Heroes and the joined Mebius with an angry face as they defeated the monster combination.

"Everyone Nissan, let's fight together!"

Seeing so many seniors he was familiar with but had never seen before, Membius felt extremely happy and called Nissan sweetly.

(End of this chapter)

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