Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 87 Super Monster, Shadow Mage!

Chapter 87 Super Monster, Shadow Mage!

When the frightened people around saw Ultraman's appearance, they were so excited that they couldn't help themselves.

"It's Ultraman. It's Ultraman here!!"

"Come on! Ultraman! Come on!"

"Damn you all!!"

The hanging man was pushed back several kilometers by the composite Tiga. He raised his head and saw that his general's horn had been cut off.

In the blink of an eye, the golden dragon was killed by Gaia's stupid hair and exploded with Soljet's light.

Damn it! !
"Where's the silver dragon?"

【Photon Spiral】

Not only its horns, but also its limbs were cut off by Aguru's lightsaber, and the silver dragon was directly destroyed by the photon spiral that Agururu pulled out of the timer.

Then Aguru assumed a cold and arrogant posture and nodded slightly towards the Ultraman around him.

"Hehehe we Hippolytes will not lose to you!"

The hanging star suddenly spoke his last words confidently.

Then the geoduck on his face shot out dark purple light balls towards the Ultras, but they were all blocked by Aguru's Ultra chest muscles.

It's good to have Nissan, and Membius felt happy looking at the one-sided picture.

"Thank you, Fujimiya!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Diga condensed Zaipeliao's light and directly bombarded the hanging man.

"That's it."

"First Generation, I feel that this kid Aguru is quite destined for me."

Ace, the director of the meat factory in the Kingdom of Light, looked at Aguru with bright eyes.

Aguru also seemed to know that monsters had no sense of pain.

“Finally the time has come”

Ignoring his subordinates, the Death Shadow Mage stood on a tall building and sang an unknown chant.

An evil sound surrounds the entire city.

"Be afraid, be afraid."

"Don't be too happy"

Shadow Mage's clones appeared in various locations in the city, creating a huge fear.

"Seven, what exactly is this?"

The first generation looked at Severn thoughtfully.

"I'm afraid, the battle has just begun."

Severn looked at the energy like purple tadpoles everywhere in the city, as well as the souls of dead monsters.


On the side, Qing Hideki looked excited at the huge energy level that was about to appear in the city.

With the blessing of Shadow Mage, has it reached S+?
The soul and residual energy of the monster in the dark fog, the Hanged Man, are merging very quickly with human resentment, sadness and other negative things.

What a special BOSS
But this ability is troublesome enough. It is estimated that as long as the shadow mage wants to summon an army of monsters by himself, there is no problem at all.

It's a bit similar to Risa's ability.
"What exactly is that?"

Wuao floated in the sky, looking at the super monster Jiga Chimera who was about to be born in the sky with fear.

In the thick black fog in the sky, there are many colors of light merging, and there seems to be some terrifying existence among the lightning and thunder.

Roar! ! !
A 500-meter-long monster appeared with a huge mouth of fish underneath and a patchwork of other parts.

Except that Aguru used teleportation in time to avoid the purple light bullets like Gatlin.

The remaining Austrians seemed to have entered the bombing zone, and even the light was directly interrupted and condensed.


Aguru's figure was like a phantom, cutting the monster's body crazily.

But it had little effect and only left a series of insignificant wounds on the monster's body.

Under the influence of the powerful darkness gushing out of the monster's body, he recovered in the blink of an eye.
"Do you want to drive V3?"

Fujimiya looked at the fusion monster with vigilance, feeling that this monster was even more oppressive than the angel.

"Come on! Ultraman, you can't lose!!!"

The people on the ground were sweating in their hearts when they saw Ultraman in distress, and expressed their support one after another.

"Then it's time for us to get going!"

Zhu Xingtuan looked at his comrades with a calm expression.

"That is?"

"Seven and the others."

Qing Xiushu looked at the shadow mage who had almost disappeared in the city, feeling slightly disappointed.

Sure enough, facing such powerful enemies, each one is more difficult to deal with.

Could it be said that magic can only be defeated with magic?

However, it's time for me to go out and pick up materials.
In the glory, the Ultra Brothers once again fought for the earth, and Ultraman Seven once again destroyed the formation.

"Those are the Ultra brothers!"

"I saw it when I was a kid!"

"Come on, Ultraman!"

Seeing the appearance of the Ultra Brothers from the memory of the same year, the crowd who had already begun to believe in Ultraman began to get excited again.

Some even carried cheering sticks.

After rescuing several of Tiga, Jiugao nodded and supported each other and charged towards the super monster Jiga Chimera.

"Haha, you can play with some."

The shadow mage quietly hid in a certain space, observing the charging people through his power.

"The Breath of Darkness"

"Ultraman must be eradicated!" The shadow mage looked at the powerful dark energy in his hand, and his eyes couldn't help but turn scarlet.


Qing Xiu Shu suddenly grew huge in the golden light and turned into a golden light that appeared around Zhongao.

Different from the normal Ultraman's powerful body, the mysterious light wrapped around his body, and the sharp eyes seem to tell the extraordinary nature of the giant.

"This is?"

"This is senior"

Glancing at Feiniao with a confused look, Wo Meng interrupted.

"Hades, it is indeed you."

"Thank you for training the dog."

Seven looked at Qing Xiushu and thanked him.

"Well, keep fighting!"

Qing Hideki looked at the huge monster in the sky.

In the original plot, this monster died after eating eight Ultraman's combined skills.

"How dare you ignore me like this!!!"

The hanging man who controlled Jiga Chimera roared ferociously.

Then all the animal heads on Jiga Chimera's body glowed with colorful light.

A powerful ray with ultra-high temperature melted the bridge in an instant, and even the seabed was bombarded with the surface layer of magma.

The hot temperature makes the air twist.

"Freeze it!"

The first generation commanded.

"No! Let me come and you go destroy him!"

The golden giant suddenly flew towards the huge light, golden light flashed from his hands, and a huge red-gold barrier opened.

A vortex like Hypajton appeared and directly swallowed this huge light.

Is it S+ level? Can you withstand it?
Three seconds later, the reflected powerful ray bombarded Jiga Chimera, directly bombarding and exploding the bottom fish.

"So strong!"

"Come on, soldiers!"

So the Austrians began to brutally and inhumanely beat Jiga Chimera.

Up to an altitude of more than a thousand meters, the Austrians looked at each other and emitted a huge combined light that directly killed Jiga Chimera.

"Kiga Chimera is not bad."

Ao Hideki, who added the final Absolut ray, put the materials away with satisfaction.

"Is this the end of the world?"

Asuka breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Zhongao with his hands on his hips.

"No, it's not over yet."

Qing Hideki looked at the purple tadpole creatures pouring out of spaces across the city.

"what is that?"

Fujimiya couldn't help but said.

"Shadow Mage! That is a being that exists in a world far away. He takes pleasure in destroying Ultraman and humans!"

Qing Xiushu looked calm and looked at the 1500-meter-sized Shadow Mage.

Is this the true nature?
"Jie Jie Jie~ Everything will never end!"

"We can summon powerful monsters countless times!"

"Create infinite darkness and destroy all Ultramans in parallel worlds!"

The shadow mage smiled ferociously, and the darkness within his body was almost visible.

"No! It's impossible! The light in people's hearts will never disappear!"

Dagu looked at the shadow mage angrily, and then his whole body emitted a golden light that condensed the light.

Tiga Hotspot has been launched
"Is that so"

Looking at the hot spots that seemed to have nothing to do with him, Qing Hideki also shot an S-class absolute destruction.

"It's finally over!!! We win!!"

Seeing the huge darkness destroyed by the shining combined light disappear, Zhongao also breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally eliminated.
"Where is senior (Hades)?"

Only then did Zhongao realize that the golden giant had already disappeared.

"No need to look for it, seniors are like this."

Fujimiya subconsciously looked at the calm ocean, thinking of Ao Hideki's previous farewell without saying goodbye.

He really has his style...

"Risa, can you spot the ray of darkness that finally slipped away?"


Faced with Qing Hideki's question, Risa nodded heavily.

"It's really hard to mess with."

"I kind of regret coming into contact with this darkness."

The shadow mage only had one clone left in the space, and said fearfully.

"is it?"

Qing Xiushu's cold voice sounded in the space.

"It's you!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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