Chapter 90 Thank you!Hades!

From the fighting place on the mountain behind the school, there was a fierce collision between two behemoths.

Galaxy was beaten completely by the sudden appearance of Dark Ultraman, and his giant body was thrown to the ground by the original Dark Ultraman.

The first generation of darkness tried all the whipping, kicking and wrestling skills on Yinhe, and the light in the auditorium groaned in pain as he was beaten.

What exactly is going on?

Just after getting the Galaxy Spark, Auditorium Light defeated the monster Zaragas, but a new enemy appeared.

And it's not an ordinary enemy.

It's Ultraman Darkness
"Who the hell is it?"

The auditorium light climbed up with difficulty and looked at the dark giant emitting a powerful aura in the distance with an expression of disbelief.

Someone actually super-materialized Dark Ultraman, and was able to flexibly switch between the original version and Severn easily.

The light in the auditorium turned its back to Dark Ultraman and drew out the light blade. In the blink of an eye, he was dodged by Dark Ultraman who detected his thoughts.

The powerful physical skills of the first generation of darkness that greeted Auditorium Light, such as whip kicks and throwing techniques, allowed Auditorium Light to change from standing combat to fighting on the ground.

The battlefield has always been a scene of killing monsters in the galaxy and switching characters instantly.
"Who actually materialized the first generation, even Severin?"

Taylor looked at the very ominous situation on the battlefield and couldn't help but murmured.

"Taylor, this is a whipping from my father-in-law."

Qing Xiu Shu appeared next to Taylor against the huge wind and waves.

"Instructor Hades"


Auditorium Light was exhausted and tried to struggle crazily, but was kicked hard by Severn again.


"Bang bang bang!"

Dark Seven kept stepping hard on Galaxy's chest, making violent roars in the battlefield.

"I'm afraid they still have personal grudges between them."

Qing Hideki watched Yinhe being played with by Dark Seven, picking him up and punching him in the abdomen and face.

The timer on Galaxy's chest made a loud roar.

It seems that the magical account cannot stand up to the helpless gangsters who borrowed the account.
The limitation of Ultraman is that it has a lot to do with the state of the human body. It is useless if the powerful power cannot be exerted.

After all, Auditorium Light is just an ordinary adventurer.
Not as good as excellent pilots like Haruki and Fujimiya.

Although it is said that Ultraman Dark took advantage of the poor lighting conditions in the auditorium to cause trouble.

But Galaxy's basic statistics are no joke. It can only be said that Auditorium Light has no fighting skills or talent.

So in the Ultra World, everyone can explode, and it’s hard to say who is strong or weak.

There are many weak people who have strong mental strength and skills to defeat those who are stronger than themselves.

As long as you can perfectly grasp your own strength, find good ways to defeat the weak with the strong, use more to defeat fewer, etc., these are all tactics.

It was as if before him now, the extremely powerful Ultraman Galaxy existed as the ultimate life form.

But he was dragged down by the driver of the auditorium, and was actually beaten like this by Ultraman Dark.
In contrast, Yaohui in the Zeta world is different. It is a complete existence where one plus one is greater than two.

"Drip dong!!"

On the battlefield, the timer on Galaxy's chest flashed at a speed that almost turned into a line, and the entire Ao was once again kicked away by Dark Seven.

The auditorium light stood up with difficulty, and was hit by a darkened cluster of light.

Auditorium Hikari, who suffered a lot of injuries, fell unconscious at the time.

The whole person fell to the ground with Galaxy's body and turned into light and disappeared, leaving only Galaxy sparks and the auditorium light on the ground.

"Yinhe is such a good person."

Qing Hideki couldn't help but sigh when he found out that the light in the auditorium was just exhausted.

"Instructor Hades, why do you say that?"

Taro also looked at Qing Hideki anxiously.

With the instructor here, you are not afraid at all, okay?

"It reminds me of one of the giants of the Nexus of Light."

"A person like the auditorium light probably doesn't deserve to be a qualified person at all, right?"

Qing Xiushu slowly shook his head and walked slowly into the battlefield through the clouds of smoke that blocked the sky.


Without hesitation, Qing Xiushu was covered in golden lightning and his whole body seemed to be enveloped in circles of golden light.

A huge shadow that transformed into a space jump appeared between the dark Seven and the light of the auditorium.

When Dark Seven was about to continue attacking, a golden light appeared and attracted everyone's attention.
The diamond-shaped eye sockets are covered with mysterious golden armor, and the strong giant body is wrapped with golden lightning like a Super Saiyan.

This is?

Dark Seven stopped.

"Instructor Hades" "has become stronger again."

Taro, who sensed Qing Xiushu's strength, looked at the battlefield with a happy face.


Qing Hideki ignored the astonished Dark Seven in front of him, raised the huge golden telekinesis in one hand and rushed towards the Dark Seven crazily.

"This is."

Dark Seven took a few steps back and realized something was wrong. He looked at the golden giant with a cautious expression.

Uh! !

Dark Seven seemed to have directly entered a certain gravity field, and even the surrounding land sank dozens of meters.

What is this
Feeling the sudden heavy weight of his body, Dark Severn raised his head with difficulty to look at the mysterious giant with one hand raised in front of him.

Just one move.
I can not be reconciled! ! !

Auditorium Light's father-in-law roared to the sky in Dark Seven's body, and was wrapped in dark energy and forcibly escaped from the suppression of Qing Xiu Shu's telepathy.


"It seems that Ultramania is not very effective against beings like Ultraman."

Qing Xiushu withdrew his huge mental power, and seemed to see a middle-aged man with a numb expression and only a little sense through the dark Seven's body.

Willpower is really fragile.
It has to be said that besides being controlled, Dark Spark is a way to become stronger.
However, this was only a choice when he had no other choice, and it was not the self-empowerment he pursued.

Ichijouji was able to maintain his sanity even after receiving En Q from Galaxy and after recovery. This may be due to the middle-aged man's lack of mental strength.

Dark Seven snorted coldly and rushed towards Qing Xiushu's place.

Being strong in superpowers does not mean being strong in combat!
I am already a dark giant without emotions!
Dark Seven's body stepped on the ground and rushed towards Qing Xiu Shu with an earthquake, as if he wanted to fly the mysterious giant directly to the top of the mountain.


The more Dark Seven thought about it, the more excited he became, and his body's speed became stronger and stronger, even entangled with dark energy fluctuations.

boom! !

The air waves generated by the impact hit nearby trees hundreds of meters away and made them roar.

It wasn't until he bumped into the tall giant that he realized how wrong he was.

This person is not to be messed with!
As the smoke dissipated, a frightening light shone from the golden giant's eyes, and the huge body didn't even move at all.

Taylor shook his head when he saw this.
This guy doesn't know that Instructor Hades's physical skills and physical fitness are even better than Instructor Leo's.
"Pain Pain!"

The severe pain caused the middle-aged man, whose heart was darkened, to change his expression.
It's even impossible to move. What kind of existence is it?
The middle-aged man swallowed, regained some sense, and looked up at the golden giant.

"Autumn bean sack!"

The man raised his head and looked at the golden giant who seemed to be moving and quickly stopped, with a kind expression on his face.

"Let's be the rulers of darkness together? How about enslaving humans together?"

"no, do not want!"

The middle-aged man looked at the thick arm protruding from him and fell into a look of fear. He quickly switched to the original version and prepared to run away.

"Poor man."

"This is the Dark Dominator? Have you really seen the real Dominator!"

That guy Gatanje is the real ruler.
Qing Hideki stretched out his arm and firmly grasped the arm of the first generation of darkness who was struggling crazily.

Sorry, first generation and Severn!

He punched the first generation of darkness in the abdomen hard, and the impact sent him flying into the sky. The middle-aged man almost fainted from the huge force.

Then a huge beam of light hit the first generation hard!

[Fire destroys light! 】

"It must be blocked!"

The middle-aged man who came back to his senses felt a chill in his heart when he felt the huge warmth of light coming from his body.

During a life-and-death crisis, my mind was racing and I thought of a skill from the first generation of darkness.

That's right!That's it!
He proudly pushed out his chest muscles in an attempt to block the light.


Qing Hideki looked at the middle-aged man who seemed to not want to live.

Slightly increasing the brightness of the light in his hand brought the middle-aged man back to his original shape under the shocked eyes of Meiling and others.

This is S-class light
Where does this person have the courage to take it on, even if it is three times stronger than the darkness?

Qing Xiu Shu transformed into a stream of light and landed next to Taylor in an instant.

Taro immediately looked at Qing Xiushu and said with tears in his eyes.

"Thank you, Instructor Hades!"

Ao Hideki:?

(End of this chapter)

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