Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 91 You’re welcome!Taylor!

Chapter 91 You’re welcome!Taylor!

"You're welcome! Taylor."

Seeing Taro's tearful eyes, Qing Xiushu understood instantly.

This guy Taylor is also a victim of the stars.
"Well, if instructor Leo knew, he might be happier."

Taylor said slightly excitedly.

"The darkness was actually sucked away!"

Qing Hideki's enhanced superpower clearly sensed that the darkness was directly plundered and absorbed by a certain entity.

That's it
No wonder Lukiel doesn't care about the death of his subordinates. All those who are carrying out the dark super-materialization are providing nutrients for Lukiel to revive his strength.

As long as a being like Lukiel recovers his strength, he can easily recruit a large group of men from the dark camp.

However, the materials of the first generation of Darkness and Severn are also good.
Ao Hideki unfolded the doll in his hand and couldn't help but feel a pity.

However, these people are already half-friends and cannot be absorbed.

He is not a cruel being like Gazot who likes to eat his friends.

I can only suffer from the Zhaji that was created.

"Can Taylor and these two dolls Galaxy be restored?"

After thinking about it, Qing Hideki handed over the jet-black Seven and the first-generation doll.

"It's the Severn and the first-generation Nissan!"

Taylor looked at the doll and said slightly excitedly.

"Then let's go to the Milky Way and have a look later!"

Ao Hideki casually picked up the Taro doll that was calling his brothers, and held the three Ultramen in his hands.

At this time, the auditorium light had been taken away by Mei Ling and her friends, and they were quickly transferred to the school's infirmary.

"Finally qualified to play chess"

Qing Xiushu looked at everyone and felt a little confused.

With his ability to break through to S+ immediately, he would be a top-ranked being in that universe.

Although he is not the strongest being, he still has the strength to compete with those big bosses.

Moreover, the old priest is really not an ordinary person, and even possesses some superhuman characteristics.

Ao Hideki looked at the temporary shrine of the elementary school and fell into deep thought.

Just when he was chatting with Taylor, he noticed someone observing him in the dark.

Jiangxing Primary School teaching building.

The unconscious auditorium light was carried to the health room to recuperate by his hurried friends.

"Don't worry, your body was not harmed!"

"I just exhausted my energy and strength and fell into a deep sleep."

The old priest smiled and said confidently that he was most familiar with this situation.

"Xiao Guang is fine."

After hearing the old priest's explanation, Mei Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

"But do you know that mysterious giant Meiling?"

Ichijo Temple Friend cast a questioning look at Mei Ling.

"This... should be considered acquaintance?"

Somehow Qing Hideki's face flashed through Mei Ling's mind.

"Don't worry, it must be a friend!"

"Didn't you see that the giant protected Meiling and Xiaoguang?"

Kenta said with a relaxed expression.

"That. I feel the same way."

Chigusa weakly raised her hand in agreement.

"Can you lend me the Galaxy Spark?"

Ao Hideki's figure appeared out of thin air in the health room, showing a gentle smile and raising the dark doll in his hand.



“I didn’t expect that the Galaxy Spark could actually relieve darkness.”

Kenta looked at Seven and the first-generation doll who had recovered as before and said with a bright face.

"Thank you very much."

Amidst the sparks, Yinghe thanked Qing Hideki.

In any case, this bad thing was done by his dark side and he is partly responsible for it.

"No need to thank you"

"I want to ask you a question, Galaxy."

Ao Hideki looked at the three Ultraman dolls leaving for the shrine and said.

"Huh? What's the problem?"

Yinghe communicated with his thoughts.

"Why did you choose the auditorium light, and you don't need the power of light to harmonize with the Milky Way, right?"

Qing Xiushu couldn't understand what Yinghe was doing.The human body can promote the evolution of light. This is something that everyone in Ultra Time and Space knows.

But the existence of Galaxy is not like Tiga and Noah who throw stone statues everywhere.
It should be that the power of light does not need a human body to become stronger, right?
"This should be a bond, right?"

Yinghe said slowly after being silent for a long time.

"Including when fighting with Grandpa Xiaoguang."

"I see."

After hearing the explanation that fit Ultra's words, Ao Hideki nodded slowly and then walked towards Galaxy Shrine.

Compared to the bonds of the human body, he felt more like a bird flying into the sky since he obtained the Absolute particles.

No more fetters.
He just needs to hone his mental strength and will.

The Star of Light will take him to the end of his evolution.
"Well, Mr. Hideki is out, can you try my dessert?"

"It's also a gift to thank you for saving me twice."

Meiling said with a hint of gratitude.


Qing Xiushu paused.

Seeing everyone cheering and cheering after Qing Hideki left, only one of the monks wiped cold sweat.

"Meiling, is Mr. Hideki a cosmic person?"


Looking at his talking partner, Ichijoji Yu, he also smiled.

What a strong willpower.
Steel Nine recorded Qing Xiushu's data with a cautious expression.

"This person's potential energy is almost equal to the power of half an Emeralu Ore star."

“What a mysterious existence”

"Besides, he just discovered me."

Galaxy Shrine, Ao Hideki visited here again.

The old priest was no longer hiding anything at this time, chatting comfortably with the three Ultraman dolls opposite him with a kind expression.

The atmosphere is actually very harmonious.

"I know you are Taro, Seven, and Ultraman"

"Everyone, let's drink some tea first."

As he spoke, the old priest took out several small and large teacups and poured tea for everyone.

"I really want to thank you this time, Hades."

Seven and the first generation thanked.

But Taylor's eyes flickered, and he saw the mark on the back of the old priest's hand that was the same as the light in the auditorium.

"Crest of the Chosen One, have you also fought against the Milky Way?"

"No need to be surprised, Ultra brothers."

The old priest sipped his tea calmly, looked at Qing Xiushu and said kindly.

"This is the giant who just appeared against Luigi El."

"It's really a powerful willpower. Maybe the dark sparks of this level of willpower can be controlled by you."

The old priest looked at Qing Xiushu very curiously.

"What a powerful energy source. It has neither darkness nor light"

"It's not the legendary power of chaos either."

"That's weird, it's a new path."

Qing Xiushu calmly took a sip of tea, looked at the curious eyes around him and explained.

"I am simply becoming stronger for the sake of becoming stronger."

"Power without control is useless."

That's how Illuminati like to worry.
For example, when the Absolut people see that their tribe has become stronger, they might even hold a celebration party.

In times of racial crisis, some different geniuses will always be born.

Absolut's power was too violent, different from the calm and gentleness of Spark Tower.

In the later stage, the Absolute planet exploded simply because the power of the Absolute fireworks was too great, and the home planet could not bear it.

"Pure power?"

The old priest had a look of understanding on his face.

"Under the ultimate light, there will also be the ultimate darkness."

"But power is such an inconvenient thing. There may not be any other way besides light and darkness."

Qing Xiushu's eyes flickered. Along the way, he had seen the bad nature of human beings and also seen the light.

Sometimes light and darkness are inseparable.

Just like in the galactic battle, the fact that Brother Tazi risked his life to win the Kingdom of Light is as difficult to argue with.

To the Kingdom of Light, he is an invader and a villain, and to the people of the kingdom, he is a hero, carrying the lights of thousands of Absolute people.

Without the intervention of a third party, Absolyut's demise is inevitable, and he wants to be that third party if possible.
"I see."

Seven nodded, finally understanding why Qing Hideki worked so hard in the Kingdom of Light.

But what kind of heavy burden is Hades carrying?
(End of this chapter)

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