Chapter 92 Dark Diga
"Priest, the time is almost up."

Qing Xiushu looked at the principal's office without a trace, and took a sip of the tea in his hand.

"Yes. The final moment is coming."

"It's time for the ruler of darkness to get out of Mr. Shirai's body."

While the old priest snorted coldly, the crest on his hand also glowed with golden light.

"If we can help too, let's go together!"

After Taro and the first-generation Severn communicated, all the Austrians said in unison.

"Let's go!"

Qing Xiushu walked to the principal's office with a relaxed pace.

The principal's office is Luigi El's hiding place and the dark base where most of the behind-the-scenes activities take place.

He didn't dare to continue to press Luchiel after the last temptation.

If this guy went crazy and summoned a bunch of Dark Ultraman plus King Grant and a bunch of monsters, there would be no fun.

Even he couldn't bear it, and the world of the Milky Way, which had not yet fully recovered, could be declared destroyed.

But this time he was right.

The Ultra brothers, Severn, who has the strongest telepathy, plus the first generation and Tyro, as well as an old priest who is suspected to be the human body of the previous generation of the galaxy.

It was more than enough to force Luciel out of Principal Shirai's body.

The group of people walked to the principal's office warily and were shocked by the scene before them.

It was two extremes compared to Qing Xiu Shu before. At this time, the principal's room was extremely messy, with scattered magazines and newspapers everywhere, looking like a murder scene.

"Principal Shirai!"

The old priest frowned, and the crest on his hand glowed golden once again as he approached Principal Shirai standing in the principal's office.

"you again"

"I am the real ruler of darkness!"

Principal Shirai was now completely controlled by Luigi El, and his skin turned abnormally purple.

"Can you help me control Principal Shirai?"

Seeing that Shirai was unmoved, the old priest looked at everyone with a firm expression.

"What a powerful dark energy!"

"Don't be mentally burdened by this kind of dark existence. Let's go shoulder to shoulder!"

Severn looked at Luchiel who was not easy to mess with and greeted him quickly.

"Be prepared to run away!"

Ao Hideki's superb telekinesis suppressed Shirai's body.

Under the control of four mental powers, Lukiel was actually suppressed for a short period of time.

"Quick! Priest, Luciel is coming out!"

Seven couldn't help shouting when he saw the abnormal situation of rapid consumption of telekinesis.

"Okay! Principal Shirai, wake up!"

The old priest approached Principal Shirai and spoke a mysterious language. At the same time, the crest on the back of his hand burst out with powerful power pouring into Shirai's body.


Lukiel, who felt the power of the galaxy in Shirai's body, let out an icy roar.

"A bunch of idiots!"

Waves of overwhelming dark power wrapped around Shirai's body and destroyed all telekinesis.

Principal Shirai's eyes, controlled by Luigi El, glowed faintly red.

At the same time, a dark spark suddenly appeared in Shirai's hand, and he called out a doll with an expressionless face and thrust the dark spark into it.

"Darkness materializes—Diga!"

"Enjoy despair!"

"Just let these guys play with you!"

Then, even Ao Hideki's telekinesis was unable to prevent Lukiel from leaving Shirai and turning into a dark storm.

Luigi El has actually returned to SS.

This guy recovered too quickly.
We can't let it go on any longer.

"Luigiel is too scary."

"I hope that Tiga is not the one recorded in the history of the Kingdom of Light."

Severn seemed to feel an ominous premonition and couldn't help but murmured.

"Don't worry, that's not the legendary Dark Tiga."

"Luigiel doesn't have the ability."

"It should have been converted, but the energy was darkened."

Qing Xiushu comforted everyone.

If only there was Zaki...

That's troublesome...

It's hard to say who is stronger between Zaki in Galaxy Spacetime and Noah, but on the home planet, some fans said that Zaki is equal to wingless Noah.

Ao Hideki felt that it was fake based on the fact that he had met King Ou, one of the Four Olympians.

It's just that Noah didn't dare to use powerful light on Earth. If he could do it in the universe, Zaki would probably be on his knees.

Just like Jayton, individual combat capabilities in different worlds are also different.

"As expected of Instructor Hades. He knows so much!"

"You actually know such a secret thing."

Taro couldn't help but said while looking at Qing Hideki, who seemed to know everything.

How many years has Instructor Hades lived?

At the same time, a huge roar came from the back mountain, and two powerful auras appeared in the back mountain.

"What am I."

Shirai opened his eyes, looked at the old priest and said doubtfully.

"Principal Shirai, if you are tired, take a good rest."

Everyone looked at the old priest who was helping Principal Shirai to rest, and then looked at the battlefield on the back hill.

"I'll take the first step!"

Qing Hideki, who sensed the aura of the material without hesitation, turned into a streamer and joined the battlefield.

As for Luigi El’s collection, it’s not too late to pick it up again after it’s finished.At this time, the back mountain had been turned into ruins by two powerful beings.

King Gulant and Dark Tiga carried out an inhumane beating against the Milky Way.

"How could the Tiga doll do this?"

Kenta, who often pays attention to the dolls, looked stunned and looked at the beaten Galaxy in disbelief.

"Xiaoguang, come on!"

"Ultraman Galaxy, go to hell!"

Sissy, who was resurrected by Luciel, controlled King Gurant to trample the Milky Way.

"Hmph! Let's defeat Galaxy right here!"

Dark Tiga is ready to condense the strongest light in a composite form and prepare to hit the auditorium light into coma again.

[Zai Pelio light! 】

"In this case, we are the only ones on board!"

Mei Ling took out the copy of Galaxy Spark and looked at the monster doll in her hand. Just as she was about to poke it, she was interrupted by a battle cry.


Qing Xiushu's figure turned into a huge giant figure, blocking the body of Yinghe who was kicked away.

"Galaxy, let's take a good rest with the auditorium light!"

"Leave these two guys to me!"

In this show, Luigi El is not at his peak, and Galaxy is also left with a weak health due to the pilot.

In the end, it was through the fusion of the bonding power and light absorbed by Taro that he defeated Luchiel.

"Mr. Hideki."

"It will definitely be fine with Mr. Hideki here!"

Everyone looked at Qing Xiushu, who was tall and strong, about the same height as King Gurantu, and felt a sense of security welling up in their hearts.

Chigusa and Meiling looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

"This time the energy can be retained."

Ichijoji lowered the controller to summon Steel Nine.

"This guy is here!"

The sissy hid behind Dark Diga with a frightened look on her face.

"Hmph! How can someone who is afraid of this or that be appreciated by the Lord Dominator!"

Dark Tiga actually displayed an army's fighting skills and stared at Qing Hideki eagerly.


"Let's change places next!"

Qing Xiushu's hands shone with light, and a space fluctuation enveloped Dark Diga and King Gulant.

【Destruction field! 】

This is a battlefield for Galaxy and Luchiel.
As soon as he saw the dark spark, Ao Hideki sensed that Lukiel would soon revive.


After releasing the transformation, the auditorium light looked at the disappeared battlefield with a shocked expression.

"I'm afraid this is the power of the domain."

Seven hurried to the battlefield with Taylor and looked at the space vibration coming from the sky.

As expected of someone who once fought side by side with the captain, he also possesses the same field skills as the captain.

"Domain skills?"

"Taylor, what's wrong with you?"

The light in the auditorium looked at Taylor, who was slightly excited.

"Xiaoguang, you don't understand. Domain skills are only available to extremely rare beings in the universe."

"No more than 10 people have been recorded as having it!"

As the crown prince, Taylor naturally knows a lot of high-end and elegant things.

"Galaxy, do you have a domain?"

The auditorium light looked at the Galaxy Spark in his hand and asked.


Galaxy suddenly let out a roar.

"Yinhe, you're in a hurry."

The auditorium light shook his head and said with an expression of someone who had come before.

At the same time, in the flame-filled realm of destruction, King Gurante and Dark Diga were looking at the giant in front of them with fear on their faces.

"What the hell is this place?"

"I feel like my power is fading!"

The members of the Self-Defense Forces who controlled Dark Tiga made sounds of fear. There was nothing more terrifying than watching the body become weaker and weaker.

"Sure enough, it's just its shape."

Qing Hideki looked at the character introduction in the original plot as Dark Tiga, but it seemed that the reality was different.

The dark spark only changed the energy nature of Tiga into darkness, and it was impossible to shape the essence of dark Tiga!
Otherwise, the previous two arcana, the first generation and Severn, did not have dark bodies, so it would be impossible to use dark sparks to change their race, right?

So this is just a compound full of dark energy.

It seems that the problem is not big and can be saved!

So, it's up to you!

To save energy, it’s up to you!
Go for it!Jetton!
An Ultra Capsule suddenly flew out of the light and a huge beast appeared, roaring in the field.


"What the hell is that?"

Dark Diga was stunned for an instant, and was dumbfounded when he saw himself becoming smaller in an instant.

"This...this figure!"

"Then that's the larvae of the legendary Hyphajeton!"

"It's over! It's over! We're done!"

Sissy King Gurante suddenly collapsed and collapsed on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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