Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 93 Decisive battle!Luigi Al!

Chapter 93 Decisive battle!Luigi Al!
"Hey! Speak clearly, you guy!"

The man who had been trained to manipulate Dark Tiga roared at King Gulant.

"It's useless, it's useless."

"According to the records of my hometown, this thing is the ultimate existence that can only be born after eating countless monsters."

"It's extremely easy to destroy the universe completely..."

"And the golden giant at the back is even more difficult to mess with! Their family is the overlord of the unknown universe."

"Master Dominator said not to make enemies with him!"

Sissy King Gulant sat on the ground and whined.

"How about we surrender to the enemy?"

Dark Diga hesitated slightly.

"Everyone who is useless will die!"


Dark Tiga clenched his fists and rushed towards the huge Jayton larvae.

Dark Diga's figure is very fast, as if Diga's body was born for darkness.

Even now it has only converted energy and has broken through to S-, which is much stronger than the first generation and Severn.

"Jedon, you're a little fat."

"Can you make it smaller?"

Qing Xiushu sent a message to Jieton and said.

"Chiton? ()"


Sad and hungry emoticons came from Zhidun, which surprised Qingxiu.

Isn’t it enough to get so much monster feed on Gaia TV?
It seems that this time the idea must be reached at Luciel's small treasury.

Those monster dolls are all mine!
"Come on, Xiaoton!"


S-class Jayton let out a terrifying roar, and the dark fireball struck Dark Tiga and King Gulant like Gatling.

"why did you hit me?"

Before the sissy King Gulant could finish speaking, he was drowned by the dark fireball.

"Ahhh, damn it!"

Dark Diga was struggling to advance against the fireball, and was about to be torn apart by the dark fireball, letting out a painful wail.

This is also the reason why he never uses Jayton.

The unfinished hatchlings are not only huge in size, but also not handsome in appearance.

It still takes a complete body to be able to hold the place.

In just 2 minutes, Dark Diga was beaten back to his original form, and King Gulant also turned into a doll.

"It's so cool."

After the dark Tiga turned into a puppet, the strong man who appeared seemed to be spoiled by the play, lying on the ground and muttering.

"Diga, when did you become so embarrassed?"

Qing Hideki's hands flashed with golden light, directly expelling the darkness that had eroded the Tiga doll.

"It's you! Hades!"

After the Tiga doll gradually recovered, it looked at the golden giant and said in surprise.

"Are you Tiga's true form?"

"No, this is just a clone."

Diga shook his head and denied.

Qing Xiushu looked at the Tiga doll in surprise.

Hammer it!
Tiga is also a master at playing the Nexus of Light!

Just a little more human than Noah.

"Diga, aren't you also following Noah's example and wholesale the transformers and stone statues everywhere?
"Haha, how can this Ultraman thing be called learning?"

"Learn from, learn from!"

Diga looked at Qing Xiushu's surprised eyes and quickly explained.

"It's our turn."

Sensing the surge of dark power, Qing Hideki raised his hand to take Jayton back.

Directly put the materials of King Gulant into the Star of Light, and hold the Tiga doll to release the realm.

"Get ready to fight, Tiga."

Qing Xiushu turned into a stream of light and reached the roof of the teaching building, sighing in the breeze.

"Isn't it eliminated? Could it be that that guy is about to revive?"

Diga on the ground beside said in great confusion.

"Diga, you can feel it too, that intense darkness."

Ao Hideki looked at the uncontrollable darkness inside Shirai...
Sure enough, even if we know Luchiel's location in advance, we can't avoid it?

"Is that Luigi El?"

Diga felt a chill in his heart, feeling the bottomless darkness.

It's actually even more powerful than Gatanjie.
"Everyone is finally okay!"

"We have been worried for a long time!"

Jiangxing Elementary School has returned to normal, and the residents of Jiangxing Town who rushed over looked at everyone with worried faces.

"Okay, in order to celebrate Xiaoguang's safe return, let's have a huge party!"


At this moment, an accident occurred. A dark spark of energy suddenly appeared on Principal Shirai's hand, and a group of people fell directly into a coma.

"What on earth is going on? Isn't it over yet?"

The priest also fainted directly under the influence of the power.

An ominous force full of darkness appears in the sky with the liberation of dark sparks.

The dark lightning faded away and only a huge dark giant figure appeared on the playground in a half-crouching posture.

"Sure enough, he has not fully recovered." Qing Hideki found out that Lujiel, whose energy level was only SS level and whose body was only a few hundred meters tall.

According to the description in Taro's memory, Luigi El appeared to be over a thousand meters high.

"So strong darkness"

Diga was shocked.

Can the sparkling state be solved?
I'm afraid I have to call on the light of all mankind again to deal with this level of enemies.

"My name is Lukiel! Dark Lukiel!"

"Stupid life forms, let me pause your time!"

Then Lukiel kicked the teaching building violently.

In the blink of an eye, the teaching building turned into ruins, and tributes from the Milky Way were flying all over the sky.

"It's really scary. I don't know why I was so stubborn in the first place..."

Ao Hideki seemed to have once again returned to the time when he fought against the Dark Emperor during the Ultra War Head Iron Period.

It was obvious that even Luigi El, who had not fully recovered, was still stronger than the Dark Emperor.

Luigi El can already stand out from the crowd just with his weird time power and dark sparks.

"Hmph, Galaxy, you are getting weaker and weaker!"

"Compared to before, it's so far behind!"

Lukiel looked at Yinghe who was easily knocked to the ground by his casual kick and said disdainfully.

"Then, let me stop the world on this planet!!"

Sparks erupted from Luciel's hand into a huge dark purple vortex.

"In the end how to do?"

The auditorium light fell to the ground and looked at Luciel with difficulty.

"Everyone. Everyone, fight with me!"

The first generation and Seven looked at each other and channeled their power into Taro.

"Oh? Interesting."

Luigi El changed direction and aimed the dark sparks at the crowd, instantly condensing dark purple light.

"Diga! Let's go!"

【barrier! 】

【Ultra Defense! 】

A huge golden figure led Diga down in front of everyone like a god, opening up a composite barrier of one blue and one gold.

"That's it! Senior Diga! Instructor Hades!"

Looking at the giant standing in front of him, Taylor speeded up to absorb everyone's light.

"Damn. Not enough!"

Ao Hideki increased the barrier's absorption and defense capabilities, but still couldn't withstand Lukiel's powerful light.

At this moment, a ray of human light appeared on Diga.

"This is."

Qing Hideki looked at the shining Tiga and murmured.

"Hades, it's up to me to stop him! You go hold him!"

Diga looked at the light with a heavy expression and suddenly opened a huge shining barrier to resist Lukiel's increased light again.


Sensing the rapidly shrinking human light in Tiga's body, Ao Hideki's huge body approached Lukiel like a phantom and fought him in close combat.


Qing Hideki's fists were like dragons, bombarding Lukiel's body at super speed.

Ola Ola!

Lukiel, who was beaten and kept retreating, was obviously stunned, and for a moment he forgot to fight back.

"Damn you!!"

"Go to hell, ants!"

After standing firm and suddenly blasting away Ao Hideki with a blast of darkness, Lukiel roared with an angry look on his face.

"You really can't break the defense?"

Qing Hideki looked at the SS-level rays that exploded with full force and didn't feel panic at all.

Luigi El is indeed a human shield mage.
No wonder Taylor was so weak in the original plot that he couldn't even fight.

"I'll pause your time!"

Luciel roared.

It seems that he wants to completely eliminate this mysterious giant who has ruined his good deeds three times and four times.

"Here I come, Hades!"

Ginga returned to its gigantic form and took on a shining form, holding a golden trident to block Luchiel's light.

"Yinhe, you guys are finally online."

Ao Hideki looked at Galaxy and Luchiel, who were emitting an evenly matched appearance, and turned into a stream of light and returned to the ground.

Galaxy has the power of the Ultra brothers, the light of humanity, and the hot spot of Tiga.

These lights are connected to the Milky Way and look extremely powerful.

In this state, an ordinary Ultraman would be like a leek, capable of killing an Ultraman with just one hit.

Only then can the Milky Way be called the ultimate life form.
The bond plus the light of humanity is so powerful.


In the battlefield, Galaxy and Luigi El wielded their tridents, and the mere collision caused an energy shock like a natural disaster.

hum! !

Ao Hideki covered a group of weak Ultraman and humans with a golden barrier.

"These two guys are so perverted"

The intense light dissipated, and Galaxy and Luchiel turned into two streams of light entangled and rushed out of the earth.

The space around the remaining impacted cloud patterns emitted strong spatial vibrations.

Can you reach this level of energy without letting go of your hands and feet?
If he were to fight Luigi El in the universe, he wouldn't be able to hold off for long even if he tried his best.
(End of this chapter)

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