Chapter 95 Super Galaxy II
A few days later, Mei Ling handed Qing Hideki a basket full of desserts.

"Mr. Hideki doesn't know whether you cosmic people can eat or not."

"This is a little bit of my heart."

"Thank you, Meiling."

Qing Xiushu took the basket and stored it in the space bracelet. This is why Qing Xiushu has no luggage.

"Mr. Hideki, are you leaving?"

Mei Ling was not surprised when she saw the basket disappearing out of thin air.

"Well, to this world I am just a passing time traveler."

Qing Xiushu nodded slowly.

"That's it. You must come back and take a look when you have time."

Mei Ling sighed without knowing it.

"Goodbye then."

In the blink of an eye, Qing Xiushu's figure disappeared out of thin air.


Meiling looked at the empty house with a slightly regretful expression.

"Chigusa, why are you so timid?"

After Ao Hideki left, Chigusa, who was well dressed, walked out from the corner with a slightly shy expression.

Shizuka City.

Qing Xiushu's figure appeared out of thin air on the street, but the people around him remained unmoved, as if they could not detect Qing Xiushu's existence.

Qing Xiushu looked at the busy street and sighed in his heart.

This is where the main plot of Galaxy S develops, right?

Qing Xiushu easily found the target area with his extraordinary telekinesis.

“Let’s prepare a house first”

During his long time travel, he seemed to have suffered from a disease, which meant he had to buy an apartment as a base wherever he went.

With Qing Xiushu's wealth and billions of dollars opening the way, the problems of identity certificate and housing were quickly solved.

"The next step is to prepare to go to Super Galaxy II."

Qing Hideki looked at the Star of Light with a dull gaze. After absorbing Queen Gurant, Qing Hideki finally reached the S+ level.

His own strength has been comprehensively improved, and even ordinary SS-level beings cannot defeat him in a short period of time.

This is the power of physical and mental training. Now, it is not a problem to attack a little crispy Ultraman with one move.

Just like Belial coming out of the space prison with a Noble Phantasm to attack Ultraman and beating up Ultraman in his normal form.

He can do it too.

There are still two years before the plot of "Galaxy S" begins, so I just took the opportunity to go to Super Galaxy II to see if there are any opportunities.

The earth in "Galaxy S" is very special. The will of the earth seems to have given birth to a high-concentration energy body called "Victory Crystal", which has huge energy and has even caused war and turmoil.

And all the plots of "Galaxy S" also revolve around the victory crystal.

But this time I came back from Super Galaxy II with the confidence to take on the final BOSS.

"Star of Light, unfold!"

The golden light door appeared in front of him, and Qing Xiushu stepped directly into the light door without any hesitation.

"Chiton! (ˊωˋ*)"

Zhidun seemed to know that he had to travel through new time and space, and quickly cheered Qing Hideki.

"Thank you, Xiaodun."

Sensing Jayton's high energy, Qing Xiushu also smiled, and then looked seriously at the space-time wormhole.

super galaxy [-]
A terrible disaster is erupting on a white and transparent planet.

A figure that looks like a dark giant with dark red lines all over its body is massacring lives.

The dark giant's single eye revealed cold murderous intent, and streaks of dark red light destroyed the proud knight army and magicians.

Even though there are many capable people and strangers on this planet, the existences that fly over the walls are still wantonly slaughtered by the dark giant.

In the palace, the old king was looking at the dark giant who was slaughtering his people.

My heart was filled with resentment and sadness, and I looked up to the sky and let out a feeble cry.

"What did I do wrong?"

"How can the heaven be so kind to me!!"

Next to him, the princess was praying nervously. Among the praying sculptures, there were various statues of Ultraman and even the Absolut clan.


A huge golden light appeared in the sky above the planet, symbolizing the emergence of powerful energy fluctuations in the clouds.

It seems to directly dissipate the death crisis shrouding the planet. "Didi, an ultra-high-intensity energy source has been detected."

"Meet target image, destroy!"

The dark one-eyed Zero seemed to have detected something. His figure ran quickly and separated into two ice axes. He held the ice ax and flew towards Qing Xiushu.

"Dark One-Eyed Zero?"

Looking at the Dark Cero Pioneer who wanted to fight with him, Ao Hideki looked shocked.

In a hasty battle, he flicked his hands, and the huge force knocked Dark Zero from the air to the ground, creating a deep pit.

"It's not dead."

Ao Hideki looked at Dark Zero and became interested.

The blow just now, although it was a casual blow, was still half disabled even if it was hit by an A-level person.

His current wrist strength is unimaginable to normal people, which means that the dark one-eyed Zero in front of him has reached A level or above.

"Destroy! Danger exists."

The dark one-eyed Zero mechanically threw away the bent ice ax and then performed a standard fighting technique.


Qing Hideki turned into a golden light and clashed with the dark red. The parts were damaged after just three collisions with the dark one-eyed Zero.

The dark one-eyed Zero fell to the ground unable to get up after being hit by huge energy.

He could only watch helplessly as he was absorbed into the material by the Star of Light.

"He is indeed an A-level guy."

"Just the vanguard?"

Ao Hideki looked at the dark one-eyed Zero who easily reached A level, and he had some idea of ​​the caution of the Kingdom of Light in the original plot.

If I remember correctly.
There seems to be a prototype of Dark One-Eyed Zero, which is almost stronger than Zero's normal state.

That is S rank!
"Judging from the current situation, the Kingdom of Light may be overwhelmed, right?"

Obviously this planet is within the protection scope of the Kingdom of Light, but it was invaded and no one was sent to come.

It means that the situation in the Kingdom of Light is more serious than imagined.

"I am probably the only ultimate life form in the Ultra Universe that is so easy to talk to."

Qing Xiushu sighed with emotion, then transformed into a stream of light and rushed to the Kingdom of Light.

The king and princess looked shocked as they watched the golden giant kill the one-eyed Zero in the blink of an eye.

"That is the legendary clan."

"I didn't expect that after tens of thousands of years, the golden giant would save us again."

The old king remembered the legend passed down by his ancestors orally.

Legend has it that our ancestors were attacked by monsters while traveling on an alien spaceship, and were rescued by a cold and arrogant golden giant.

Finally, he was able to return safely and established this huge kingdom.

"Artisan, immediately carve out the statue of the giant just now."

"From today onwards, add it to your prayers!"

The king commanded with a calm expression.

The powerful golden giant!

We are so small that we can only do such trivial things.


The protective layer of Ultra Star Emerald was smashed through by two huge troop-carrying robots, causing a panic.

"What the hell is that?"

Groups of Ultraman who had just become warriors condensed light and bombarded the troop transport machine with sparks.


The troop transport machine protruded into light balls, completely blowing away the surrounding Ultraman.

Immediately afterwards, a wonderful BGM appeared. The giant with a blue-red slender body resisted the dark fireball with just his hands.


The green light of the Zero head dart flashed and quickly passed through the surfaces and propellers of the two troop transport machines.

“Too boring”

Looking at the troop transport machine that was completely shattered by just the head dart, Zero looked disdainful.

After years of intensive training, he is stronger than before.

"That's what?"

At this time, six dark mechanical giants that looked similar to Zero appeared in the explosion, exuding a strong dark aura.

(End of this chapter)

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