Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 96 Goodbye to the Kingdom of Light

Chapter 96 Goodbye to the Kingdom of Light

"Dark Cyclops Vanguard Force Report!"

"It has been detected that it has arrived in the Kingdom of Light. Unit 78 of Planet K989 has confirmed that it has lost information."

Six dark mechanical giants exuding powerful auras scanned the environment of the Kingdom of Light with their scarlet one-eyes and found Zero not far away.

"Discover the existence of Ultraman Zero and start destroying!"

The cold mechanical voice of the Dark Cyclops echoed in Ultra Plaza.

"Dark Cyclops? Who are you?"

Zero frowned and looked at the dark Cyclops not far away who was similar in shape to him except for the eyes, color stripes and hands.

"Come on then!"

Facing the attacks of six powerful dark Cyclops, Zero didn't waste any time.

Use the fighting skills of Phantom Beast Fist to fight the Dark Cyclops in close combat.

Because it was the first time I met an opponent who looked similar to me.

When Zero faced the attack of six Cyclops, the blue magic dragon entangled him for a while, and everyone was inextricable.

"Who on earth sent you here!"

After stirring up the attacks of the six Cyclops, Zero's fierce eyes were full of caution as he retreated several hundred meters.

These guys are very familiar with cosmic boxing.
But fortunately, I still have the dragon fantasy beast taught by instructor Hades.

"Sero! Are you okay?"

"We're here to help you!"

Seven came to Zero with the first generation and Zuofi and expressed concern.


Zero nodded firmly with a firm look on his face.

"After not seeing each other for a while, Zero started to become worried."

On the crystal building of the Kingdom of Light, Qing Hideki looked at Zero who had stabilized at S level and sighed.

The Dark Cyclops is strong but only in the Kingdom of Light.

As a result, Zero didn't dare to use too much force, otherwise there would be no place for these guys to show off.

"But it's a surprise that it can withstand Emelium's light."

On the high-rise building in the Kingdom of Light, Qing Hideki looked at the dark Cyclops with great surprise as he ate a beam of Emelium light that was not fully emitted by Zero.

There was something that didn’t kill me suddenly on the spot...

With the help of Severn, the first generation, and Zoffi, Zero quickly killed these dark Cyclops one by one.

"Sero, what exactly is going on?"

"The images of these mechanical giants are so similar to you."

"And the strength of each one is no less than that of ordinary members of the Ultra Guard."

Zuo Fei looked at the remaining green energy core and wondered.

It’s just that a few of them are so difficult to deal with. If they were mass-produced,
It is a terrifying thing not only for the Kingdom of Light, but also for those planets without giants.


Zero looked at the energy core cautiously.

Who was it that made these robotic giants based on him?
"If you're talking about that then I might know."

Qing Xiushu's golden figure emerged from hiding, holding the energy core obtained from the previous planet in his hand.


"It's you!"

"Instructor Hades!"

Severn and Sophie also brightened up when they saw Hades.

Zero, on the other hand, proudly crossed his arms and showed an expression of praise for me.

"Then let's go to the captain first."

"This matter should be serious."

The first generation looked at Hades steadily.

Is he the giant in the mysterious time and space?
When he learned the news told by Qing Hideki, he returned to the Kingdom of Light and led the team to the Earth. However, he had just arrived at Gatanjie in the Milky Way and was wiped out.

Although the trip was in vain, for them, as long as the world is not destroyed, it is a success.

"Zero, you are getting stronger and stronger."

Qing Hideki looked at Sero, who exuded a powerful aura.

Even in the new generation, Zero with full health is still quite powerful.

"Instructor Hades, I have never given up training!"

"I strive to have Ultra chest muscles like the original one one day!"

Sero raised his body, which was much stronger than before.

Ultra chest muscles are also something that the Ultra clan often trains, but only those with strong talent can learn it.

It's actually not difficult for a physical genius like Sero to learn.

But no one can match Aguru's defensive power. That guy is the genius among geniuses.

Otter Guard

A group of powerful Ultraman were gathering together, looking calmly at the energy core placed on the cylinder.

The first generation organized the language and spoke.

"This green mineral does not exist in our universe."

“I feel an energy in it that I’ve never experienced before.”

The father of Ultra nodded slightly and looked at the energy core solemnly. "I see. It seems like the enemy this time is from another universe?"

"Hades, what do you know?"

The father of Ultra looked at Ao Hideki who was standing next to the mother of Ultra.

"I just came to this universe and discovered this on an edge planet."

"These robots that look like Zero seem to be destroying civilization."

Looking at the eyes of Ultra's father, Qing Xiushu paused and said.

"What? No wonder!"

"The energy of this device is going in a certain direction."

Eddie scanned the energy core and found a powerful negative energy transmitting information to a certain universe.

"This thing should be made by Beria"

Qing Xiushu looked at Zhongao who couldn't touch his head and decided to drop a bombshell.

"Isn't Beria dead?"

Zero looked at Ultra's father with a confused expression.

"Not necessarily. Beria is possessed by the legendary ultimate life form, the Reblondo star."

"Unlike the Absolut clan, the Reblondo people like to play tricks the most."

"And Ray Brando, like Xiao Qiang, is not easy to kill."

As if remembering something, the father of Ultra shook his pair of horns and said with a slightly cautious expression.

Jian spent a lot of time investigating his former comrade Beria.

If it weren't for Reblondo, Beria would most likely not have embarked on a path that would endanger the Kingdom of Light, no matter how extreme he was.

"Hmph! It turns out that this guy Beria is targeting the Kingdom of Light!"

The light on the hand of Ace, the director of the meat factory, lit up, as if he was about to condense the forbidden magic of the Kingdom of Light.

"Ace, calm down, this matter needs to be investigated."

Zoffe grabbed Ace, who seemed a little angry, and discussed with Ultra's father.

"Even if we gather all the energy of the Kingdom of Light, we can only send one person there."

Ultra's father said with a slight regret.

"I'll go! Let me crush this conspiracy!"

Zero's rhombus-shaped eyes seemed to burst with intense murderous intent.

As the Kingdom of Light is hailed as the most promising being, he does not allow any dark forces to target the Kingdom of Light.


Seven looked at his son and said a little moved.

"Then leave this investigation to Ultraman Zero!"

The father of Ultra said decisively.

"Hades, I'm afraid you can't pass this time."

The father of Ultra apologized.

Although Hades helped them many times, their friendship was strong.

But even Hades can't accept the light from Ultraman.

"It's not necessary."

Qing Xiushu stood on the platform and shook his head while watching the farewell of Severn and his son.

A true warrior should not have unnecessary fetters.

The bond applies to Ultraman, but it has nothing to do with him being an Absolute.


Hikari's voice sounded from behind Qing Hideki.


Qing Xiushu looked at Hikari in surprise.

"This is the Ascension Medal, yours."

Ao Hideki was stunned when he saw the Ascension Medal handed over by Hikari.

There is a proud golden giant figure on the circular badge, which looks extremely mysterious.

In other words, can the Absolutes be integrated and upgraded with Ultraman?

No, not right!

It should be related to the devouring characteristic of his power.
"Thank you Hades, this research is really comfortable."

"Can you please? Don't leave!"

Hikali exuded the aura of a scientific madman and looked at Qing Hideki with fiery eyes.

"You just stay here and I'll buy some oranges."

After saying that, Qing Hideki transformed into a golden ball of light and followed closely towards Zero, who had just absorbed the power of Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light.

Science geeks... are they all crazy?

At this time, Zero's whole body was filled with red energy, exuding a powerful aura of time and space.

This is to use power to divide time and space
"But I don't need it."

Thinking that Qing Xiushu is connected to the Star of Light, his whole body is filled with the power of time and space, and crossing a small universe is not a problem at all.

"This shows how powerful Brother Tazi is."

Brother Tazi travels through time and space in various ways when he appears. The best thing about traveling through the universe is that he can lead people to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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