Chapter 97 Time Travel
"Senior Hades!"

With all the energy of Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light, Zero's expression was fierce, and the entire Ultraman felt full of oppression.

"Sero, this time will be an unforgettable journey."

Qing Hideki looked at the energetic Zero and said, in this time journey, Zero will encounter the Flame Warrior, the Mirror Knight and the Iron Samurai.

Defeating Belial will create the Ultimate Zero Guard.

Seeing Qing Xiushu beside him, Sero felt reassured. He felt much more comfortable when he had a senior on his head when he was out.

No wonder that guy Mebius has such a sweet mouth, but it is basically impossible to get Zero to call him Nissan.

In addition to the Ultra King, Ultra Father, Ultra Mother, and instructors Leo and Ao Hideki.

In addition, his father basically treats him as an equal.

In other words, as long as he is not strong enough and wants to call him Nissan, it is still 2 years too early!

It didn't take long for the two of them to pass through a colorful space-time tunnel, break through the barriers of the universe, and appear in the vast mysterious space.

There are countless light balls here, and each light ball represents a universe.

The energy core points to the mysterious universe, and the bracelet on Zero's hand points to the time and space when he came.

"Instructor, I can't seem to recover my energy."

Zero frowned, vaguely feeling the universe's rejection of him.

"Let's go, don't hesitate, Zero! I can restore the energy of your bracelet."

As he spoke, light appeared on Qing Xiushu's hand, and there seemed to be a strong transition between the flow of light.

【Energy Conversion】

I didn't expect that the skills from the angel would come in handy here. This universe didn't seem to be able to limit his energy recovery.


Hearing this, Zero's face lit up and he and Qing Hideki rushed towards the universe indicated by the energy core.

The two were shattered after entering the universe where the energy core existed.


Zero looked at the broken energy core in his hand and wondered.
"I'm afraid it was Beria who was behind the scenes to attract you to this universe."

Qing Hideki frowned, which was in line with Beria's trouble-making style.

After digesting the information, Zero said confidently: "Beria? Then just eliminate it again!"

At this moment, a strong cross of light erupted from a distant planet, which was impossible to ignore in the universe.

"Someone is calling me."

As Ultraman, Zero encountered this situation for the first time.

The two looked at each other and flew directly towards the place where the light appeared without any hesitation.

at this time
Outside the atmosphere of planet Anu.

Beria's space fleet army began to invade this mining planet, and countless robots from the Pioneer space fleet landed on the ground to carry out indiscriminate destruction.

"This is the planet Anu! This is the planet Anu!"

"Under attack by Noid and Cyclops! The pioneering caravan can no longer hold on!"

Someone fearfully held up a communication device and called for help.


"Anu Guards take action!"

At this moment, a huge bright spark suddenly burst out from outside the atmosphere of Planet Anu, shocking both robots and humans.

I saw a fleet of spaceships being swept by a huge beam of light, bursting into flames wherever they went.

"Xiao Zhi, what on earth is that?"

At this time, Anu is outside the planet.

"Sero, go and deal with the problem on the planet's surface, leave it to me to deal with here!"

Watching hundreds of Noids and hundreds of Dark Cyclops appear on the densely packed space fleet.

Glancing at Zero Ao Hideki who started the red light, he asked Zero to deal with the enemies on the ground first.

"Instructor Hades"

"wait for me!"

Seeing Qing Xiushu with firm eyes, Zero hesitated and turned into a stream of light and landed on the planet Anu.

"Finally, I can be completely released."

Qing Xiushu relaxed his muscles a little, golden lightning flashed in his hands, and a powerful light emitting terrifying energy fluctuations began to condense on his hands.

"Discover the enemy! Destroy it!"

The spaceship that detected the enemy's presence also fired a laser at Ao Hideki.

"Hah! Absolute-destruction!"

The powerful light that caused the space shock directly annihilated the incoming robots and lasers. Even the Cyclops, which was immortal after eating Zero's small skill, would die if it touched it.

The golden light hundreds of meters thick directly swept away all the space fleets outside the atmosphere, forming countless fireworks that burst into brilliant firelight in the universe.

Seeing the space fleet completely turned into ashes, Qing Hideki turned around without hesitation and headed towards the planet Anu.

At this time, in a dark base camp, a strange black-red giant burst into evil laughter.

"That guy Hades and that guy Zero, you guys are finally here."

"Jie Jie Jie~"

"How much energy did that guy Zero use?"

Qing Hideki landed on the ground and shook his head slightly as he looked at the planet full of robot wreckage.Cero is still too young to know the importance of energy.

However, it is a good quality to hate evil as much as you hate it.

Under Qing Xiushu's telepathy that enveloped the entire planet, there was no longer a single robot on Planet Anu.

Qing Hideki's figure landed next to the volcano on the planet Anu, and found that Xiao Zhi's figure was not nearby either.

Isn't this guy Zero still one with Xiao Zhi's brother Lan Yixin?
Without hesitation, Qing Xiushu turned into a stream of light and landed on the ground. Under his telekinesis, Zero entered the cave.

As soon as Qing Xiushu entered the cave, a childish voice sounded.

"who are you?"

Looking around, Sero, who was squatting next to Xiao Zhi, was looking at the bracelet with only one cell left with a troubled expression.

"What on earth should we do?"

"Instructor Hades?"

Sero felt happy when he felt the familiar energy coming from Qing Xiushu, and explained to Xiao Zhi.

"Are you a giant too?"

"Did you do the explosion in the sky just now?"

Xiao Zhi looked at Qing Xiushu's indifferent expression with bright eyes.

"Okay, okay, Xiaozhi, don't do this."

Zero quickly pulled Xiao Zhi away and said awkwardly.

"Senior Hades, look"

Sero looked at Qing Hideki with a pitiful expression.

"You guy."

Ao Hideki glanced at the Ultra Bracelet and replenished the lost two bars of energy.

Feeling that there was almost no energy consumed in his body, Qing Hideki once again felt that the Ultra Universe seemed to be full of malice towards Ultraman.

"Ah, resurrected, Instructor Hades."

Zero looked at the replenished energy and felt happy.

Then Xiao Zhi led him all the way to the depths, and the Pajira Shield on his chest burst out with powerful terrifying origin fluctuations.

"Noah's power?"

Qing Hideki is now becoming more and more curious about Noah's power. A shield that mainly travels through time and space can allow the rabbit to reach SS-or even SS attack power.

There is also the Zero Light Zero in the back, which also relies on Noah's equipment.

It didn't take long for a few people to arrive at a deep mine filled with emerald-colored crystals.

"Emeral Ore!"

Xiaozhi looked at the two of them curiously and quickly explained.

"High-purity energy?"

"No wonder so many powerful Cyclops can be created."

Qing Xiushu looked at the emerald crystal stone and couldn't help but nodded.

This is really the best Jayden feed.
That is to say, I don’t know if Jayden is used to eating it.

"Jedon Σ(°Д°;?"

Just when Qing Xiushu touched the energy ore, a circle of light came from under the three people's feet, which seemed to be teleporting the three people.


Sero looked at Qing Hideki in a slightly panicked manner. This was the first time he had encountered this situation.


At the last moment, Qing Hideki's powerful mental power enveloped the three of them and teleported them to the spaceship together.

A huge spaceship with replenished energy rose from the ground and took off towards the mysterious universe.

"Royal spaceship?"

Qing Hideki looked at the spaceship full of science fiction.

"here is?"

Sero was about to transform when he was stopped by Qing Hideki.

"Who the hell is unaffected?"

The Royal Spaceship said in shock, this was a teleportation that could stun even the cosmonauts, but the few people in front of them were not affected.

Qing Xiushu's golden eyes flashed with light, and he looked at the princess sitting not far away and said calmly.

"Princess of the Kingdom of Esmeralda."


"Stop it, Royal Spaceship."

Princess Chimerana looked at Qing Hideki with burning eyes.

"Are you from the Absolut clan from the mysterious universe?"

Before Qing Hideki could answer, Chimerana looked at Sero again.

"Are you a cosmic superman from the land of light?"

Looking at the beautiful princess who seemed to know something, Qing Hideki and Sero looked at each other to discuss a strategy.

"Who are you...?"

(End of this chapter)

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