Ultra: Start by becoming the ultimate life form!

Chapter 98 Chapter 98 The Legend of Noah

Chapter 98 Chapter 98 The Legend of Noah

"This is the prophecy my father told me"

Hearing this, Princess Chimerana turned around and her eyes were red with tears falling uncontrollably.

Traveling for so long.

at last……

"It is said that in the legend, when a catastrophe breaks out in the future, there will be two giants, one blue and one gold, who will save the universe!"

The Royal Spaceship continued: "The second princess is right. These are the last words left by the old king."

"After that, the princess and I wandered around the universe, avoiding Caesar Belial's pursuit."

"Normally, in order to protect the princess, I will erase the memory of the princess and the spaceship from the people I save."

"I see."

Qing Hideki's thoughts swirled as he listened to the echo of the royal spaceship.

It seems that the Royal Spaceship and Steel Nine in the Galaxy are the same existences that gave birth to consciousness.

But after all, it is not as powerful as the Dark Lops prototype.

In the extreme state, it may only be as strong as the Ultra Guard, and there are still great limitations.

Due to the birth of self-awareness, it is even possible to be eroded by dark forces.

Putting aside the shortcomings, it is still very good to use as a means of transportation in the universe.

"I am a warrior of the Absolut clan, Absolut-Pluto-Hades!"

Faced with the second princess' doubts, Qing Xiushu did not hesitate to reveal his identity immediately.

Followed closely by Zero: "I am an Ultra Warrior from the Kingdom of Light in Nebula M78 in other universes, Zero!"


"Are you talking about Absolut?"

Princess Chimerana looked at the slightly mysterious Ao Hideki in disbelief.

The Royal Spaceship also fell silent.

A mysterious golden warrior from other universes is recorded in the records of the founding of the planet Esmeral for tens of thousands of years.

The appearance, age, and race of this powerful warrior are said to be unknown.

When discovered by their ancestors, the giant was wrapped in golden lightning and proudly said that he was the ultimate life form.

Faced with the invasion of their family's universe by the remnants of the Dark Emperor, a truly devastating blow was carried out.

Even across time and space, the golden giant crazily pursued the dark forces.

Even the cooperating home planet of Sphia was completely wiped out by the powerful golden giant in one move.

There are countless battle weapons such as Impeleza on it.

After that, all the major forces in this universe knew that a group of powerful golden giants ruled a certain universe.

Much more mysterious than the legendary Giant of Light.

This golden giant has always called himself a warrior of the Absolut people.

Unexpectedly, my father's prediction came true.
Princess Chimerana looked at Qing Hideki blankly and said uncontrollably.

"Um, can I ask you to defeat Caesar Belial?"

"Two powerful beings from prophecy"

The princess bowed deeply to Qing Hideki and Sero and begged desperately.

A giant who can travel with a warrior from a powerful clan must be extraordinary.

Hearing the princess say Beria's name again, Sero frowned, "Beria, you're not dead? You obviously suffered that trick."

Even the Plasma Spark Slash can't destroy Belial?

Is it just the remnant soul of the ultimate life form Rebrando that is so difficult to deal with?

In this way, we can see how much strength Instructor Hades, who is also the ultimate life form, has hidden!

Thinking of this, Zero eagerly turned his attention to Qing Xiu Shu, who was calmly observing the stars in the universe.

"Belia has plundered our homeland and planet, and even the Mirror Knights have been infected by its darkness."

Princess Chimerana looked at the recording played by the Royal Space Ship with a sad face.

In the picture, Beria led countless dark men to destroy the planets one by one in the burning fire.

"Beria, you deserve to die!"

Zero banged the hatch hard and said with an angry expression.

"Sero, do you know Beria?"

Princess Chimerana said in surprise.

Zero was silent for a long time, and then he said, "Beria is an Ultra warrior from my clan. He was later possessed by a Reblondo star, but he was killed by me personally in the monster cemetery."

Saying this, Zero paused for a moment, seeming to have figured out something.

Could it be that the powerful robots that invaded the Kingdom of Light were built by Beria?

That high purity crystal.
"Well, you are right, Zero. That is the Dark Lops that Belia created based on you, Zero."

"I didn't expect that Beria still hates you so much."

Qing Xiushu nodded in response to Sero's questioning gaze.

"Next, let's split up. I'm going to investigate the legendary Ultraman Noah."

"Instructor, let's go together!"

Zero looked at the invaded planet with anger in his heart and his eyes extremely red.

He seemed to be back when he was young and frivolous in the Monster Cemetery.


The princess saw that Sero seemed to be a warrior who hated evil, and quickly comforted him.

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi also nodded fiercely and took out something like a Noah timer that glowed on his chest and said with determination: "According to legend, Ultraman Noah is related to the Shield of Pajra. Uncle, let's go together and find it." The Shield of Pagila will definitely defeat Belial!"

Good guy!
Qing Xiushu looked at Xiaozhi who was full of righteousness and was extremely surprised.No wonder this guy Xiaoji can become Ultraman Geed in the parallel world
"Hades, would you like to come with us?"

Princess Chimerana looked at Ao Hideki expectantly.

Hearing this, Qing Xiushu turned around and continued to look at the vast universe, which made the princess feel embarrassed.

Zero seemed to see something and quickly shouted haha.

"Princess, the instructor has agreed."

"Beria is not afraid, Zero can solve it by himself."

"As long as you, Zero, get the approval of the legendary Noah, it will be easy to defeat Beria using the Shield of Pajra."

Qing Hideki explained.

"Then accompany Xiao Zhi to find the Shield of Pajra! Let's defeat Beria together!"

Sero waved his arms passionately.

Looking at everyone's questioning looks, Xiaozhi smiled proudly.

"Then let's go find the Pirates of Fire!"

The Pirates of Fire are a group of freedom-loving, lawless, adventurous people in the universe. They are the ones who resist Belial's army in this universe and fight against Belial for the Emerald Ore.

At this time, the Royal Spaceship has arrived at the Fire Pirates' destination and is waiting for the Fire Pirates' arrival.

Chimerana couldn't hold it in any longer and asked the question she had always wanted to ask.

"Have you really defeated a being like Zero Beria? Even the Mirror Knight."


Before Sero could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Qing Hideki's cold tone.

"Zero is the strongest and most potential young warrior in the history of the Kingdom of Light!"

"I recognize his physical skills and light skills. No one in the Kingdom of Light can match him in terms of combat power at his age."

Hearing Qing Xiushu's affirmation and recognition, Sero was happy but also embarrassed.

"Well, haha, it's not that strong."

"It's actually so powerful."

Princess Chimerana and Xiao Zhi looked at Zero with admiration.

Zero immediately put his hands on his hips and said, "That guy Beria wants to defeat me, but it's 2 years too early!"

"someone is coming!"

Qing Hideki sensed that powerful beings were rapidly approaching the royal spaceship.

Everyone followed Qing Xiushu's gaze and saw a huge spaceship wrapped in fierce flames moving rapidly on the sea of ​​nitromethane.

The Pirates of Fire seemed to have discovered the existence of the Royal Spaceship, and stopped to observe the Royal Spaceship.

"Captain, someone has rushed into our territorial waters!"

The flame warrior sitting on the bow of the boat said with flames bursting from his head. Hearing the reminder, the three brothers also stood up.

"weird guy"

"It doesn't look like he's from the Belial Legion."

"Did you sneak in secretly?"

Hearing this, the Flame Warrior also stood up, looked at the Royal Spaceship unceremoniously and said: "Where are you from, be careful, I will make you into a roast chicken and eat you!"

After speaking, the Flame Warrior raised his head, and orange flames burned on his head.

"If you don't want to die, get out!"

Hearing the provocative words, the Royal Spaceship said angrily: "That's so outrageous! What a rude person!"

"Fire Warrior?"

Qing Xiushu's golden eyes flickered slightly, and he was also curious about the existence of the Flame Warrior.

An alternative way of evolution
In Qing Hideki's vision, the Flame Warrior seemed to be an A+ level warrior composed of high concentration of flame energy.

It's different from the Giants of Light and the Absolutes.

In the original plot, the self-destruction state can trigger an S-level attack without causing death.

"It's interesting. If the flame is not extinguished, the heart will not die."

Looking at her slightly angry teammates, the princess said anxiously: "Don't be impulsive! Let's say hello first."

Sero looked at the worried princess, patted his shoulder and said confidently: "Leave it to me."

In this situation, Cero knew that the best thing to do was to use his fists.


In the brilliance, Zero completed his transformation and appeared outside the space ship to confront the Flame Warrior.

Seeing how Zero looked like Lops, the Flame Warrior said angrily: "You are."

Before he could finish speaking, a golden light flashing from the royal spaceship appeared out of thin air in the universe.

The light dissipated, and the golden giant was seen exuding a powerful aura, covering the surrounding area.

Mind power, unfold!


Sero looked at Qing Xiushu who was using his telepathy and said gratefully.

"I'm Siro, Ultraman Sero!"

The flame warrior swallowed his saliva when he saw Qing Xiushu's troublesome look, turned to Sero and said firmly, "Humph! Are you looking for help? Let's come together!"

"I just don't want you to be beaten to death by Zero."

"Do not misunderstand."

Qing Xiushu crossed his arms and looked at the battle on the battlefield with deep eyes while analyzing the body structure of the Flame Warrior.

This almost immortal state of life is somewhat interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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