Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 13 Who gave you the courage?Jingru? !

Chapter 13 Who gave you the courage?Jingru? !

Under the leadership of Lei Qingshan, Su Ye and Xu Lai entered the Armed Police Corps. A class of soldiers gathered to wait. All police officers were no less than 1.7 meters tall. They had a strong body and sharp eyes. They looked like elites.

In the live room,

【Brothers are so handsome!Sisters, I am already drooling over my disappointment! 】

【?Which mouth? ! 】

[Looks so strong, who is talking about this!So jealous! 】

[The next challenge is to ask Brother Ye to introduce me to Brother Bing! 】

【plus one! 】

【10086! 】


At this moment, the female gangster in the live broadcast room was blown out, and the live broadcast room was extremely exciting.

at this time,

Lei Qingshan said, "Our first training event is to carry [-] kilograms of weight and run for five kilometers! Of course, Mr. Su can do less, or he can do it without any weight."

words fell,

Before Su Ye could say anything, a young man in the team shouted, "Report!"

"Speak!" Lei Qingshan said in a strong voice.

"Captain Lei, I don't understand the meaning of his coming here? If it's a show, he should go to the stage. This... is not a place for a show!" the young man said loudly.

He has never been fond of any Internet celebrity. He is a mess, a monster, and a monster. He is sought after by too many people, but he cannot set up a good image and role model. He doesn't know what the captain thinks, letting such a person show off.

In the live room,

[Good guy, this is so true. You are worthy of being a soldier of the people. 】

[Just ask the host if he is embarrassed now! 】

[Shit, if I could be as straightforward as this brother, without having to beat around the bush, how cool would it be! 】

[Showing high emotional intelligence in front of leaders every day makes me want to vomit! 】

[Question: During a dinner party, my boss complimented me on the good food I ordered. What should I do to show my high emotional intelligence? ? 】

[It’s no use talking nonsense, the account will be settled later! 】

[You haven’t eaten anything good either! 】

[You are the leader at work, I am the professional in feeding the dogs! 】

[You: Want to know why?

Leader: Why?
You: Because I’m your type! 】

【Wild boar!I’ll give you some fine bran today! 】

[Leader: The food we ordered today is pretty good!

Me: Well, then tell me what’s good about it and give some examples! 】


[This comment section... is really blown up. I actually tried to learn something. Absolutely! 】

At this time,

Lei Qingshan shouted, "Ye Feng, shut up!"

Su Ye answered, "Captain Lei, since you are here, you must experience it in a practical way without having to carry a heavy load."

Before Lei Qingshan could say anything, Ye Feng continued, "It's usually 35 kilograms. Since you want to experience it, how about the normal one?"

From Ye Feng's point of view, Su Ye's words were just words for the occasion. Judging from Su Ye's thin skin and tender flesh, it would be difficult for him to run five kilometers even if he was not carrying any weight. It would be even more difficult for him to run even if he was carrying a heavy weight. It sounds great, but after a while I can’t run anymore, so I don’t have to give up.

"Ye Feng, shut up. I invite Su Ye here this time just to experience it and to let everyone see our usual training. Su Ye is not a soldier and cannot be compared with you." Lei Qingshan said solemnly.

Su Ye was invited by him. Ye Feng was so stupid that he couldn't tell the time. Of course, he also knew what Ye Feng was thinking. Ye Feng had never liked celebrities and Internet celebrities, especially a grown man who put on makeup and wore makeup. To avoid bad habits, to be a manly man, to be loyal and loyal, to serve the motherland and to protect the people is what a man should do.

Ye Feng is a bit extreme. He can't kill everyone with one shot, but most of them... ha!

At this time, Lei Qingshan said to Su Ye, "I'm sorry, my soldiers only know how to practice hard and are ignorant."

For this,

Su Ye didn't care, "It's understandable! Captain Lei, since the normal weight is 35 kilograms, then the weight will be 35 kilograms!"

As soon as this word comes out,
Lei Qingshan: "..."

Ye Feng and other police officers: "?!"

No... do you know what 35 kilograms is?With a body as small as yours and a weight of 35 kilograms, it's hard to even walk fast, let alone run.

Xu Lai: ⊙⊙!
elder brother!We are here to experience, we are not here to risk our lives, don’t be like this!
In the live room,

[No, is he serious?The weight is 35 kilograms, what a joke! 】

[I don’t know whether the anchor is tough or not, but this mouth is indeed quite tough! 】

[My whole body is soft, but my mouth is also hard. Carrying 35 kilograms of weight alone is enough to crush the anchor. You still want to run five kilometers? ! 】

[Yi Zi, we don’t have to risk our lives! 】

[The anchor needs to be able to run five kilometers with a weight of 35 kilograms. I stand on my head to wash my hair! 】

【I stand on my head and fly! 】


At this time, no one in the live broadcast room believed that Su Ye could run five kilometers with a weight of 35 kilograms. After all, Su Ye's body looked weak.

Lei Qingshan advised at this time, "Su Ye, don't be like this, twenty kilograms is a lot. You are not a soldier, and you have not received special training. You are very powerful if you can carry twenty kilograms!"

Now Lei Qingshan is also afraid that Su Ye will show off to save face. Young people are most motivated, so don't let anything happen again.

"Don't worry, Captain Lei, I won't do anything I'm not sure about. My physical fitness is very good!" Su Ye said, patting his chest.

Lei Qingshan: "..."

The rest of the people: "..."

In the live room,

【Man!You can say you have no talent, you are ugly, you are a loser, he will admit it, but only about your body, don’t ask, it will be a leverage! 】

[Hahaha, sisters, the truth is here, especially when it comes to kidneys. After a person dies, the kidneys are also the best. 】

[There is a picture! 】

[It's like playing with acupoint socks on the soles of the feet. The heart can hurt, the lungs can hurt, and the liver can hurt. If you press the kidneys, the pain will make you roll your eyes and foam at the foam. It's just two words, it doesn't hurt. If you have a hard mouth, just say Just one sentence, you haven’t eaten! 】

[Hahaha, it’s true! 】

[The anchor is asking for trouble! 】


In the end, Lei Qingshan couldn't persuade Su Ye, so he put on the 35 kilograms of weight-bearing equipment.

Lei Qingshan warned, "Don't show off, if it doesn't work, just take some off."

Su Ye nodded, but Su Ye's look made Lei Qingshan feel helpless. He clearly didn't listen to what he said!

In the live room,

[Captain Lei: Yes, all my good intentions are in vain! 】

[I have to say that Su Ye is really tough. He doesn’t know how to do it... He really thinks he can do it! 】

【Forehead……!No way, no way!It would be fine if he was just being tough. Do you really think he can do it?Where does the confidence come from? 】

[Sit back and watch the show, I bet 1000 meters. The maximum limit is 1000 meters, and you have to be soft on the ground! 】

【one thousand? 800 meters is enough! 】

【500 meters, no more! 】

At this moment, everyone in the live broadcast room was ready to see Su Ye make a fool of himself by running five kilometers with a weight of 35 kilograms. What is the concept of this? !He looked full of confidence. Who gave him the courage?Jingru? !

(End of this chapter)

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