Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 14: The surface is ruined, but secretly involved?

Chapter 14: The surface is ruined, but secretly involved?
Following Lei Qingshan’s order, the five-kilometer run with weights began.
Su Ye followed unhurriedly to the end, and Xu Lai followed to shoot. Of course, Xu Lai would definitely not be able to run and shoot together. As a fat man, this was too difficult for him. A special car was arranged to pull the fat man for the shoot.

After 300 meters, Su Ye's face remained as usual and he was not out of breath.

500 meters later, Su Ye was still there,
Looking at such a scene,
A trace of surprise flashed in Lei Qingshan's eyes. The weight was 35 kilograms. Although 500 meters was not a long distance, Su Ye's physique and lack of professional training allowed him to not even breathe. This... this kid seemed to have something.

Xu Lai: "..."

This... what's the situation? !

There seems to be nothing wrong with the leaves. When did the leaves run so fast? !
After four years of college, he and Su Ye were best friends. How could they still not know each other's qualities?

But...he really can't see through Su Ye now.

In the live room,

[What's going on...?Has the anchor practiced? ! 】

[If it were an ordinary person, carrying a weight of 35 kilograms, and running at this speed, he would be out of breath! 】

【Fuck!Ye Zi... is not a tough talker, but he can really run down! ? 】

[It is undeniable that there are indeed two sprints, but it is only 500 meters, and it is still early. If I don’t train every day, I will never finish it. It is impossible to have that endurance! 】


[It’s over 1000 meters, damn!Come on, the one who just said to wash his hair while standing on his head, hurry up, and the one who is standing on his head, please start your performance! 】


As time passed little by little, the two kilometers had been run. Not only was Su Ye okay, but he was no longer the last one in the team.
Lei Qingshan asked Xu Lai in surprise, "He... runs with heavy weights every day?"

At this time, Lei Qingshan's heart was really filled with ups and downs. Su Ye's performance was so impressive. He carried a weight of 35 kilograms and ran two kilometers without any serious problems. It seemed that... he could indeed run five kilometers. .

Xu Lai: "..."

How can I answer this well? !
Running with weights every day?
Ye Zi belongs to the kind of player who can lie down without sitting, sit without standing. How about running?Still carrying weight?But pull it down, I have never seen it before.


Could it be that the leaves are secretly rotten on the surface, but actually they are secretly involute?

What the hell!

Ye Zi, can we still get along with this guy?This is a bit too unorthodox!

Xu Lai didn't know how to answer, so he laughed and didn't respond directly.

at the same time,

In the live room,

[Is this the legendary pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger? ! 】

[This is not just a tough talk, he is really good at it! 】

[Brothers, I keep my word. Go to my homepage to see if the video of Handstand Laxiang has been taken? 】

This comment directly set off the live broadcast room, which was even more shocking than Su Ye.

[, are you serious? ! 】

[Have watched the video, this guy... is really fierce, No. 1 on the Internet! 】

[Don't say it, you really don't say it, this is quite explosive in the entire explosion world! 】

[No, buddy, is there really no one you care about in this world? 】

[Holy shit, the main thing is sincerity? 】【I have already paid attention to this guy. There is no other way. Sincerity is the last resort! 】

None of the parties involved thought that from this moment on, the gears of fate began to turn, and that he, who was originally in a tight situation, took the first step towards wealth and freedom. He was also shameless in his fate, and these were the three essential elements for success.

at this time,

Halfway through the five-kilometer run with heavy weights, Su Ye completed the lead one by one.

The physical fitness of the King of Special Forces is really impressive. Su Ye himself was a little amazed. He ran for nearly three kilometers with a weight of 35 kilograms, but he didn't feel tired at all.

Seeing Su Ye overtaking one by one, everyone felt a little numb.

As Su Ye's best friend, Xu Lai is definitely the most numb one.
This is a bit too fierce!
what's the situation? !

So much so that Xu Lai felt that Ye Zi had cheated and obtained the system in the novel? !
It's not impossible!
In the live room,

[Brothers, I’m numb! 】

[I originally thought he was bronze, but now he looks like a king! 】

【wipe!What's going on? I came here to see him make a fool of himself. Who told him to pretend! 】

[You said... Ye Zi won't be the first in the end! ? 】

[F*ck, if this is really the case, it would be worse than killing me! 】

[The lock opening is so 6, and the physical fitness is so good. I haven't checked it before. I suggest you check it again. The ancestors of the eighteenth generation have checked it like that! 】

[Don’t worry, brothers, I know that Ye Feng, who retired from the special forces, is now at the Magic City Armed Police Headquarters, carrying a load of five kilometers and there is no one who can match him. It is absolutely impossible for Ye Feng to surpass him! 】

[Brother, when you say that, I feel relieved! 】


At this time,

The armed police members who were surpassed by Su Ye one by one were all trying hard to catch up and overtake Su Ye. They trained every day and were considered elites in the army. If they were abused by Su Ye, where would they turn? !
But even if they tried hard to catch up, they were still left behind by Su Ye.

This made everyone a little frustrated. However, their speed had reached the extreme. It was almost impossible to increase the speed any faster. It was difficult to surpass Su Ye!
Sure enough, what our ancestors said is so right. Never judge a book by its appearance. Just now, I laughed at others for being weak. Now it seems that they are not even as good as weak chickens.
At four kilometers, Su Ye was firmly in second place, tightly holding on to Ye Feng, who was first.
At this moment, Ye Feng was filled with surprise and excitement. If he was surpassed by Su Ye, he would not be able to survive. He just mocked others. If he was surpassed by Su Ye, he would be slapped in the face. Yet?
As a result, Ye Feng's speed naturally increased, and Su Ye also increased his speed.
Ye Feng originally thought that the distance between him and Su Ye would be wider now, but he did not expect that the distance between the two would become even shorter.

Now, the distance to the finish line is less than 800 meters. According to this situation, Su Ye's overtaking seems... not impossible!

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but feel anxious and a little nervous.

[The gap doesn’t seem to be big, the bite is very tight! 】

[Looking at the posture, Ye Zi seems to have a chance of winning! 】

[No, the dog anchor is still not a human, with this physical condition!wipe! 】

[Don’t worry, Ye Feng’s strength is extraordinary. It’s basically impossible for a dog anchor to defeat Ye Feng. 】

【It's hard to say! 】

[Brothers, believe me, the dog anchor is not number one, but if he really is number one, I... I will give in! 】

[Brother, what I said before is very good, why is it still leaking? 】

[Well said, don’t say it next time! 】

Although Su Ye is biting hard at the moment, most people don't think Su Ye can really surpass Ye Feng. Why is it that Ye Feng is also an elite member of the special forces and is so easy to surpass? !The dog anchor is powerful, but he can't beat Ye Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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