Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 141: Apart from looking like a human, I’m quite a dog in other aspects!

Chapter 141: Apart from looking like a human, I’m quite a dog in other aspects!

Then, Su Ye took the dog over from Yaoyao's hand, and gently stroked the dog's eyebrows with his thumb. Su Ye's animal affinity was at full level. The dog was already showing enjoyment from such an intimate touch. appearance.

Yaoyao: "!!!"

Is this the difference between people?

Even though I raised it, why does it feel like Brother Yezi is its owner.

My heart is hurt!
Can this dog still be kept? !
In the live room,

【wipe!Is this a bitch’s fault? 】

[Saucy dog, he actually seduced Brother Yezi! 】

[It’s over, this challenge, the leaves are stable again! 】


Su Ye put the dog down directly and asked the dog to lie down.


Su Ye trims the dog's nails and washes its paws. This process does not require too much skill.

Xu Lai: "..."

Looking at this proficiency, it seems like you are taking over jobs behind my back!

Yaoyao has been dumbfounded. She usually cuts its nails by herself as if she wants to kill it. It is so dishonest!Why do you look so happy now?
Family members, who knows!
We can’t have this dog, right? !

After trimming the dog's nails, Su Ye knocked the singing bowl and turned it around on the dog's head. At this time, the dog showed an expression of extreme enjoyment.

Then I took the feather and passed it over the dog's body again. The dog's expression was even more enjoyable.
[I actually envy a dog, and even want to be it. 】

[Dog: After cleaning it, I’m going to start eating shit! 】

[Gouzi, please wake up and indulge in foot massage spa. It will only destroy your will! 】

[Can you give our police dog a spa [with a polite smile]]

[Recruiting a police dog?Look at me, I can still go to the SPA [Crying]]

[Actually, in a life like this, it’s not impossible to be a dog [Crying loudly]]

[Does he know he is a dog now? 】

[When I was little, I: I wanted a puppy.

Mom: No!

When I grow up, my mother: I want a grandson!
I can not! 】

[Ye Zi, do you still lack a dog at home? I just look like a human, but I’m actually quite a dog [upper left]]

[My mother: It’s better to raise you than a dog
Me: Please watch VCR [smile] [upper left]]

[I don’t understand. It’s not a precious dog. What’s the point of taking such careful care of it all day long? It’s better to let me do it. Apart from not looking like me, I’m quite like a dog in other aspects [witty]]

[I know why my husband likes foot baths so much [tears]]

[Ye Zi, can you treat me like a dog? Don’t make me kneel down to beg you! 】


For a moment, the live broadcast room completely exploded. There is no doubt that everyone wants to be a dog for Ye Zi.Life is too difficult for people, so it is better to be a dog. Of course, you have to be a dog in the city. It is not easy to be a dog in the countryside.

After finishing one set, the dogs fell asleep comfortably. Looking at her sleeping dogs, Yaoyao really didn't know how to describe her current mood.

Sometimes... I really want to call the police.

She would grin when I trimmed its nails myself, but now it’s better!It's really uncomfortable.

mission completed,

Su Ye naturally said goodbye and left. After leaving the community, Su Ye decisively stopped broadcasting.


In my mind, the voice of the system sounded,
[Congratulations to the host for completing the task, and you will be rewarded with half a sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique! 】

Su Ye: ? ? ?
What the hell!

What did I hear?
The secret technique of yin and yang feng shui in sixteen words?Is it the sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secret technique that I know?
【Yes! 】

Su Ye: "..."

Dog system, what kind of underworld skills are you trying to teach me!Are there any sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secrets?

I want to be an Internet celebrity, but you want me to rob tombs? !
At this time, everything about the Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique melted into Su Ye's mind.

Created by Mojin Xiaowei, it includes the yin and yang techniques of Feng Shui. The sixteen characters are: heaven, earth, human, ghost, god, Buddha, demon, animal, deterrence, suppression, escape, object, transformation, yin and yang. ,null.This ancient book mainly records Yin and Yang Feng Shui. It can be said to be all-encompassing. It not only covers Feng Shui and Yin Yang, but also covers a large number of ancient tombs of various dynasties and generations because it was written by a master who touched gold. Descriptions of the shape, structure, and layout, as well as the various difficulties and dangers encountered by the captains of Mojin during the fight.

The Qimen Dunjia recorded in it made Su Ye very interested. Faqimen: Faqimen mainly focuses on talismans and secret methods...Shuqimen: Shuqimen mainly uses special skills...Formation Qimen: Formation Qimen is mainly composed of eight formations...Gua Qimen: Gua Qimen can predict the prosperity and change of dynasties...etc.Number of odd gates: Number of odd gates is based on the deduction of time and space to achieve the function of seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck, and can also turn defeat into victory.

According to the setting in the novel of the previous life, the man who washed his hands in the golden basin was known as Zhang Sanlianzi and Zhang Sanye.It is said that Captain Mojin unearthed the full image of the Sixteen-Character Tian Gua from an ancient tomb, and combined it with Colonel Mojin's patented product, Dragon Searching Technique, to write a book called "The Secret Technique of Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui".

However, this book held the secrets of heaven and earth, and for fear of damaging Yang's life, he destroyed the half of the Yin-Yang Technique, and the remaining half was passed on to Sun Guofu, the Yin-Yang Eyes disciple of Colonel Mo Jin, and not even to the biological descendants of Colonel Mo Jin. It has to be taught.

Didn't you really expect that this thing actually exists? !Damn it!'s useless for you to give me this thing!Can I still rob tombs?
Stop it!
We never do anything illegal!
After that, Su Ye and Xu Lai went home separately. Su Ye simply forgot about the sixteen-character Yin and Yang Feng Shui secret.


at the same time,

The archaeological team who was still in the tomb looked at the Ghost Seal in front of them. The young man who had read the tomb robbing notes was very excited. A purple jade box was found in his belly, and the box contained Guixi. Guixi can command Yin soldiers."

The young man looked quite shocked. He really didn't expect that the novel written by Su Ye was actually true, which meant that Su Ye might have been here.

The young man's face changed slightly, "Every step along the way, the authenticity has been confirmed. The bloody corpse..."

Before he could finish his words, a figure vaguely walked past in the darkness not far away, accompanied by the sound of heavy breathing.

"No! That's probably a bloody corpse. Professor, hurry up! Let's run!" the young man shouted hurriedly.

According to what is written in the book, blood corpses are very terrifying. With their small number of people and fighting ability, they are no match for them. If they fight hard, they are just looking for death.

The only way to save your life now!

Everyone in the archaeological team was frightened and did not dare to stop at all, so they ran away quickly.


The professor made up his mind that as long as he could get out alive, he must go find Su Ye and find out who this Su Ye was.

(End of this chapter)

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