Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 142 Challenge: Live treasure appraisal!

Chapter 142 Challenge: Live treasure appraisal!
In a flash,
For a few more days, Su Ye and Liu Feifei spent time on the set of The Legend of Wu Mei Niang.

this day,
Su Ye and Liu Feifei didn't think about driving, but took the subway home on a whim. They were basically fully armed. It's not a good thing to be too famous when you have time, so you have to be careful when going out.

on the subway,
Su Ye and Liu Feifei sat snuggled together. They were still well-armed.

Another stop,
An old woman came up. There were no seats left in the subway car. Everyone was playing with their phones with their heads down, or closing their eyes and sleeping. We don’t know whether they were sleeping or not.

Su Ye kindly stood up and gave up his seat, "Auntie, you can stay here!"

The aunt thanked her and then asked, "Boy, how old are you this year?!"

"23!" Su Ye replied.

The aunt answered with a bit of ridicule, "I'm 23 and still have to take the subway? My son bought a car when he was 21!"


Su Ye almost laughed. He kindly gave up his seat and also made fun of it?

Su Ye replied calmly, "I bought a car for my mother, otherwise she would go out to squeeze into the subway at such an old age. If she meets someone who is kind, I would give her a seat. If she meets someone who is not so kind, she would have to stand. !”

As soon as this is said,
The eldest sister's face was visibly darkened, and Liu Feifei couldn't help but laugh. This little husband of hers really didn't deserve anything at all.

The people next to them also laughed. At this time, someone recognized Su Ye and Liu Feifei.
Suddenly, many people gathered around, asking for autographs and photos.

Looking at this scene, the aunt's expression became obviously worse.

Seeing that they were about to be surrounded, Su Ye and Liu Feifei tried to talk to each other, but it really blocked everyone's enthusiasm. Just as the subway arrived at the station, Su Ye saw the gap, pulled Liu Feifei and ran away.

And Su Ye's words against the aunt happened to be recorded by someone who recorded life.


This video has become a hot search topic, and the comments are quite exciting.
[Hahaha, the aunt’s face is turning green, what kind of fairy tale is this! 】

[It has to be Ye Zi, this mouth is not very harmful, but extremely insulting! 】

[I admire my quick mind for being able to fight back immediately! 】

[Why do you think you want to provoke him [crying]]

[I can only say one thing, as expected of Ye Zi, he is really awesome [an idea struck me]]

【I'm supposed to let you sit down, but if you don't sit down obediently, you'll have to talk too much [tears running][tears running][tears running]]

[The fairy sister is laughing like that, hahaha~! 】

[I am usually speechless on the spot, and I only think of how to reply when I go to bed at night! 】

[Like me, it’s all hindsight! 】

【What a relief! 】

【This auntie can’t do it!If I say: You are so handsome, your words are so annoying, and you have become so handsome in vain, how should you respond? 】

【Fuck!Damn it!This reminds me of an old lady arguing with a little girl on the subway. She said that the little girl was so beautiful for nothing and that it was useless to be beautiful. The little girl was speechless and just walked away! 】

[Inner Thoughts: Madam, she’s pretty cool, she’s really good at judging people! 】

[I remember I was playing a game at the time, and I was scolding someone fiercely when I turned on the mic. Then the other person said, "Your voice is so nice. I can't stand it anymore." [Laughing awkwardly] I haven't dared to curse someone on the mic for a long time, because I was afraid that I would scold him. So cool! 】

【Hahahaha~! 】

[Girl: You are really...(holding her forehead and smiling bitterly)]

[It’s unlikely that such a discerning person would make trouble unreasonably. Maybe something happened. 】

[Once I was quarreling with a female colleague and I noticed that she looked so cute and beautiful when she was angry. Then I couldn’t help but said, "Why are you so beautiful when you are angry?" One mouthful [cover face]]

[It is impossible for me to quarrel with such a discerning and tasteful person. 】

[Beauty: Leave quickly, otherwise your lips will burst into tears [tears run away]]

[It’s not that you can’t win an argument, it’s that she is too discerning [Comparison of Hearts]]


Two days later,
Su Ye and Xu Lai start broadcasting again,
In the live room,

[Challenge: Live fortune telling, this time one hundred people must be counted. 】【I quite support this! 】


Su Ye looked at this comment and couldn't help but curled his lips, "You are so good, you really want me to die!"

Regarding this challenge, Su Ye directly chose to ignore it. Counting a hundred people?It would be better for him not to broadcast it. If he really can't do it, he might as well die. If he dies, there is no need to forget about it.

As for Su Ye, everyone also knew that it was impossible for Gou Yezi to tell fortunes live.

[Challenge: Take a self-driving trip to 318. I’ve always wanted to go, but it’s too hard to get around and I don’t have time. You can take the trip for me and I’ll just watch it through the screen. 】

[I asked you to do some work for Ye Zi, but you will do some good things for Ye Zi?You are so good! 】

[Leniency will be given if you confess, strict if you resist. Tell me quickly, are you Ye Zi’s trumpet? You kid, you are very suspicious! 】

[Ye Zi, just pretend you haven’t seen this and don’t count it. We don’t agree! 】


Su Ye is actually quite excited about 318. He has always wanted to go there.

This challenge mission comes at the wrong time. There is a drama coming up now, and my wife is not free, otherwise I would really take advantage of the opportunity to go there.

Clearing his throat, "This netizen's suggestion is very good, but unfortunately I don't have much free time recently. It will be no problem when I have free time."

Su Ye's crazy hint, no!This can no longer be said to be a hint, but an explicit statement of madness.

No one can hear it anymore. Doesn’t this mean that I am not free now? I will tell you when I am free, and you can talk later.

damn thing!
You are a real dog!

Did you just say it so openly?You should be more tactful!

Damn you!
When they thought of Ye Zi taking the fairy sister on a self-driving trip to see the beautiful scenery, they became envious and jealous, and their jealousy changed them beyond recognition!

We must keep Ye Zi busy, let him take on the roles crazily, and have a full schedule for him.

[Challenge: Within ten days, pick up another TV series. It must be a full-length TV series and it must have a lot of scenes! 】

[Ye Zi, this is not difficult, you can do it! 】

[Okay, Ye Zi, don’t think about it, just do this! 】

Su Ye: "..."

You want to exhaust me to death, right?

Just ignore it!

[Challenge: Live treasure appraisal, which often takes more than six hours. 】

[You can also live stream treasure appraisal, I almost forgot, leaf appraisal is also a great skill. 】

[This is possible. I happen to have a family heirloom treasure. Let Ye Zi show me whether it is real or fake! 】

[Ye Zi, stop choosing, this is it, everyone agrees with this! 】


Among these challenges, this live treasure appraisal is the only one that is pretty good, this one is the winner!
"Since everyone has asked for it, let's choose a live broadcast of the treasure appraisal, which will last for more than four hours!"

【?Six hours! 】

"three hours!"

【Five hours! 】

"Two hours!"

【wipe! 】

In the end, netizens were defeated and set the time limit at four hours. There was nothing they could do about it, Ye Zizi was too stupid!

They have been fans of many Internet celebrities, and this one is definitely the first one!
(End of this chapter)

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