Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 146: In your current state, you should have a child!

Chapter 146: In your current state, you should have a child!

"The sky is blue waiting for smoke and rain, and I'm waiting for you. The smoke from the kitchen is rising thousands of miles across the river."

As soon as the chorus came out, the scene and live broadcast room naturally exploded even more.
[This kind of parting melancholy is like a sky full of dark clouds, waiting for the arrival of drizzle, which is more subtle and delicate. 】

[Ye Zi, you are so outstanding, are you really going to die? ! 】

[It’s so beautiful, I can’t help but pout!Products produced by Ye Ye can really be trusted unconditionally. 】


At this time,

Su Ye's singing continued naturally,
"Like the blue and white porcelain handed down from generation to generation, you are beautiful by yourself, and you have a smile in your eyes."

[The scene of a Jiangnan woman smiling coquettishly appears in my mind. 】

【A close friend!Me too, I can't describe this scene. It seems that I was amazed by her with just a side glance and a turn.Coupled with the moving and beautiful melody, it makes people feel like hearing the sounds of nature and seeing a beautiful beauty. 】


Entering the end of the song, "The writing on the bottom of the bottle imitates the elegance of the previous dynasty, just as I foreshadowed my meeting you."

[This sentence seems to be the sigh of the person in the song about the woman who can only be found but cannot be found.Just like real blue and white porcelain, it is hard to find. 】

[Something is wrong, Ye Zi, something is very wrong with you. Tell me quickly, do you have a crush on Bai Yueguang? 】

[Quickly @神仙丝, let her see that something is wrong with her husband! 】

[Stop talking and draw your sword! 】


the end of the song
There is no doubt that Su Ye was directly promoted with the first place in the same period.

After leaving the Good Voice venue, Liu Feifei was already waiting outside, which made Su Ye a little surprised and a little surprised.
Seeing Su Ye's expression of surprise and surprise, Liu Feifei said calmly, "What? Isn't it okay to come to pick up my husband and go home? Or... my husband's Bai Yueguang is also there, are you afraid of being seen?"

Su Ye: "..."

Of course he knew that his wife was joking.

"There's no such thing as Bai Yueguang. If there really is, it must be you!" Su Ye bared his teeth and smiled.

"is it?"

"must be!"

Chen Shan in the car: ⊙⊙!
I'm such a bitch, why do I have to take a ride? !
This damn dog food!

I should be under the car, not inside.

Driving on the way home,
Liu Feifei suddenly saw a Er Ha in the back seat of a car next to her.
"It looks so cute!"

Su Ye:!
Yes, it does look cute, but when the house is torn down, it’s not cute at all!

Liu Feifei took out her mobile phone to take pictures. At this moment, the red light happened to catch up. The driver next to her braked. Erha performed a disappearing technique and hit the front seat. When Erha stood still, it looked at Liu Feifei. He Su Ye actually showed an awkward yet polite smile.

This made Liu Feifei couldn't help but laugh, "It's actually still embarrassed?!"

after that,

Liu Feifei posted this video on Weibo, and it quickly became popular.
The comment area is very lively.

[The second time I looked up, I was obviously less confident than the first time [see]]

[Erha: It’s okay, I will blame any piece of furniture in the house when I get home at night [awkward laugh]]

[Dog: I was playing hide-and-seek with you. I didn’t expect that my tail was not up to par, and you discovered it so quickly [watch]]

[It can be seen that its tail is exerting force! 】

[Erha: You are waiting to go home [see]]


At this time,

in the car,

Su Ye asked, "How about we also raise a dog or a cat?" Liu Feifei's eyes couldn't help but light up, but soon dimmed, "I always wanted to raise one before, but I was too busy and didn't have time to take care of it, so I just kept it." Not raised.”

"You can raise them now. I have plenty of time." Su Ye is actually not very interested in raising cats and dogs. It's okay for him to pet them, but it's a headache to raise them, but his wife likes them, so she must raise them.

"Husband, you are so kind!"

Liu Feifei hugged Su Ye, snuggled into Su Ye's arms, and rubbed her head against Su Ye's chest.

This made Su Ye feel so excited that he couldn't stand it, he couldn't stand it at all.

Raise, raise a few more!

Chen Shan: "..."

I'm like a dog now, how about you raise me?
You really treat me like air!
"I feel that you should not raise cats and dogs. In your current state, you should raise a child!" Chen Shan said lightly.


Liu Feifei's little face was slightly red, "Sister Chen~ you...what are you talking about? You have a child!"

"It is indeed the age to have children, hurry up! Come on!" Chen Shan encouraged.

If Liu Feifei's mother knew this, she would have to give Sister Chen a big thumbs up.

Liu Feifei rolled her eyes at Sister Chen and didn't want to talk to Sister Chen. How long had they been together? They hadn't even gotten married yet, but they were already in the process of having a child?

This is faster too!
After thinking about it, Liu Feifei suddenly understood that Sister Chen had eaten too much dog food and was deliberately being weird!
She originally wanted to let go, but she hugged her tighter and asked sweetly, "Honey, do you want a boy or a girl?"

Su Ye's eyes suddenly lit up. If you want to say this, I won't be sleepy.

There is absolutely no need to hesitate about this question, "Children only make choices, adults naturally have to make choices!"

Liu Feifei: "..."

Chen Shan:! ! !
It has to be your boy!
with your's!
Sissi is the same. She has really grown up and has seen through my intentions. She doesn't care if I don't comfort her, and even adds some finishing touches.

I'm too hard!

Now that Su Ye and Liu Feifei had decided, they went directly to the pet market.

The two of them took a fancy to a little kitten, which looked very cute and small.
After confirming that the little guy had no health problems, the two of them bought it without any hesitation.

In addition to kittens, cat litter boxes, cat food, etc. must also be purchased.

back home,
Liu Feifei took a photo of the kitten and sent a copy to Su Ye. The two of them sent me a small amount together.
Caption: A new member of the family!

Pictured: Kitten!


The comment area became lively.
[Good guy, just reading the words scared me. I thought the fairy sister was suspicious! 】

[Me too, Gouzi Zi, it’s so heartbreaking!Scared me. 】

[Sooner or later, from now on, Su Ye is too good, and I feel like the fairy sister is a bit unworthy. 】

【?Not really! 】


After sending a meager message, Su Ye and Liu Feifei did not bother with the comment section, but seriously discussed what kind of name they should give the kitten.

Finally, with Su Ye's decisive decision, the name Xiaobai was born.

Both of them were quite bad at naming, which made Su Ye realize that the child's name should be put on the agenda from now on, otherwise it would be too late to pick it up by then.


In a flash,
The next day,

When Su Ye was still asleep, he was woken up by a rapid ringing of the phone.

After taking a look at the caller, it was Xu Lai. After answering the call, Su Ye felt a little angry and said, "You'd better be fine!"

(End of this chapter)

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