Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 147 Tianxing Feng Shui, the intruding ghost blows the lamp! ?

Chapter 147 Tianxing Feng Shui, the intruding ghost blows the lamp! ?

At this time,

Xu Lai's somewhat anxious voice sounded, "Yi Zi, look at the headlines, hurry up!"

Hearing Xu Lai's urgent voice, Su Ye also knew that there must be some big news, and it was related to him, otherwise Xu Lai wouldn't be so panicked.

the sound fell,

Su Ye woke up from her nap, opened the headlines and read them. The more she looked at Su Ye, the more energetic she became.

What is this! ?

playing me? !

What the headlines say is that archaeological experts went to the tomb and found that the situation in the tomb was exactly the same as the Qixing Lu Palace written by Su Ye. There were corpses, blood corpses, ghost jade...

this moment,
Su Ye dominates the list of most searched software on all platforms. The meager amount is all because Su Ye is paralyzed.
[Good guy, I’ll be honest, good guy, I asked you why the writing is so beautiful. I made a fuss for a long time. What others wrote was a novel, but what Ye Zi wrote was an autobiography! 】

[Yi Zi, don’t say anything. Surrender yourself as soon as possible and strive for leniency. 】

[This kid Ye Zi is really getting more and more tortured! 】

[Corpses, blood corpses, there are... there are indeed them!Then... the West Queen Mother's Palace, the Bronze Gate, the so-called ultimate... don't they also have it?This world makes me confused. 】

[It shouldn't be that evil, it can definitely be explained. Ye Zi must have added some fantasy elements into it when he wrote it. 】



Just when Su Ye was still a little confused on the bed, the doorbell rang outside.
Liu Feifei woke up in a daze and saw that Su Ye's back had left the room.

Because the door was not closed tightly, Liu Feifei vaguely heard the voice of a stranger downstairs.
When Liu Feifei went out, she saw several police officers standing in the hall, which made Liu Feifei a little confused, "What's wrong?"

Su Ye turned around and looked at his wife, with a faint smile, "It's okay, please cooperate with the investigation. Don't worry, I'll be right back."


Liu Feifei felt relieved, knowing that Su Ye would definitely not lie to her.

After Su Ye and the police left, Liu Feifei immediately received a call from Chen Shan. Only then did she know the reason why Su Ye was taken away. At this time, Liu Feifei was also a little surprised.

The tombs in the book written by my young husband really exist, and most of them are correct.

But thinking of Su Ye's reassuring look when he left, Liu Feifei felt that Su Ye must be fine.

police station,

Su Ye was naturally very cooperative and said whatever he asked. Naturally, the police were constantly investigating, but there were no clues or evidence.

"Since you have never been there, why can you write so clearly?" the police officer asked.

Su Ye: "..."

He was a little speechless. He was just copying a book. Who knew there really was a Qixing Lu Palace in this world.

If it weren't for Wu Xie, Fatty, Zhang Qiling, and the Crescent Hotel, he would have doubted whether he had traveled to the world of Tomb Raider Notes.

"There are some records in the history books. The older generation in the family passed down some books. I just learned from them and imagined them. It's a coincidence. It's really a coincidence!" Su Ye could only explain it this way.

It sounds a little feeble, but what else can I say besides that!
Did you say that you came from time travel and copied books?
It's better to go to jail yourself and save yourself from being sliced ​​and studied.

After not staying at the police station for long, Su Ye was taken away. Instead of releasing him, he was taken to the Institute of Archeology.

Entering the Institute of Archeology, Su Ye saw a kind old man, "You must have been wronged, little friend. Come and sit down!"

"No, no, you are?"

"I am a professor here, my surname is Chen, you can call me Professor Chen." Professor Chen replied.

Except for Professor Chen's kindness, several people around him looked at Su Ye with disgust and contempt. Don't think about it, they naturally regarded Su Ye as a tomb robber.

"My friend, can you tell me why you can clearly write about it even though you have never been to the tomb?" Professor Chen asked in a chatty manner.

Without waiting for Su Ye to say anything,
A young man on the side said, "Professor, you don't have to ask, he must have been there."

"Xiao Chu, don't talk nonsense if there is no evidence. We must be rigorous in scientific research." Professor Chen scolded.


Xiao Chu shut up without being angry. Professor Chen said so, so he naturally had to endure it.

Professor Chen seemed to be helping him out, but in fact he still suspected that he was a tomb robber, but he didn't say it so clearly. Su Ye knew this very well.

Su Ye replied calmly, "My ancestors left a book with some incomplete records. Adding the records in the history books, I just made some assumptions. I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence."


Professor Chen was obviously interested, "I wonder if you can tell me what kind of book it is? I wonder if I can borrow it?"

This was obviously a presumptuous request, but looking at Professor Chen, it seemed that he had some guesses, and the request was made to confirm his guesses.

"Some books on Feng Shui. Those books are old and have long been gone. I only remember part of them." Su Ye replied.

Professor Chen continued to ask, "Do you know the art of Tianxing Feng Shui?!"


Su Ye's heart skipped a beat. Sure enough, this professor even knew the Star Feng Shui technique.
Tomb Raider Notes has been hacked into, so Gui Chuideng won’t be hacked into it, right? !
Su Ye nodded lightly, "I know something!"

"Xiao Su, can you tell me!?" Professor Chen asked very expectantly.

Su Ye nodded slightly, "Okay! Tianxing Feng Shui, also known as Tianqiong Qingsang Technique, is the most obscure chapter, and I only know a little bit about it."

"Feng Shui is known as the best geoscience. The place of Feng Shui can be simply summarized as a place where the wind is hidden and a place where water is obtained. In later generations, Feng Shui was gradually extended to the art of controlling the environment. To put it bluntly, it is analysis. A science of the relationship between heaven, earth and man.”

"The emperors and nobles in ancient times attached great importance to things after death. They felt that the treatment they enjoyed during life should continue to be enjoyed after death. They believed that the rise and fall of the world all originated from the dragon's veins, so the mausoleum must be set up in a geomantic treasure place. .”

"The mausoleum selected by Emperor Yongzheng during his lifetime was summarized as the area where the heaven and earth gather together, the place where yin and yang meet, the dragon's cave, sand and water, all beautiful, the situation is well-prepared, the emperor Yongzheng read the memorial, and the mountain water method is well organized. , Xun is the land of good fortune, the old man was right, but he was only half right.

Because the ancients pursued the realm of unity between man and nature, which required not only mountains and water, but also the sun, moon and stars. Since ancient times, people have begun to observe celestial phenomena and study changes in the stars to speculate on good and bad luck.

When looking for Feng Shui treasures, we often use the essence of astronomy. The distance between heaven and earth is 24 miles. The distance between human heart and kidney is eight inches and four minutes. The metal, wood, water, fire and earth of the human body correspond to the five heavenly stars, and there are [-] stars. Corresponding to the geography of mountains and rivers in the world, the stars have good and evil qualities, and the earth has bad and good fortunes.

Any auspicious soil must echo the sun, moon and stars in the sky, and the technique of Qingwu, which uses the flow of nebulae to determine acupuncture points, is the most difficult technique to master in Feng Shui. "

The voice fell,

Professor Chen clapped his hands and said at the same time, "Do you know the Muchen Bead?!"

Su Ye: "...!?"

What the hell!

There really is a ghost blowing the lamp in!
(End of this chapter)

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