Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 157 Ye Zi’s righteousness

Entering the palace, there was no gold, silver or jewelry as everyone imagined.

The entire palace was empty, except for some murals carved on the walls of the palace. The descriptions above were naturally related to the king's efforts to build the Heavenly Palace in order to seek immortality.

There is also the Muchen Bead in the mural. It seems that the Muchen Bead is indeed in the hands of King Xian.

After searching all over the underground palace, no one found the coffin, and there was no secret passage.

"It seems... this is not the place where King Xian is buried. This Heavenly Palace is just the bright tower of King Xian." Professor Chen said a little disappointed.

And this surprised everyone. This heavenly palace was built so luxuriously.

But it is just a bright tower dedicated to the king. How luxurious should the real tomb of the king be?

When everyone left the palace, the palace door suddenly closed. At this moment,
The group of humanoid monsters chased after them, and a large number of humanoid monsters rushed in densely.
Now they have no choice but to enter the palace to escape. Of course, even if the palace door is not closed, no one can go in. If they do, they will be seeking death. In this situation, the only option is to fight out.

For a time,

The members of the archaeological team kept firing, and a chaotic battle began.
Everyone helped each other and kept killing monsters, but the number of monsters was too huge. Some of the members of the archaeological team had been bitten by monsters, and some had lost their lives.

"Professor, help... just save your life!" Xiao Chu's cry for help sounded.

But now everyone is so entangled by monsters that they can't take any action.
For a time,

Everyone in the archaeological team hopes that Su Ye can save Xiao Chu. Now only Su Ye has this ability.

At this time,

Su Ye deliberately attracted the looking humanoid monster to rush towards him, making it impossible for him to escape.

When he met the mantis, Xiao Chu's fall was clearly caused by trying to trip him up. Why should I save someone who had murderous intentions towards him?

If it weren't for the rule of law, he would have drawn the sword directly at that time, and he didn't say anything at that time, just for the sake of now. If he had any conflict with Xiao Chu before, then even if he is besieged by so many humanoid monsters, some people will say that he He deliberately ignored death.

Of course, Su Ye didn't care about reputation at all, but if he was scolded for being a piece of trash, it would be a big loss.

Xiao Chu's screams continued, and he was torn to pieces by several humanoid monsters.

With the death of Xiao Chu, Su Ye also found a gap bit by bit.
If this continues, except for myself, the rest of the archaeological team may also die.

this moment,
Su Ye ran directly to the door of the main hall and struck the stone pillar in front of the main hall with the blade of his sword.

The humanoid monsters were attracted by the movement and began to run towards Su Ye crazily.
Seeing such a scene, everyone in the archaeological team was stunned. Seeing Su Ye's posture, he wanted to deal with these monsters alone. This... they were really moved to tears.

In the live room,

[Fuck, Ye Ziyi is righteous! 】

[No, Ye Zi, we really don’t need to be like this! 】

[With Ye Zi’s ability, he can definitely kill him alone, but...]

[The top ten people who moved China in the year must have leaves!Otherwise I won't agree. 】


Liu Feifei watched the live broadcast with her heart in her throat and tears in her eyes.

He really didn't expect that Su Ye would do such a thing, and now she could only believe in Su Ye.

Chen Shan on the side was comforting Liu Feifei. She did not expect that Su Ye could be so righteous at such a moment. I have to say that her own Qianqian has really good taste.

at this time,

When a group of monsters rushed towards him, Su Ye ignited the explosives, then jumped up, climbed up the stone pillar, and then used his strength to jump in the direction of the crowd. The moment the bomb exploded, Su Ye was already firmly on the ground. in front of everyone.

For a moment, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, it was okay!fine!Su Ye is safe and sound.

Everyone in the archaeological team was concerned and asked if Su Ye was okay. As for Xiao Chu, it didn't matter anymore. If anyone dared to say that Su Ye refused to save him, he would be scolded.

Su Ye was very satisfied with this result.

this moment,
Liu Feifei and Chen Shan breathed a heavy sigh of relief. It's okay, it's okay, it's okay. He knows what's appropriate.

"Qian Qian, when he comes back, he must kneel on the keyboard to make you so worried." Chen Shan said at this time.

Liu Feifei said, "No, it would be a waste to kneel down and break the keyboard. It's better to kneel down on the durian!"

Chen Shan: "..."

Sissi, it has to be you!

this moment,
Su Ye couldn't help but feel a little chill on his back and couldn't figure out the reason.

In the live room,

[I knew that Ye Ziding would be fine. He had just met his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and he hadn’t married the fairy sister yet. How could he be willing to die! 】

[But I know that since Ye Zi dares to do it, he must be sure. 】


At this time,

The humanoid monster has been solved for the time being, and now comes the most important issue.

Where is the real tomb of King Xian!
Su Ye stood at the edge of the Heavenly Palace, looked down, and said lightly, "The bright tower is yang, and the dark river below is yin. It seems... we should go into the water."

into the water?

Professor Chen was slightly startled, "How could there be a tomb under water? Could it be that the tomb was built first and then the water was brought in? If we entered from underwater, wouldn't the water have to pour into the entire tomb?"

He has lived for more than half his life and has seen too many tombs. He has never seen an underwater tomb.

Su Ye answered, "You'll know if you go and take a look. It's most likely underwater."


Professor Chen naturally decided to believe Su Ye, and everyone started to go down from Tiangong to take out the diving equipment. Not everyone in the archaeological team went down, leaving some people on the river bank. At Su Ye's request, Professor Chen also Did not enter the tomb.

Before Su Ye went into the water, Professor Chen asked Su Ye to stop the live broadcast at the right time. The public should not know about Muchen Bead.

Su Ye naturally agreed. After getting into the water, Su Ye completely disconnected the live broadcast.

Now is the most appropriate time to break. If you enter and then break, it would be too deliberate.

This made everyone in the live broadcast room complain about the poor quality of the live broadcast equipment and it was not waterproof?

At the most critical moment, the live broadcast was gone? !This is too much.

They didn't think about it at all. It was Su Ye who took the initiative to turn off the live broadcast.

The location of King Xian's tomb did not exceed Su Ye's expectations. It was in the water.

The entrance to the tomb chamber was very cleverly made. Taking advantage of the winding shape of the mountain and manual intervention, a waterproof layer was made. The further you walked through the entrance, the less water there was. This processing technology surprised several members of the archaeological team. It was really incredibly compact. The ancients were not as intelligent as modern people.


After receiving Su Ye's message, Professor Chen was very excited. The tomb of King Xian was indeed down there. He hoped that Su Ye could bring the Muchen Bead out. (End of chapter)

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