Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 158: As long as I am here, I am not afraid of having no offspring.

Time passed bit by bit, when Su Ye and others came out of the water,
The number of people was reduced by one, and the Muchen Bead was brought out by Su Ye. Looking at the Muchen Bead in Su Ye's hand, Professor Chen knew with just one glance that it must be true.

"Professor, it's not advisable to stay here for a long time. Let's go out first!" Su Ye reminded, looking at the obsessed Professor Chen.

Professor Chen also reacted and said quickly, "Xiao Su is right, let's leave first."

words fell,

Everyone hurriedly left the Tomb of King Xian. A day later, everyone was on their way back.

When Su Ye started broadcasting, a large number of people poured into the live broadcast room, all asking about what happened after Su Ye went into the water, and Su Ye casually chatted with everyone.

after that,

Su Ye directly changed the topic and focused the camera on the beautiful scenery on the road.
While Su Ye was live broadcasting, a group of ducks suddenly appeared on the road. The mother duck was carrying her baby ducks. The next moment, the mother duck gave the ducklings instructions on how to hide when they encountered a car. I saw that the mother duck did not run away. When they reached the roadside, they walked to the middle of the road and stood still. The next second, the mother duck flew out directly, leaving a group of ducklings stunned in place.

Su Ye and others: "..."

In the live room,

[Duck Mother: If you keep me here, you won’t have to worry about having no offspring! 】

[Trivia: The duck does this to lure away natural enemies, not to have children, but what he doesn’t know is that this thing is a fully insured car [crying]]

[Let’s just say that it doesn’t matter to the duck that this thing is not completely safe! 】

[Mother Duck: Just start running!

Little Duck: Mom, I’m not level [-] yet! 】

[The animal’s perspective is to lure away natural enemies, so I apologize to the mother duck [smile]]

[Subsequently, the truck flew up and hit Mother Duck [crying]]

[Duck Dad: Where are the children?
Mother Duck: Are you mean to me? ? [Cool]]

["How do you teach your children to fly?"


[Baby Duck: Which direction, left or right!

Mother Duck: Come on!
Baby Duck: 6! 】

[When a disaster strikes, we all fly away. If something happens, we can’t get through on the phone. 】

[Little Duck: This can only be taught once, the second time is on the dining table! 】


At this moment, the live broadcast room was quite lively.


In a flash,
When Su Ye returned to Magic City, the first thing he did was naturally send a message to his wife.
After going home,
Liu Feifei was waiting at home with a serious look on her face. Before Su Ye could speak,
Liu Feifei's voice sounded, "Okay! A life-threatening person can come back, it's amazing!"

Su Ye: "..."

Got it!
Now I know why my wife is so serious!

"Daughter-in-law, what you said is wrong. I always cherish my life. I won't do anything I'm not sure about. Even if I'm only [-]% sure, what's the difference between that and dying!" Su Ye said, and naturally hurriedly went to coax him. daughter in law.

Hug, hug, hug!


When the long kiss ended, Liu Feifei had already forgotten about the durian, the washboard, and the keyboard.

"You're not allowed to take risks in the future, you know?" Liu Feifei said, thinking she was very fierce.


Now her cheeks are flushed, and she is pretending to be evil. She has no deterrent effect at all, but is actually so cute.

Su Ye said, as a man, can I tolerate you like this?

No, absolutely not!
So, a long kiss came up again. Everyone knows that the mechanism of a man is set up like this. When kissing, there is really no place to put his hands.

However, his wife did not knock off her hand, which made Su Ye excited.

When he took the next step, his wife stopped Su Ye and said softly, "The relatives are here!"

Su Ye: "..."

What’s coming is really knocking!

Damn relatives, I really hate you!
It seems that I can only wait until my relatives leave!

Life is so difficult!then,

Su Ye was honest and a good baby. The only one who would feel uncomfortable when she got angry was herself, so she might as well be honest.

Su Ye naturally cooked dinner. Her little husband was away these days, and Liu Feifei had long been thinking about the food cooked by her little husband.

After dinner,

Liu Feifei touched her belly and pursed her lips. She accidentally failed to control herself. She would become a member of the weight loss army again tomorrow.


Three days later,
Su Ye felt that she had rested well and called Fatty to start the live broadcast.
After the broadcast,

Still as usual,
[Challenge: Live fortune telling for twelve hours! 】

[If you want Ye Zi to die, just say so. There is no need for this. 】


[Challenge: Tell me about your tomb robbing experience! 】

[Yes, I think this is very punishing! 】

[Ye Zi, since everyone has strongly requested it, please explain it carefully! 】

[If there is anything to say about this, I suggest you go directly to Tomb Raider Notes! 】

[You say something to me, Ye Zi obviously has a torture device! 】

[Don't say it, don't say it, it really rhymes! 】


Su Ye: "..."

These fans really can’t have any more!

[Challenge: Ye Zi, come and tutor my child in his studies, do you dare! 】

[That’s it, I just want to see Ye Zi looking helpless with a headache! 】

[Since you don’t choose to tell fortunes or tell stories about tomb robbing experiences, let your children punish you! 】

[Very good, no other challenge tasks are allowed downstairs, let’s do this! 】


Looking at this challenge comment, Su Ye's lips curved into a faint smile,

That's it? !
"Okay, today I will take on the challenge of tutoring the children in their studies! Dump it, I will play for real!" Su Ye said loudly.

Everyone: "..."

Good guy, how dare you!
Have you forgotten the fear of being dominated by your children?
Waiting for Ye Zi to experience another moment of fear.

On the way,

Su Ye said lightly, "Since I dare to agree, I am confident. Now I have figured out a new way of education. Just watch, I will definitely achieve success."

Xu Lai: "..."

Ye Zi, I don’t know how to remind you, actually... we don’t have to be so confident!
Although Xu Lai had only been shooting before, he had personally experienced how difficult it was!
In the live room,

[Okay, okay, Ye Zi, I have to admire your courage! 】

[I want to see what new education method you have! 】

[After going out for a trip, how did Ye Zi learn to brag? ! 】

[Ye Zi, are you sure you are still you? 】

[If there really are leaves, I have to farm rockets, and I have to study hard. My little mythical beast is really worrying me to death! 】


There are many comments in the comment area, but basically no one believes that Su Ye really has any good education methods.

How could he, a childless person, figure it out?


Su Ye arrived at the place and directly contacted the fan who just sent the challenge task.

At this moment, Su Ye felt inexplicably windy and cold. Of course, in the eyes of everyone, Su Ye only felt confident. (End of chapter)

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