Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 159 Child: Knowledge came into my mind in a mean way

Chapter 159 Child: Knowledge came into my mind in a mean way

The contacted parent came out to pick up Su Ye and Xu Lai. She was the child's mother. She was average in appearance but had a good temperament. When she saw Su Ye, the child's mother was very enthusiastic.
After entering the house, the child's mother apologetically asked Su Ye and Xu Lai to wait a moment, "Sorry, the child's father has gone to pick up the child and will be back in a moment."

Su Ye replied, "It's okay, I'll be fine later!"

Hearing Su Ye's answer, the child's mother breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Su Ye and Xu Lai sat on the sofa, and the child's mother went to wash some fruits, apples, cherries, and grapes, which looked quite rich.

In order not to make the atmosphere awkward, the three of them chatted wordlessly.
The atmosphere was gradually becoming harmonious. At this moment, the parrot who had been in the living room suddenly spoke,
"Don't leave, go to sleep!"

"What are you doing!"

"Hug, I want to sleep!"

"Come in for a hug, boo boo boo~"

"Kiss me, boo boo~"

"It stinks, my mouth stinks, Huihui really stinks!"

The next second, the parrot restored the sound of the zipper being opened.
"Is it hot?"

"...the sound of water!"


In a flash,

The child's mother's face turned red, and she quickly carried the parrot to the back room, and at the same time gave the parrot a smooth mouth.

At such a critical time, wouldn’t this directly kill society?

This is too embarrassing!

The popularity of Su Ye's live broadcast room and the number of people online were huge, and soon most people across the country knew about it.

How will you mix in the community in the future? !

At that time, I said I couldn’t keep parrots, and it was all my husband’s fault!

Su Ye: "..."

Xu Lai: "⊙⊙!"

Ah this~!
It was really... very explosive!
Sure enough, you should be careful when raising parrots!

In the live room,

It exploded even more at this moment,
[Good guy, can you avoid it in the future? 】

[This parrot knows a lot, gah, I have to gawk at it! 】

[Baozi, who often kills people, knows that if there is a parrot at the scene, he must kill it! 】

[I have been learning the sound of water droplets for so long, but he learned it all at once [smile]]

【It is crushed! 】

[No wonder I put an iron chain on it. I was really afraid that it would go downstairs and chat with the old lady [tears]]

[Hahaha, if he starts chatting with the old lady, then the whole community will know about it! 】

[It’s smaller, the layout is smaller, let alone your own community, everyone in the community next door knows about it. 】

[It’s so similar that I thought it was played with the original sound! 】

[Male: Don’t leave, go to sleep!
Woman: What are you doing!

Man: I want to go to sleep with a hug, give me a hug and give me a kiss!
Female: It stinks, it really stinks, gray gray really stinks!
Man: Is it hot?
I personally think the male protagonist should be called Huihui [face covering]]

[You said you just meant to imitate water, you also learned the sound of a zipper [Like] [Like] [Like]]

[Master: Okay, okay, okay, you are noble, you can say anything [smile]]

[Cui Guo, smash its mouth into pieces [cool]]

[This is the animal version of the voice recorder! 】


at this time,

The child's mother calmed down and walked out of the bedroom coquettishly.
You can tell from the look on the child's mother's face that in just a few minutes, she has dug out several buildings with her feet.

For a time,

The atmosphere was obviously different, and the child's mother was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Naturally, Su Ye couldn't let the atmosphere be so awkward, so he could only try to stir up the atmosphere.

However, the effect is really not that good.

In the live room,

[Hey guys, looking at this atmosphere, I was awkwardly picking my toes in front of the screen! 】

[Hahahaha, Ye Zi is starting to feel cramped too! 】

[So, you must be careful when raising parrots!cautious!Be more cautious! 】



This awkward atmosphere did not last long. The father came back with the child.
As soon as I saw the child's father, the embarrassment seemed to shift, and I felt that the atmosphere was not right.
The child's father greeted Su Ye warmly, then noticed that the parrot in the living room was no longer there, "Honey, where is little Huihui? Are you hanging on the balcony?!"


The atmosphere that had finally been relieved became awkward again at this moment.
The father of the child is really capable. He is so pure that he can’t help but mention anything!


The child's father suddenly realized that it was Xiao Huihui who said something that he shouldn't have said. If he couldn't wait for Ye Zi to leave, he could just stew it!
Immediately, the child's father quickly turned his attention to the child.
"Yi Zi, today is Chinese. This kid is weakest in Chinese. I have always been a fan of yours. I know that you are very talented in literature, so I will leave it to you!"

words fell,

Su Ye nodded slightly and said very confidently, "Don't worry, leave it to me!"


Su Ye learned about the text that the child needed to learn today, and was not in a hurry to teach the child. Instead, he asked the child's parents to bring a bunch of children's toys for the child to play with.

The child’s father and mother: “…”

ah this~

What a process this is!
Do not understand!

However, neither the child's father nor the child's mother said anything. Let's see how Su Ye teaches him!

After a while,

Su Ye approached Xu Lai with her mobile phone and said, "Look at this kid, go play by the Yellow River and climb such a high building, tsk tsk~"

While saying this, the child also approached Su Ye and wanted to see the content on the phone.

Xu Lai asked at this time, "Which child?"

Su Ye answered, "Wang Zhihuan! What do you see written on it?"

Xu Lai looked at his mobile phone and said word by word, "The sun sets over the mountains, and the Yellow River flows into the sea!"

Just as Xu Lai said this, the child came over and wanted to see,

Su Ye put the phone away at this time, pretending that he couldn't remember and said, "Bai... what's Bai?"

Xu Lai was silent, pretending to be thinking hard.
"The sun sets over the mountains!" The child's voice sounded at this time.

At this time, both Su Ye and Xu Lai looked stunned, nodding their heads and saying yes,
Then, Su Ye said again, "Huang...what is Huang?"

Xu Lai: "Uh..."

"The Yellow River flows into the sea!" The child's crisp voice continued to sound.

Su Ye and Xu Lai immediately high-fived and then gave the child a thumbs up.

The child’s father and mother: “…”

What the hell!

Can it still be like this? !
This is really... I don’t know how to describe it for a moment!

How could Su Ye's brain be so long that he could come up with such a solution!

Talent!Really talented!
The live broadcast room was filled with excitement.
[Child: Knowledge entered my mind in a very despicable way! 】

["So please share how you got into Tsinghua University"

Child: "I asked about it"]

[Child: I thought it was a joke, but these two sentences were like welded to death in my mind. 】

[Every time we have a business meeting, I don’t remember anything about the business, but I remember everything despite the nagging in the middle [crying]]

[I have lived for 23 years and I still don’t understand why I don’t have a girlfriend if I don’t drink, smoke or gamble, I love fitness, sports, and know how to cook [Secret Observation]]

[Some weird stuff has been mixed in, get out of here~! 】

[One-third of it is destined in heaven, and seven-tenth of it depends on inquiring! 】

[Sure enough, curiosity is the most effective way to improve learning efficiency! 】

[Many years later, a reporter asked: How do you become so knowledgeable?

Child: One minute is destined, 9% depends on asking [an idea] [an idea] [an idea]]

[Child: Two old men can’t put together half a brain [watch]]

[When a child grows up and goes to school, he sits in the classroom without listening to a word. When he is asked to stand outside, he learns to answer questions [see] [see]]

[You may not necessarily remember it after reading it ten times when you endorse it, but you can remember the gossip after listening to it once! 】


Although there are many jokes in the comment area, I have to say that Su Ye’s method really works!

How can I say it!
It’s really awesome!
They were really convinced by Su Ye, how could they come up with such a method.

Cow batch!

Then, when it came to teaching language sense, Su Ye took a thin rope and
"One is a house, the other is a flower. In my childhood, I..."

words fell,

Su Ye looked straight at the child, who clenched his fists and said, "Fuck me!"

The child’s parents: “…”

Good guy!
We are so direct, my sense of language is really good!
In the live room,

[It turns out that this is the sense of language, high school teacher, I finally realized it! 】

[Isn’t it a little too late to realize now? 】

[Teacher: What were you doing before the college entrance examination! 】

[Strange, I’ve obviously never heard of this jingle! 】

[When everyone started to discuss whether it was R or C, the embryonic form of the debate between academic masters was already vague [Comparison of Hearts]]

[Begins with c and ends with m [sobbing]]

【Sense of language!I know the sense of language! 】

[I understand, it turns out that the top student is so happy [smile][upper left]]

[The difference in comments is misleading!The sense of language is not this, this is obviously a fixed combination! ! 】

[Yes, yes, there is nothing wrong with what you said! 】

[It’s strange that I haven’t learned it before, but it’s so familiar [erha] watch out limar]

[Start outputting with mom as the center [smile]]

[If I want to have this sense of language for the college entrance examination and enter Tsinghua University, I have to weigh whether I am willing to go or not! 】


two hours,
Su Ye and Xu Lai, including the child's parents, all started chatting.

The poems and sentences that children need to recite will definitely be remembered firmly.

It’s really 6!

at this time,

Chen Shan looked at her Sissi and said with some envy, "Your husband really has a way. When you have children, he will save you from having to worry about teaching him."


Liu Feifei is not shy. She and Su Ye have come this far. They have met their parents. Marriage is a certainty, and having children is naturally a matter of course.

Seeing the somewhat arrogant little expression on her own Sissi's face, but the key is that she is not shy, Chen Shan curled her lips, "Oh, I'm not an adult yet. I can't even change my face on topics that will make me blush in the future. That's good!"

It seems... we are going to talk about something more exciting in the future!

Originally, Su Ye and Xu Lai wanted to leave, but their parents kindly persuaded them to stay.

The child's father has already said that if he doesn't eat at their house today and doesn't give him face, he will throw his son away.

son:? !

You are noble, you are amazing!
Kindness is hard to turn down,

Su Ye and Xu Lai naturally stayed for lunch, and the mother coaxed the child to take a nap.
The bedroom door is open, and you can just see it from the dining room. The child is lying down and sleeping, and the mother is wearing headphones and looking at her mobile phone.
At this time,

But the child said, "Mom, there seems to be a smell in your mouth. Can you turn it away?"

"Nonsense!" the child's mother said hurriedly.

The child started to act coquettishly, "Oh, turn around quickly, or I won't be able to sleep!"

The child's mother rolled her eyes at the child and turned away. The moment the child's mother turned around, the child's eyes were shining because he just wanted to look at his phone.

When the mother turned her head, the little guy quickly closed his eyes.
When the child's mother continued to look, the child opened his gleaming eyes again,
This scene,
It happened to be captured by a camera that was not turned off.
The live broadcast room became lively again. They really didn't expect to see such a scene.
[My mother is heart to heart with him, and he is playing tricks with his mother [tears running][tears running]]

[Hahahahaha, die of laughter! 】

[Ten minutes later, my mother heard laughter behind her and fell into deep thought [watch]]

[When I grow up, my sister will turn her lips [to tears][to tears]]

[Mom pressed the screen off button and looked at the grinning teeth on the screen and fell into deep thought [watch]]

[I know how to outwit you at a young age! 】

[Although he is a son, he uses Sun Tzu's Art of War!What a grandson! 】

[A black screen can scare your mother to death! 】

【Hey!Little guy, he still has two faces! 】

[Grandpa: Why is there still reflection in the back? It disappears when I turn around! 】


I have to say, this family is really good at making jokes, it really made me laugh to death.

after lunch,
Su Ye and Xu Lai left. As soon as they went downstairs, Su Ye decisively stopped broadcasting.


Su Ye and Xu Lai separated tacitly. Su Ye went home directly. After an afternoon of lying dead,
Seeing that the time was almost up, Su Ye started cooking dinner. When Liu Feifei got home, Su Ye had already prepared a table of meals.
"Little husband, you have bad intentions. You want to make me fat!" Liu Feifei said coquettishly.

Su Ye smiled softly, "I have to feed myself fat, so I don't have to worry about you running away!"

Liu Feifei threw herself into Su Ye's arms, "It's yours, you can't run away!"

A great man once said that a long kiss before a meal helps absorption and digestion and improves appetite. As for which great man it was, don't ask, it's just nonsense.

In a flash,
A few days passed,
In the past few days, Su Ye has not broadcasted any more live broadcasts. There are still some scenes in The Legend of Wu Mei Niang that have not been finished. In the past few days, Su Ye has been reshooting his own scenes.

Waiting for the scene to be completed,
Su Ye felt a little lighter all over. Su Ye and Liu Feifei returned home that night.

Dinner was cooked by Su Ye. I have been eating lunch boxes from the crew for the past few days. The taste was okay, but it was really different from what Su Ye cooked.

After not eating Su Ye's food for a few days, Liu Feifei felt that she should have a good meal.

After dinner,

The two hugged each other as usual and found a romantic drama to watch. At the climax of the plot, when the male and female protagonists embraced each other, Su Ye and Liu Feifei also embraced and kissed each other.

Kissing triggers the switch.

So, out of control, Su Ye suddenly seemed to remember something,
He asked softly, "Daughter-in-law, have your relatives left?"

(End of this chapter)

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