Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 163: Master Duan Shui among the Robbers

At this moment, the director was really nervous as never before, hoping that this script would catch Su Ye's eyes.

In the live room,

[Director, you old man, I hope your script passes the test, and you must let Ye Zi act in it! 】

[Lao Deng, if your script is not up to standard and I can’t watch Ye Zi’s role as the First Emperor, do you know what will happen? 】

[Actually, it doesn’t matter. If Ye Zi really doesn’t like the director’s script, then for the next challenge, Ye Zi can write his own script and play the role of the First Emperor! 】

【Um!Don't say it, you really don't say it, this is a good idea, just do it! 】



After Su Ye finished reading the script, the director swallowed nervously and asked cautiously, "Teacher Su, is the script okay?"

The director dared to say with conscience that this was the first time in his life that he was so nervous.

This was related to whether he could rejuvenate his career and completely judged his living conditions for the rest of his life. Of course, he was very nervous.

"It's generally okay, but there are some details that I want to modify, is that okay?" Su Ye asked.

The director immediately breathed a sigh of relief and just slightly modified the script, which was no problem at all.

Su Ye is not the kind of person who makes blind changes, and everyone knows about Su Ye's talent.

The director hurriedly said, "Change, it must be changed. Not to mention modifying the script, I can modify it if you want."

Everyone: ⊙⊙!

What a modification! ?

You old boy, you don't even look in the mirror, you old man thinks it's quite beautiful.

Su Ye: "..."

It doesn't have to be like this!

In any case, the matter is settled like this, Su Ye will play the role of the First Emperor.

This made the director so happy that he wanted to take off. The second spring of his career was really stable!
I won’t say anything else, I have to come out tonight!

When discussing the script, Su Ye asked Xu Lai to go off the air. When all the details of the script were revised, the director graciously invited Su Ye to have a casual meal together.
It was noon and my wife was busy. It didn’t matter whether Su Ye came back or not.
Furthermore, we will have to work together for a long time in the future, so that we can have a meal together.

So, Su Ye agreed, which made the director quite happy. Su Ye, who was attentive at the dinner table, was a little scared. Sometimes it is not good to be too enthusiastic.

On the way to the restaurant,
In Su Ye's mind, the voice of the system sounded,
[Congratulations to the host for completing the challenge mission and being rewarded with the skills of the God of Screenwriting!
Bonus script, Kuangbiao, I am not the god of medicine! 】

Su Ye: "...!"

What the hell!

Dog system, you can do it!
The reward this time is really good, okay, give you a thumbs up!

Arriving at the restaurant,

Originally, Su Ye thought it was just a simple meal. Who would have thought?

While eating, an episode happened.
Su Ye and the others didn't go to any high-end place for dinner. They just found a small restaurant nearby and set up a private room on the second floor. Su Ye got up and wanted to go to the toilet, but suddenly saw a big brother barging in.
The target was a plastic bag on the wall. After taking a plastic bag, he walked directly to the table at the door. Suddenly he picked up a woman's face and poured it directly into the plastic bag.
In a flash,

The girl was obviously confused. She was completely stunned and couldn't react. She couldn't react at all.
The eldest brother still had no intention of giving up, and walked straight towards the man and woman at the table inside.
Watching this scene, a man and a woman both held bowls and retreated, protecting the bowls.

Looking at the operation of the big man, he held up the plastic bag to the woman, and then saw the woman pouring the noodles in her bowl to the elder brother. When she saw that the woman had poured the noodles, the man also poured the noodles to the elder brother.


The big man walked to the lonely woman, but there was only soup left in it.

I thought the big man would leave, but instead he fixed his eyes on the drinks on the table, took the drinks away, and walked away!Su Ye: "..."

Good guy!
What a wonderful scene this is!
Judging from the behavior of the big man, he was probably not in a normal state of mind.

The store's surveillance cameras filmed it.

The boss posted the video on Douyin, and a lot of people viewed it.
The comment section is naturally also very exciting.
[Don't say it, you really don't say it, this big brother understands fairness and won't let anyone go! 】

[This is Master Duan Shui among robbers! 】

[The bag will definitely fall when I hold it open, I’m laughing so hard, it’s engraved in my bones! 】

[Then what should I do if the bag doesn’t collapse even after the bag is opened? [Naughty]]

[Little sister: “What’s wrong with this guy?”

"It's time to pour in after you've opened it up"]

[[Hold face] There is a saying, if someone holds the bag, more than 90% of people will fall involuntarily. They can't control it. It feels like being held by seven inches. I can't help it. [Hold face] This guy knows how to pack. of】

[Hahahaha, so funny! 】

[Storekeeper: If you are hungry, just tell me and I will give it to you.How many bowls do I have to pay for this? 】

【Everyone is confused but kind! 】

[If I can fall, but I am afraid that if I don’t fall, he will stab me [daze]]

[It can be seen that the elder brother frowned angrily. [Tears ran]】


after lunch,
Su Ye and Xu Lai did not go home separately this time. They had not relaxed for a long time.
"Take a bath?"


If there was nothing more to say, the two of them went directly to the bath, took a comfortable bath, and then drank tea. Not to mention how comfortable this little life was.

After taking a bath and almost drinking tea, Xu Lai asked, "How about a massage?"

"Is it legal?" Su Ye asked.

Xu Lai rolled his eyes at Su Ye, "You dare to call this question irregular?"

Su Ye: "..."

Really dare not!

It's not that he's afraid of his wife, the main thing is that we must never do anything illegal.

It has to be said that Su Ye and Xu Lai are still consistent on this point.

Although there were few fans and no such big traffic in the past, neither of them was short of money. If they wanted to do something bad, they still had enough money in their pockets, but no one had it.

After taking a bath, the two of them went home directly. Forget about the massage, even the regular ones, unless they brought their own wife with them.

When Su Ye got home, his wife had not come back yet, so Su Ye started to prepare dinner.
After Liu Feifei returned home, Su Ye's meal had been prepared, which made Liu Feifei a little troubled. She had to eat too much tonight, which was really sad!I have to work hard to lose weight tomorrow!
If this idea were to be known to a group of netizens, they would definitely call Versailles directly. They really want to eat the food cooked by Su Ye, but unfortunately... they can't eat it!

If possible, they would be willing to suffer this sin instead of the fairy sister!

Liu Feifei: No need!

after dinner,
The two of them were naturally stuck together, as if they were glued together. The best way to describe them was like glue.

When Su Ye was sleeping soundly, he had no idea that a group of netizens had given him a considerable challenge. (End of chapter)

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