Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 164 Live Challenge: Build Shanhe University? !

Chapter 164 Live Challenge: Build Shanhe University? !

Because of the difficulty of the college entrance examination, a netizen suddenly proposed that each of the more than 300 million candidates in the four provinces of Shanhe would contribute one thousand yuan to pool more than 30 billion to build a Shanhe University in the middle of the four provinces.

As soon as this proposal came out, netizens all over the Internet were excited. They all supported it.

Even two hours after it was proposed, the site, school badge, and motto of Shanhe University were all designed by talented netizens.

For a time,

This topic is very popular on the Internet.

This is not,

Someone had an idea for Su Ye.
[When Ye Zi challenges again, why not let Ye Zi take the lead in building Shanhe University! 】

[Don’t tell me, I think this can work, it’s reliable! 】

[Are you kidding me? An Internet celebrity is asking him to make money and take the lead in building a school. What are you thinking? ! 】

[If it really doesn’t work, it’s okay not to let him contribute the capital, just take the lead! 】


The discussion on the Internet was very lively that night. Most people still felt that Su Ye would most likely not take the lead. Building a private university is not an easy task.
Educational resources are the primary condition for establishing a private university.This includes faculty, teaching facilities, books and materials, experimental equipment, etc.Before establishing a private university, sufficient research and preparation are needed to ensure that there are sufficient educational resources to support the school's daily operations and long-term development.

Funding is another important condition for establishing a private university.Schools need to have a certain amount of financial reserves to pay teachers and staff salaries, rent, equipment purchase and maintenance, and other expenses.

In addition, a reasonable financial budget needs to be formulated to ensure that the school's financial status is healthy and stable.

Establishing a private university also requires sufficient space.The school needs to have a safe, comfortable and well-equipped teaching place that can meet the needs of different subjects and courses.

At the same time, the school’s capacity and development space also need to be considered to ensure that it can meet future expansion needs.

The source of students is one of the important conditions for establishing a private university.

Schools need a certain source of students to maintain their operations and development.

At the same time, appropriate marketing strategies need to be developed to attract more students to sign up.

Establishing a private university requires social support and recognition.Schools need to actively establish contact with governments, enterprises, social groups and other parties to strive for their support and help.

At the same time, it is also necessary to establish a good reputation and image and gain recognition and support from society.

It can be said that establishing a university is not an easy task.

After all, Su Ye is an Internet celebrity. Although the popularity of Shanhe University is very high, this popularity cannot be taken carelessly.

Therefore, most netizens feel that it is absolutely impossible for Su Ye to challenge this task.


The next day,

When Su Ye woke up, the messages on his phone were already full, especially the backstage of Douyin. Looking at the exaggerated 999999,

Su Ye: "..."

He just fell asleep. What happened?
What has he been doing recently?Just play Qin Shihuang, this won't happen! ?

Just when Su Ye wanted to check the message, Xu Lai's phone number popped up at this moment.
After connecting,

Xu Lai's voice rang out quickly, "Yi Zi, have you read the news on the Internet?"

"That thing about Shanhe University?"

"Yes!" Xu Lai responded, "Zi Zi, there will definitely be many netizens asking us to challenge you by then. You have to consider this matter carefully!"

Xu Lai called at this time just to discuss it with Su Ye. If Su Ye didn't agree directly, he would be dumbfounded.

If you want to build a university and connect four provinces, it must be very large in scale. This does not mean that it can be built easily. If Su Ye agrees to it in a hurry, it will be really troublesome.Su Ye replied calmly, "Don't worry, I know what to do!"


Xu Lai couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Ye Zi knew it, it would be fine.
This building of a university is no joke!

If it hadn't been possible, Xu Lai would have thought that it wouldn't start broadcasting for a while, and would wait until the storm passed.

But...if they really wait for this matter to pass, then they will probably get cold feet.

You can find a suitable rhetoric, but you can't just stop broadcasting. If it is not broadcast, the entire network can probably think of how to criticize Xu Lai.

It's all right!

hung up the phone,
Liu Feifei got up. When the phone rang just now, she had already woken up. She also heard a general idea of ​​what happened. However, Liu Feifei didn't say anything. He made his own decision about her little husband. As long as he wanted to do it, he would definitely be determined. Stand unwaveringly on his side.

Seeing that his wife didn't say anything, Su Ye also knew what his wife meant, and they both made a tacit agreement not to mention it.

Liu Feifei got up and made breakfast. After breakfast, the two of them worked separately.

Not long,

Su Ye and Xu Lai met,
"Netizens are really capable of finding problems for us, Ye Zi, do you know what to do?" Xu Lai asked again.

Su Ye rolled her eyes at Xu Lai, "Mother-in-law, of course I know what to do."


Xu Lai started the live broadcast with confidence. When Su Ye started the broadcast, a large number of netizens poured in. This time, Su Ye didn't need to say anything, and the comment area was captured.

[Challenge: Ye Zi, do you dare to take the lead in building a Shanhe University? 】

[Ye Zi, this is the task today, do you dare to challenge it? ! 】

[Damn it, you guys are still doing this!What were you thinking? How could the anchor agree? 】

[This kind of thing can’t be done all at once, it’s completely thankless, and I won’t do it if you want me to! 】

[Not to mention whether it is easy to please or not, how can it be so easy to build a university! 】

[Ye Zi doesn’t dare to challenge, which is reasonable! 】

[Ye Zi, if you don’t challenge this today, there will be no challenge mission. It will be the same tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. You don’t have to start broadcasting recently! 】

[As an Internet celebrity, how much can you earn in a year? Isn’t it right to use it to repay society? 】

[People are no longer in the same class as us. They step on us and end up treating us as poor losers and trash. They are superior. Most of those celebrities and Internet celebrities are like this. 】


Most of the comments in the comment area are not very friendly and even involve moral kidnapping.
Looking at these comments, Su Ye pursed her lips and said, "Whether it's a challenge or not, there's no point in it if it's moral kidnapping!"

There was a pause in the comment area for a moment.
Look at the bad comments above, they are really uncomfortable to watch.

Did Su Ye do anything wrong?


Even if it’s not a challenge, it’s nothing!
The difficulty of this matter does not mean that Su Ye can complete it by himself.

Furthermore, even if Su Ye takes the lead, this university is basically close to a public welfare undertaking. Who would do anything without profit?If we want to attract investment, then the entry of capital is not the original intention of Shanhe University.

Shanhe University can only exist in the imagination of the Internet!

(End of this chapter)

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