Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 196: With all this wealth and honor, when will it be my turn?

Chapter 196: With all this wealth and honor, when will it be my turn~

When Su Ye woke up, the sky was getting dark.

In the live room,

【wipe!Ye Zi finally woke up, but he could really sleep!Ye Zi, can we learn from others? We have to roll it up! 】

[Yi Zi, write quickly, this time you must create another hit book! 】


At this time,

Su Ye moved his body, sat in front of the computer, and continued writing,

"The stall is no longer set up. Gao Qiqiang wants to take away his personal belongings."Tang Xiaolong brought people to stop him.

An Xin warned Tang Xiaolong not to embarrass Gao Qiqiang, but Tang Xiaolong refused and was worried that Gao Qiqiang would take things he shouldn't.
An Xin was willing to vouch for Gao Qiqiang, but Tang Xiaolong still didn't buy it. An Xin threatened and warned him, but Tang Xiaolong was still arrogant and ignored An Xin's advice. He was just a small police officer, and Tang Xiaolong didn't take it seriously.

When An Xin and Tang Xiaolong were about to have a conflict, Li Xiang arrived in time and told Tang Xiaolong that An Xin was the nephew of Deputy Director An Changlin. Tang Xiaolong was so frightened that he begged for mercy.

Afterwards, Tang Xiaolong, Tang Xiaohu and Gao Qiqiang asked about An Xin. Gao Qiqiang didn't know, but the two of them felt that he was deliberately hiding it!
The seeds of the story began to take root from this moment. Seeing that Tang Xiaolong and Tang Xiaohu were afraid of An Xin, and mistakenly thought that they had a good relationship with An Xin, the two of them were somewhat trying to please themselves, which caused some subtle changes in Gao Qiqiang's mind! 』

Su Ye paused briefly, because it was dinner time and the sky was huge.
Cooked rice is the biggest!
In the live room,

【wipe!My brother!We can eat it later, or have someone bring it back!It’s just a meal, so there’s no need to be so active! 】

[But, brother, I will deliver the food to you, I will feed you myself, and you can continue writing! 】

[Why do you feel that Gao Qiqiang's mentality is going in the wrong direction now? 】

[Actually, it's normal. After all... a little person who suddenly feels the feeling brought by Quan will inevitably feel a little carried away. 】

【right!Perhaps it was this mentality that made Gao Qiqiang become an informant! 】

【rational! 】


At this time,

At the judges' table, several instructors didn't say much. In their opinion, it was normal for Gao Qiqiang to be like this, and a person's mentality could never remain unchanged.

Moreover, this kind of performance is indeed in line with Gao Qiqiang's mental journey.

I have to say that Su Ye has an excellent grasp of the psychology of the characters.

However... if you start high at the beginning, it will become more and more difficult to advance the plot later.

If you want to successfully deduce this story, it is absolutely impossible without extremely profound skills.

At this time,

Su Ye continued to write,

"Soon, Gao Qiqiang encountered a troublesome matter, and settled the matter using the names of An Xin and An Changlin.

One day, when An Xin was investigating criminals and providing clues to Li Xiang, she found Gao Qiqiang and asked Gao Qiqiang to take them to a food stall for dinner. After the meal, An Xin asked Gao Qiqiang to read and told Gao Qiqiang the importance of knowledge!
Among the books recommended to Gao Qiqiang, An Xin focused on recommending one book to Gao Qiqiang:

"The Art of War""


Everyone: "..."

Got it!
A good fish seller stopped selling fish and started to study the art of war. This...! ?

I feel like something is not quite right about how things are developing. As for what is not quite right, I still can’t put my finger on it.

[Reasonable, after all, he is just a fish seller, and his education level is low. If he wants to complete the task of being an informant, it is indeed important to know the art of war. 】

[Well, as expected of Ye Zi, this step-by-step arrangement was clear and clear. 】【I feel that as long as this book is well written, it should be another hit. 】



At the judges' table, the opinions of several judges were quite similar.

during dinner,

Nothing happened between Su Ye and the contestants, but there was an uproar in the live broadcast room.
The reason is this,

A sister wanted to ask a group of netizens about her career plans.

It would be better if Ye Zi and the mentors could give some advice.
Her situation is like this. She is 35 years old, graduated from junior high school, and earns 20 yuan a month, but she did not get it from her own work. She has been married twice, and her first ex-husband gave her [-] yuan when they divorced. He bought her a store, bought her a house when her second ex-husband got divorced, and paid her back every month. Now she is bored and a little confused every day.

Everyone in the live broadcast room: "..."



[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu With this incredible wealth, why can't it be my turn! 】

[Some girls are like this.She has a low level of education and a junior high school education, but she is very good-looking and very attractive to men. She has a soft and frail feeling. She is mainly very good to her husband, considerate and virtuous, relies on her husband in everything, and is very good to her husband.

Then as time went on, my husband felt bored again.But he couldn't bear to hurt her.

For the sake of the woman's livelihood, money and a house will be given as compensation.

Because the man thinks the woman has left him.It can't survive.So they will really give money [smile] I have seen it, I really have seen it! 】

[Okay, okay, starting from today, I will also be a stupid beauty! 】

[Okay, okay, from today on I will no longer be a woman like an eagle [Lie flat]]

[I feel a little uncomfortable, please comment, I will get off first! 】

[This should be the stupid beauty type. The man feels bored and wants to separate and feels sorry for her, so he uses money to make up for it. 】

[This sister must have very good advantages. Everyone she meets is so kind to her, so she must be very good too [Crying loudly]]

[The main reason is that she doesn’t have to suffer the hardship of work, and she doesn’t have to suffer the hardship of study [crying]]

[Not only that, she doesn’t have to suffer the hardship of having no money! 】

[It’s so difficult to meet just one, but she also met two [crying] [crying] [crying]]

【Don’t know what to do?Looking for a third term! 】

[Comment first, I want to go downstairs and take a walk, not taking the stairs or taking the elevator! 】

[What, just go to airplane mode?Open the banquet! 】

[Sister, I will plan your career for you. Just give a class and I will kneel down and listen! 】

[Divorced with no children, my ex-husband bought a house, paid five social insurances and one housing fund, and had additional child support!Why are we divorced? No matter how much I look at my ex-husband, I love him with all my heart! 】


Regarding the sensation caused by this incident in the live broadcast room, Su Ye and others laughed it off. I have to say that this girl's life is really good!
However, the director is still very happy because this incident has caused a surge in traffic.

after dinner,
Su Ye didn't continue writing. When she got back, she asked the program team to turn off the camera and video chat with her little wife.

This made a group of netizens very angry. This dog Ye Zi is not doing his job every day.

Su Ye: ? ? ?
You can't slander me!

This is my careful conception, otherwise I can write it quickly and well? !
(End of this chapter)

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