Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 197 Brother Qiqiang wants to go dark?

Chapter 197 Brother Qiqiang wants to go dark?

The next day,

Su Ye got up very early. Everyone else was burning the midnight oil last night, but he was the only one who went to bed early. He must have gotten up earlier than others.

After having a simple breakfast, Su Ye did not write immediately, but ran to catch up on the drama.

Everyone: "..."

Brother, we are here to work, do you really think we are here for vacation? !

What about the director?
Are you still alive?Criticize him quickly!Camera, point the camera at the director's face!
Director, if you don’t criticize Ye Zi today, we will attack you!


I messed with who the hell, why are they all coming at me, what? !Am I a villain? !

Or is he a soft persimmon, a villain who can be manipulated casually? !

"Director, what should we do now? Do you want to show your face?" asked someone next to him.

The director gave him a death stare and said, "Xiao Zhao, do you think I have treated you badly in any way?!"

Xiao Zhao was stunned and quickly shook his head, "No, the director treats me like a second parent."

"is it?"

"Of course!"

"Then you want me to scold you?"

Xiao Zhao:! ! !

My broken mouth!

"Director, I...I don't think so, I am..."

"Okay, I know what you think. Then, if you come forward, you can say that I have undergone surgery and need to rest, and there is nothing I can do about it." The director pushed Xiao Zhao out directly.

Xiao Zhao: "?!"

My broken mouth!

But what disease should we talk about?It sounds serious, but it can't really be the case, otherwise wouldn't it be a curse on the director?

It’s so mind-numbing!
At last,
Xiao Zhao came forward. When it was mentioned that the director was performing surgery, everyone in the live broadcast room was asking what kind of surgery it was. Xiao Zhao originally wanted to explain it away, but the scene... really couldn't be explained away. Under the crazy brainstorming,

Xiao Zhao blurted out, "The director just performed a mass resection of connective tissue on the head."

As soon as he said this, Xiao Zhao wanted to slap himself in the mouth. What the hell are you talking about? It was just a brainstorm, why did it get out of the storm?



Damn you, I have long seen that you are a rebellious kid. If you have a chance, you are really rebellious!
In the live room,

[What kind of surgery is this? It sounds serious! 】

[Severe hammer, group resection of connective tissue on the head, commonly known as hair cutting! 】

【What? Che has done everything possible to show off! 】

[This is okay. Are there any other diseases that sound serious but are not serious at all? 】

[If it sounds particularly serious, life-threatening, and relatively easy to cure...then choose thyroid cancer! 】

[Thyroid cancer is nicknamed "lazy cancer" because it is "too lazy" to metastasize and "too lazy" to grow. Even some patients do not feel any discomfort after getting it. The treatment is relatively simple and the cost is low... The cure rate can basically reach More than 90! 】

[Congestion of cavernous muscles, this is serious! 】

[It is indeed quite serious, and someone might die! 】

【6! 】

This incident was just a small episode that passed as Su Ye started to write.
There is nothing more important than watching Su Ye write the follow-up plot. Soon, lines after lines of words appeared on Su Ye's computer.
"Gao Qisheng wanted to open a PHS mobile phone store and contacted Cao Bin because he knew the vice president of the telecommunications company.
Cao Bin asked Gao Qisheng for an introduction fee of 5000 yuan, otherwise he would cut off his contact with the telecommunications company.
Gao Qiqiang had no choice but to borrow money from Tang Xiaolong. Tang Xiaolong asked Gao Qiqiang to help Bai Jiangbo collect the debt. As long as he beat Xu Lei, who owed money, he would give Gao Qiqiang 2 yuan in benefits.

Gao Qiqiang flatly refused. He has always been a good and honest person, and he couldn't do such a thing.

He went home to settle accounts with Gao Qisheng, and Gao Qisheng told the whole story.
Gao Qiqiang was so angry that he neither opened a store nor paid Cao Bin an introduction fee!
However, Gao Qisheng didn't want to lose this opportunity to make money, not to mention that he had already invested a lot of money in the early stage, and he must not fall short at this time!
Their life is not good, and they have to support their sister's education. They cannot afford the risk of losing money.

At this time, Gao Qiqiang decided to help Bai Jiangbo collect the debt! 』

At this time,

In the live room,

【? !Damn it, asking for debt... Gao Qiqiang wouldn't have turned black too! ? 】

[Once the debt came out, why did Gao Qiqiang feel like Uncle Dong? ! 】

【really!Gao Qiqiang shouldn’t be able to, right? ! 】

[Probably not. An Xin is a policeman. As Gao Qiqiang’s first nobleman, Gao Qiqiang will definitely not go dark. 】

【Right! 】


At the judges' table, several judges were also communicating. Such a debt was probably a push for Gao Qiqiang to become an informant. This is a very good part.

I have to say that they are now more and more interested in Su Ye's script.

Su Ye continued to write,

"Tang Xiaolong found out that Xu Lei and his friend Yan Jin were electrocuting fish in the river, so he took Gao Qiqiang and Tang Xiaohu to the river.
Gao Qiqiang didn't want to commit murder and wanted to talk to Xu Lei first, so the Tang Xiaolong brothers had to wait aside.

Gao Qiqiang went to the shore to urinate and accidentally poured water on the generator. Xu Lei and Yan Jin had wires tied to their bodies and were electrocuted to death on the spot.

Gao Qiqiang was so frightened that he wiped away traces of the scene and fled in panic. Gao Qiqiang lied that Xu Lei was not electrocuting fish in the river.

But Tang Xiaolong didn't believe it. When he came to the river, he found that Xu Lei was already dead, so he quickly took Gao Qiqiang away from the scene..."

After writing this, Su Ye stretched slightly and pretended to be deep in thought.

at the judges' table,

The faces of several judges couldn't help but twitch slightly. What they said just now seemed to ring in their ears, but now the result was a slap in the face.

Their guesses just now were completely missed. This made the four judges look at Liu Heping, who had not expressed an opinion, and couldn't help but roll their eyes. It had to be him!
Otherwise, he is the god of screenwriting!

Got it!
But here comes the question. Now that the plot has reached this point, where will Gao Qiqiang go?
Informant?Can he still do it?Although it was not intentional killing, it is still punishable by law.

Will An Xin, this noble person, come in handy?Gao Qiqiang voluntarily surrendered, and then became an informant to serve his crime?This is not impossible.

However, although several judges had guesses, no one said anything, and they had to keep their mouths shut.

If they are slapped in the face again, where will they put their old faces!Gou Yibo, studying with Teacher Liu.

In the live room,

[Holy shit, is this plot so abrupt?This is so... it really flashed my waist! 】

[Why do you feel that Gao Qiqiang is going to be dark? ! 】

[Not necessarily, maybe he will surrender. That noble man An Xin will definitely appear and play a decisive role. 】

[Yes, it is okay to cause death due to negligence, surrender, perform meritorious service, and become an informant. 】

[Actually, I’m still looking forward to Brother Qiqiang turning dark! 】

[No, look down! 】


(End of this chapter)

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