Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 22: Is he so handsome that he becomes a scalper? 1 It must be very profitable, right?

Chapter 22: Is he so handsome that he becomes a scalper?It must be very profitable, right?
At this time,

Su Ye moved, and Xu Lai blinked in confusion, no... it's true!

Ye Zi...this is a bit reckless! ?
What's your name, Su Ye? Let's change it to Su Mang!

In the live room,

【No!No!Brother Ye Zi is really good! 】

[I no longer know what words to use to describe the anchor, 6! 】

[The wind is rustling and the water is cold. A strong man will never return once he is gone!This sentence came to mind inexplicably! 】

[I don’t know why, but looking at Brother Yezi’s back, I suddenly feel a little majestic. I want to lick the screen. No one calls me BT, right? ! 】

【?Small!Sisters, the situation is too small!Spider-Man gesture, the water park pass code! 】

[It’s true that Spider-Man’s hand gestures can help you pass the water park, but if you want to go to the sky, you have to imitate Superman! 】

[If you want to hear beautiful singing, you cannot do without the conductor’s prelude. 】

【? ? ?What are you all talking about? 】

[What a broken road! The speed of this car is ridiculous! 】

[Come here, smash my hand to make it swollen to cheer up my sister! 】


In such a short period of time, the speed of the car has already reached the sky.


Su Ye had already walked up to the little beauty and asked, "Girl, what's wrong?"

The little beauty looked up at Su Ye with tears in her eyes. The moment she looked up, she captivated so many people, first love!White Moonlight!Yes, that's how it feels.

The little beauty choked back with sobs, "I lost my ticket to the musical, and I don't have an electronic ticket. I saved up money for a long time to buy it, woohoo~"

words fell,

Su Ye answered, "How about I help you go in?"

what! ?

The little beauty was taken aback for a moment, a little stunned, her eyes were guarded, and she was obviously struggling, but she still asked, "Really?!"

"Of course!" Su Ye affirmed.

The little beauty immediately stopped crying and said happily, "Brother, thank you, thank you so much!"

"Little things! Little things!" Su Ye said to stay calm.

The little beauty nodded obediently, "Then let's go!"


The little beauty walked inside, and Su Ye said, "Wait, girl, did you forget something?"

"What?" the little beauty asked in confusion.

"Of course it's the price!" Su Ye said.

Little beauty: ⊙⊙! ?

She was even more shocked than when she heard Su Ye wanted to take her in!

Want money?

She originally thought that Su Ye wanted to pursue her, but she thought for a few seconds and decided to give Su Ye a chance for the sake of Su Ye's handsomeness.

As a result...he wanted money? !
Looking at the expression of the little beauty, Su Ye looked at the little beauty warily and said, "What are you doing? You don't want to work for nothing, do you? Our work is not easy, but you can bear to do it for nothing?!"

(Note: I am afraid of river crabs, so... I wrote the word wrong on purpose! I am afraid of checking, and the checking is true. You know that I write novels, but I don’t know what you thought I was doing!)

The little beauty's face turned red. How could this man talk? Everything was in vain!
"Who... who said it?!"

and many more!

"Work?! Are you a scalper?!"

Su Ye nodded proudly, "What else?!"

Little beauty: "..."

"You...are you so handsome that you would be a scalper?! must be good, right?"

Su Ye: ? ? ?
What is this? !
If you can speak, speak more!The first sentence is quite good, but the latter sentence is quite a twist!
I am a serious scalper, okay? !

In the live room,

[Hahaha, I’m laughing so hard, this beauty can talk! 】

[Suddenly I felt like... scalpers!cattle!This yellow character is so wonderful! 】

[Hahaha, I can’t stop laughing, this sentence is 100% funny, Ye Zi’s face is 100000% funny]

[I have to say that Ye Zi is really dedicated and straight. The girl accepted his invitation and was obviously interested in Ye Zi. He asked for money, 6! 】

[Is it obvious?There is no explanation, how can it be obvious?Brother, listen to my advice, don't try to conquer yourself, you will die badly if you lick the dog! 】


At this time,

Su Ye obviously didn't accept the topic and asked, "Do you want me to help you go in?"

"You...have a ticket?" the little beauty asked suspiciously, obviously not believing it.

It is difficult to get tickets for this musical. Even scalpers don’t have tickets. Will Su Ye have tickets?Even if it does exist, the price is not something he can accept.

"I promise you can get in! It's only 1000 yuan, how about it?" Su Ye asked.

one thousand? !

The little beauty was stunned. Before the ticket prices went up, a ticket would only cost one thousand eight hundred and eighty eight. Now Su Ye only costs one thousand? !Can this be a serious scalper?Moreover... Su Ye only said that he was included, but did not say that he had tickets. This...!
"Are you...really a scalper!? How can you get a ticket price of [-]?" the little beauty asked, her eyes instantly alerted, could she be a human trafficker?

"I don't have a ticket, but I have a way to let you in. Anyway, you did buy a ticket. Just go in, right?" Su Ye said calmly.

The little beauty muttered with obvious guilt. She looked around. It was broad daylight and there were a lot of people, so it shouldn't be a problem. Besides, she also had anti-wolf spray on her body, so she should be fine. "Are you sure?"

"Of course! Children are fair, if you can't do it, you will get a full refund!" Su Ye was sure.

words fell,

The little beauty thought for a moment, then nodded, "Okay, if you want to lie to me, I can call the police!"

"Don't worry, do you think I look like a liar?" Su Ye replied.

The little beauty looked at Su Ye carefully, "It doesn't look like it, but... not necessarily!"

Su Ye: "..."

Someone come and give her some emotional intelligence!

At this rate, how can we get along in the future? !

After scanning the QR code to pay,
Su Ye said, "Just wait a moment, I'll go get ready!"

"I'm with you!" the little beauty said hurriedly. She was afraid that Su Ye would run away, and she didn't want to be deceived. Otherwise, wouldn't it make her look stupid?
"I'm going to change clothes, are you sure you want to come with me? Don't worry, the v-letter is all real-name authentication, I can't run away!" Su Ye said.

Little beauty: "..."


Just believe him once!
In the live room,

【Yo!Is this a change of tactics? ! 】

[No need for the little beauty to change clothes? !Let’s see what the anchor does this time! 】



Su Ye came out of the nearby bathroom and changed into a maintenance worker's outfit.
He also had a ladder and a toolbox in his hand, and even Xu Lai changed his clothes and switched to a mobile phone instead of a camera for live streaming.

Looking at Su Ye like this,
In the live room,

[No, right? The installation and maintenance workers are going in? 】

[Um... I thought what kind of job does a host have?Is this the result? ! 】

【Ah!It's boring. The anchor is too whimsical. Not to mention whether he needs a maintenance man, even if he does, he must have contacted a professional maintenance man long ago! 】

[Brother, this is interesting, just sit back and wait for the anchor to be slapped in the face! 】

[The anchor will definitely be embarrassed this time! 】


PS: It’s just a test of the waters. I’m asking for favorites, recommendation votes, and comments. It’s up to you whether you can keep writing. Life will be a lot easier. I’m free of you!Don't make me kneel down and beg you!
(End of this chapter)

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