Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 23: Electrician with 2 years of experience, you can tell if there is electricity by just tou

Chapter 23: An electrician with 20 years of experience, you can tell by just a touch whether there is electricity or not!

Not only everyone in the live broadcast room, but the little beauty said at this time, "You are not going to pretend to be a maintenance worker and take us in, are you?! Stop making trouble, brother, do you think you are acting in a movie? Is there any maintenance worker who can Why don't you notify the security? This method obviously won't work, and I won't embarrass you with it!"

words fell,

Xu Lai also nodded at the side, "Yi Zi, you really can't get in. You think too simply. If you can get in, wouldn't everything be in chaos?"

In short, it is absolutely impossible for Su Ye to pretend to be a maintenance worker and sneak in.

Su Ye was still indifferent at this time. He looked at the girl and said seriously, "Sister? Do you read novels?"

what? !

The little beauty was stunned. Brother, what topic are you talking about now? Why are you talking about novels? You must be thinking so fast! ?Brother, everything in the novel is false!

"What do you mean?" the little beauty asked.

Su Ye answered, "You know the protagonist's halo, right? As long as the protagonist's halo takes a look, the supporting character will be forcibly subdued, understand?!"

Little beauty: "..."

Xu Lai: ⊙⊙!
Everyone in the live broadcast room:? ? ?

Brother, do you want to listen to what you are saying? !

Protagonist halo?

Forced intelligence? !
Not to mention that the halo of the protagonist is originally fictional. Even if there is a protagonist, it will definitely not be you!

【Ahahaha~!It makes me laugh so hard, the anchor is going to be ruined! 】

[Come on, brothers, let’s break up!Gone! 】

[Little beauty, please return your money and leave immediately. If you really succeed in this, you will die in society! 】


"No... are you serious?" The little beauty looked at Su Ye with strange eyes.

He's so handsome, not to mention being a scalper, there seems to be something wrong with his brain.

Secondary disease? !

Su Ye still said with confidence, "Don't worry, I must be sure."

Little beauty:? !
confident?You have a hammer!
"Give me your money back! I don't believe you!" the little beauty said hurriedly.

She finally saw that there was something wrong with this guy, so why did she believe him?
Get your money back!The money must be refunded!
Su Ye replied, "You will refund the money if I can't deliver it. Now I am sure that I won't refund if I change it!"

Little beauty:! ! !


Pick it up!
He just wants to cheat me out of money!What is certain is obviously not at all!

"It's okay to lie to me about my feelings, but why should you lie to me about money!" The little beauty said aggrievedly, her eyes were red, and tears were about to fall down.

【wipe!Dog anchor, give her her money back!Bundle!money!retreat!she! 】

[To make such a beautiful girl cry, the anchor is undoubtedly a straight man! 】

[I like anchors like this, what kind of love is this?There is no woman in my heart, so I draw my sword to the God of Nature! 】


Seeing that the little beauty was about to cry, everyone in the crowd thought that she had done something outrageous. Su Ye hurriedly said, "Look, the musical theater has distributed maintenance orders on the software, don't worry!"

Suddenly, the little beauty's aggrieved look faded, and she looked at Su Ye resentfully, "You should have told me earlier, why are you talking about novels and the halo of the protagonist!"
Oh tui~!
In the live room,

【wipe!Dog anchor, tell me earlier next time, you know? ! 】

[No wonder this guy is so calm, that’s why! 】

[Fortunately, the taunting mode was not turned on, otherwise I would have been slapped in the face by the anchor again! 】

[I have finally concluded that you cannot ridicule the host until the last moment! 】


Xu Lai said at this time, "Yi Zi, tell me earlier next time, I also said that you have the second grade disease!"

Su Ye rolled her eyes at Xu Lai, ignored him, and said, "Let's go!"

"Wait, can you repair it?" the little beauty asked.


Can Su Ye know how to repair?Since you can find a repairman, it will definitely not be a small job of changing a light bulb. Changing a light bulb can be done by anyone.Hearing this,

Su Ye smiled and said, "Can you repair it? Can you please remove the word "?"! I am an electrician for 23 years. I can tell if the wire is alive or not by just touching it!"

As soon as this word comes out,
In the live room,

[Hahaha, I can’t stop laughing. According to the anchor, I’ve been an electrician for 35 years! 】

[I have been studying for more than ten years, and I can write down the answers to any questions as soon as I look at them! 】

[I am a chef. I will know what the guests want to eat as soon as they ask! 】

[I have been killing fish for ten years. I know how much the fish weighs as soon as I put it on the scale! 】

[I have been playing games for 10 years. I can tell what game this is as soon as I see the name. 】

[Xiuer, is that you? 】

[Listening to your words is better than just one word! 】

[I am a supervisor and the quality of the project is not up to standard. I can tell by touching the thickness of the envelope! 】

[F*ck, bro, you are such a cow! 】

[There is no need to be envious. After working in any industry for a long time, you can become proficient in it. Practice makes perfect. For example, I have been a son for 20 years. When it is time to run away, I can tell by looking at my mother’s face! 】


Xu Lai: "..."

Little beauty: "...!"

What you said is the same as what you didn't say!
If you can't repair it in a while, you can't just let it go!
Without waiting for them to say anything,
At this time,

Su Ye walked quickly in front, and Xu Lai and the little beauty naturally followed closely.
Walking to the gate, Su Ye said to the security guards at the gate, "Brothers, thank you for your hard work!"


Su Ye took out the cigarettes from his pocket and scattered the cigarettes one by one. After finishing the cigarettes,

Only the security captain lit up his cigarette, while the others held their cigarettes. It was also working time and it was not easy for them to smoke.
Su Ye said at this time, "I heard that the scale of today's musical is not small, and there are many people coming, so the brothers are quite busy!"

"Who says it's not the case! Some people are busy!" The security captain blew out a puff of smoke.

"It's good to be busy, you can earn more!" Su Ye said.

The security captain said, "You can earn more, that's all. It's not much more than usual. Unlike my little brother, who has maintenance skills, he can earn a lot in a month!"

"We are all suffering just to make ends meet. How much can we earn? We can support a family of old snacks and drink!" Su Ye replied.

At this time,

The security captain looked at Xu Lai and the little beauty and said, "Who are these two?!"

"That kid is my apprentice, and that is my sister. She is still in school. She doesn't study hard on weekdays. She just happened to have a rest. I brought her to see me at work so that she can feel at ease. We sufferers, school is the best place. A good way out." Su Ye felt quite resentful at this moment.

In the live room,

[Haha, it’s my sister again! 】

[Su Ye: Don’t get me wrong, we are all sisters! 】

[This is the end of the stick! 】

[Speaking of which...the anchor is quite awesome! 】

[It’s just basic exercises. When you go out, you have to know how to do things. Although I find this routine quite annoying, I have to say it’s very useful! 】

【yes!I used to scoff, but now I am learning frame by frame! 】


At this time,

The security captain sighed, "My boy is the same, he is disobedient all day long! You must take this course, otherwise you will regret it in the future. Why do you want to be a security guard? Aren't you not good at studying, don't have a diploma, and don't have any skills? !”


Su Ye chatted with the security captain for a few more words, and then Su Ye led Xu Lai and the little beauty in with a swagger.
at this time,

Everyone is looking to see if Su Ye can practice. Although to pass the certification on the platform, you must have an electrician qualification certificate, but this certificate is not impossible.

If Su Ye doesn't know how to cultivate, he will definitely be kicked out, and then he will have fun.

(End of this chapter)

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