Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 230 Old Li Tieshu blossoms


No matter how intense the discussion in the live broadcast room was, Su Ye had no intention of continuing to write. He had written enough today, so let's continue tomorrow!
This made everyone in the live broadcast room anxious. He was asleep, but they couldn't sleep.

Ye Zi, you really deserve to die!
The next day,


Su Ye got up early. When he went to have breakfast, he met a car that was driving very fast. He wanted to step on the accelerator. The speed of the car could be described as flying low.

In the live room,

[When I look at it, it’s either him or his brother sitting inside. As we all know, how fast a man’s car drives depends on who is sitting inside. The [-]s and [-]s are his parents, and the [-]s and [-]s are his girlfriend. If there is no seat, Basically, one hundred and two, sit on it and pedal as fast as your brother can. 】

[Parents: Mom and Dad put safety first. Girlfriend: Girlfriend wants to be prudent and don’t drive too fast. Self: It doesn’t matter. Let’s experience the speed and passion. Brother: What do you think this person means by living! 】

[Brother: Do I have to die today? 】

[I still remember that time when I took the car home, I didn’t look at the instrument.The brother in the co-pilot said calmly, "Is it fixed speed? Why hasn't it reached 200 yet?"

[I drive as a girl, and it costs about 170 when I’m alone. If I go fast, it’s a bit too fast. When there are people in the car, it costs about 120, and when there’s someone I like, it costs about 100 [face covering]]

[I had a drink with my brother last month and then got into his car. He drove at 170 and the car overturned. Fortunately, he didn’t die. The car was hit and totaled [tears][tears][tears]]


After breakfast, Su Ye strolled back to the set and did some activities. Su Ye sat in front of the computer and continued writing,

At this time, Li Yunlong also discovered Chu Yunfei standing on the slope, but his eyesight was not as good as Chu Yunfei's. He only found a senior officer wearing a yellow woolen uniform. He did not recognize who it was, so he ordered those around him to The machine gunner, quick, hit the officer.

The machine gunner held the machine gun flat and fired a long burst. Chu Yunfei fell down on his back as if he had been hit by a hammer. Two red flowers bloomed on his chest.
At the same time, the mortar shell fired from the almost vertical barrel landed next to Li Yunlong with a sharp whistling sound from an altitude of 60 to [-] meters.

At the moment of the explosion, he felt as if he had turned into a piece of light feathers and risen, and the boundless darkness surged up like a tide.

In the live room,

[Sure enough, as I expected, they died together! 】

[What a pity, just when we were about to win, Lao Li was just gone! 】

[There are so many knives in Ye Zi’s drama! 】

[When writing, you must write about life, and you can still save it! 】


Su Ye continued to write,

Li Yunlong was sent to the hospital for rescue. Fortunately, nurse Tian Yu gave Li Yunlong a blood transfusion. His life was not in danger for the time being.
Li Yunlong was transferred to the special care ward. His body was covered with thick bandages and he was still unconscious.

After Zhao Gang listened to the dean's report, he waved everyone out.He wanted to be alone with his old comrades for a while.

He sat next to Li Yunlong and watched silently. Suddenly, he started sobbing and tears kept rolling down. Memories of the scenes he spent with Li Yunlong in northwest Shanxi came to his mind...

For eight years, they experienced hundreds of battles together, and the two of them survived together in such a dangerous and difficult environment.When things don't go well for everyone, they find a way to scold them. Neither of them is the one who only gets scolded, so they scold each other until their faces turn red and their necks are thick, and their heads are bloody. After scolding, my whole body felt relaxed, no one would hold grudges, and they drank together again. When the wine was over, the two of them fell in love again, holding hands and calling each other brothers with tears in their eyes.

After Zhao Gang's heart-wrenching words, Li Yunlong finally regained consciousness and recovered quickly afterwards.

[Let me just say, Li Yunlong is the protagonist and will definitely not die! 】

[Yes, the leaves are finally trimmed with good results, without a knife. 】

[This time, Gouzi Zi was designated for praise. 】【……】

Su Ye's coding hand never stopped,


On Chu Yunfei's side, after some rescue work, Chu Yunfei also woke up.

The first time Chu Yunfei woke up, he asked about Li Yunlong's situation.

On the hospital bed, Chu Yunfei was still thinking about Li Yunlong, and felt sad that the two of them had their own masters and could not become close friends or even see each other again in the future.

Hospital director Luo Wanchun made arrangements to introduce a partner to nurse Tian Yu, but Tian Yu refused and left the army in anger to cross the river.Zhao Gang was worried about Li Yunlong and sent him two boxes of Fen wine to relieve his suffering.Li Yunlong was extremely dissatisfied with the care provided by his previous nurse, Ajuan, and the hospital decided to replace Tian Yu with Li Yunlong's care.In the process of taking good care of Li Yunlong, the relationship between Tian Yu and Li Yunlong gradually opened up.

In the live room,

[Damn it, Chu Yunfei is not dead either. This is really...unexpected! 】

[The two of them cherished each other, and finally came to the point where they fought for each other's lives. Fate really made a joke. It seemed that neither of them died. 】

[It would be more tragic not to die. The two of them will never have a chance to see each other again in their lifetime! 】


[He actually arranged a Tian Yu for Lao Li, and now Lao Li will finally have a wife! 】

[Tian Yu, a nurse, has a good family background. It’s still unclear whether Lao Li can catch her! 】

[No, just watch, it’s very hard to follow the designated one! 】



Su Ye continued to write,

Li Yunlong confided his love for Tian Yu to Zhao Gang.After Tian Yu discovered that Li Yunlong was secretly drinking at Director Luo's place, Li Yunlong took the initiative to hand over the wine.

Tian Yu confided to Li Yunlong that she did not want to continue working in the hospital because Director Luo introduced him to the chief's marriage every day, and Li promised to help her find a way.

Wang came to the hospital to find Xiaotian. The three of them confronted each other, and Director Luo was caught in the middle.Li Yunlong felt that Deputy Commander Wang looked familiar. He had interacted with him during the counter-revolutionary movement and the subsequent Song Yunling battle.Wang knew that he had suffered a loss in the movement that year and no longer dared to pester Tian Yu.

Li Yunlong wrote a letter to Zhao Gang, hoping that the two could still be partners after the army won.Everyone in the hospital saw the abnormal nursing relationship between Li Yunlong and Tian Yu. Only Tian Yu still naively thought that the two were just good friends.

Li Yunlong's illness has basically recovered. Before he is discharged from the hospital, Li Yunlong shows off to Tian Yu, hoping that Tian Yu can go with him and marry him.After half an hour of careful consideration, Tian Yu only asked Li Yunlong to respect his parents' attitude.

Li Yunlong went to Tian's house to visit his parents, hoping to obtain their consent.The reckless Li Yunlong had a disagreement with Tian Yu's father, who was born in a scholarly background. He rushed out of the door and stood in the yard to show his determination.

[Hey, what are you talking about? It’s very difficult for Lao Li to marry this wife! 】

[Unexpectedly, Lao Li was so straightforward, and the key point was that the little girl agreed. 】

[Let’s see what the attitude of the father-in-law and mother-in-law is! 】

【I feel like it can be done if specified! 】

【Must succeed! 】(End of this chapter)

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