Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 231 Well, well, you are indeed my fan!

Su Ye continued to write, but only wrote that Tian Fu and Tian Mu agreed to their marriage, and everyone was happy. He stopped here. The second half of Liang Jian was really sad, so there was no need to write more. The ending was good.

Su Ye wrote down the classic lines in Liangjian one by one,

"When facing a powerful opponent, you must draw your sword resolutely even though you know you are outmatched."Even if it falls, it will become a mountain or a ridge. 』

"Rather than miss this opportunity, we should attack decisively!"I don't care if this enemy is increasing troops for Ping An. Even if he goes to pay his birthday, you can't let him succeed! 』

"I didn't treat it as a breakout at all. We all fixed our bayonets and prepared to attack!" 』

"A soldier can have his head chopped off by the enemy in hand-to-hand combat, but he must not be insulted; a soldier can die, but he must never lose his dignity." 』

"Without our leader's order, even if the sky falls, we have to hold it with our head. Even if it enters the tiger's mouth, I can break off two of its teeth!" 』

"A general has the dignity of a general. He can be killed but not humiliated!"If you want to be tough, you must be tough to the end. This is my husband. 』

"If the war is over, what use will I, Ding Wei, have?"We are content with two acres of thin land and a thatched house. 』

"A master swordsman is fighting against us. Even if he knows that he is going to die, he still has to draw his sword. It will not be embarrassing to fall under the opponent's sword. If he doesn't dare to draw his sword, it will be called shame."When you shine your sword, you show your momentum. 』


When Su Ye wrote the title of Liangjian, this creation was completed.

This issue of the screenwriting competition has come to an end. There is no doubt that Su Ye once again entered the next round with the No. 1 result.

The other players are very calm about this, they are used to it!

Once it's over,

Su Ye couldn't wait to go home. Naturally, he missed his little wife very much after not seeing her for a long time.

Recently, everything in the company has begun to operate stably, and Liu Feifei's affairs have become less frequent.

As soon as Su Ye came home, his wife was cooking and the preparation was quite rich.

at the dinner table,
Liu Feifei said, "Husband, my father and mother have recently begun to discuss the details of the wedding. They have not yet decided whether to choose Chinese or Western style. Husband, you can make the decision. Should we choose Chinese or Western style for our wedding?"

Su Ye replied, "Chinese style! The wedding must be grand!"

"Okay!" Liu Feifei nodded slightly, "Then listen to my husband and have a Chinese-style wedding. I will tell my father and mother soon."

Su Ye smiled and said hello.


After a few days,

Su Ye has been resting at home recently, spending time with his wife.

This morning,
Su Ye and Xu Lai met, and the two started broadcasting again,
The live broadcast room was full of old fans, so they started sending out challenge tasks directly.

[Ye Zi, I heard that you and Sister Shenxian opened a company. Can I go to work?I can be online 24 hours a day and work hard without complaint! 】

【? ? ?Can you stop rolling it?wipe! 】

[A robot worth 25 million yuan died suddenly after working continuously for 25 hours. Brother, be careful! 】

【robot?What does he compare to me? When I am tired, I buy coffee at my own expense to refresh myself [smile]]

[I have just been on duty 24 hours a day and had four surgeries. I have been working at a high intensity. Now I have heart palpitations and trembling hands! 】

[With 25 M yuan, I can do it until the boss suddenly dies. How can it compare to me? 】

[People can still stand up and continue because of being pua! 】

[It’s not that robots can’t be used, it’s that social animals are more cost-effective! 】

[Good guy, this price can hire three people to work for a lifetime and repair it by ourselves. 】

[I used to raise large livestock in the countryside for a period of time.
Oxen has great strength and endurance, and can do heavy work, but in fact it is not very efficient. Horses can run and pull, but have poor endurance. If they are stronger, they will have to stop after a while. Donkeys are a good thing because of their speed. My stamina is moderate, but when I lose my temper, I can’t move a pig for a long time. I’m full of treasures, but I can’t do any work. After a few days, just feeding and cleaning the pens for the animals makes me so tired that I feel dizzy. One day, I wonder if I can evolve. Such an animal has low requirements, has a docile temper, can heal itself when sick, can work, and is efficient. It is best to take less rest. If it does exist, it will be the most evolved animal in the world. 】

【? ? ?Whenever a topic like this comes up, this comment will definitely appear! 】

[The robot will fall down when it says it will. I still have to consider whether to deduct wages. 】

[25 M yuan can buy two lives of an ordinary worker [see]]

[If the robot falls down, the boss will have to take it to repair it. If you fall down, you will have to pay for the treatment at your own expense [Smile] A more disgusting boss will even deduct your full attendance! 】【A robot at this level still wants to replace me? 】


I have to say, these comments in the comment area are really quite heartbreaking!

[Ye Zi, let me ask you a question. After Zhuge Liang burned the Tengjia soldiers for two nights, he said that this battle would definitely destroy Yangshou. What would he say if it were Jia Xu? 】

【? ? ?This is simple, tell me whether you are Ye Zi’s trumpet! 】

[This is not a challenge. I can answer you, Jia Xu: In my opinion, water attack is the best.

Cao Cao: Wen He's words are wrong. Teng Jia should use fire to attack.

Jia Xu: What the King of Wei said is extremely true, but I am not as good as me. 】

[The thing is done, the merit is deducted from Cao Cao [face covering] [face covering]]

[@Long time no laughter: Jia Xu: Rattan armor is made of oil, I think oil is the most afraid of...

Cao Cao: Fire?

Jia Xu: Send the order, my lord is going to attack with fire! 】

[Jia Xu: They just bullied you. Kong Ming is an intellectual. 】

[Jia Xu looked up at the sky at an angle of 45 degrees and said sadly that this memory will definitely damage the life of the Tengjia soldiers [crying]]

[Jia Xu: You don’t have to do anything. Cheng Yu will come after a while by smelling the smell. 】

[Xu: I work for the lord, and the loss of my life is the lord’s. 】

[Cao Cao: Wen He, who among my men is the bravest?

Jia Xu: The one I killed in Wancheng!

Cao Cao: Wen He, which of my heirs do you think is suitable to succeed the King of Wei?

Jia Xu: The one I killed in Wancheng!

Cao Cao: Besides the Red Rabbit Horse, which other horse can rival it?
Jia Xu: The one I killed in Wancheng! 】

[Jia Xu: It hurts Tianhe but not Wenhe!
Cheng Yu: Damaging Meng De does not damage Zhong De [see]]

[Cao: What’s the military counselor’s clever plan?

Jia: I think of Chibi and Bowang!

Cao: The military advisor means using fire?

Jia: This is what you said yourself [see]]


[Ye Zi, hurry up and come to W City, where you can fight in the boxing ring when you are young and beat him! 】

[Damn it, why haven’t I heard any news at all? Is it true or false? 】

【real! 】

[Dare you come here when you are young?Leaves, that’s it, come on! 】

[It has to be this, Ye Zi quickly goes to beat up Xiaoli! 】


Seeing this challenge task, Su Ye didn't even think about it. There was no need to look at other challenge tasks, just challenge this one directly.

"I'm going to W City now, please ask the brothers over there to sign up for me."

In the live broadcast room: [Ye Zi, don’t worry, I’ve already signed up for you. 】

Su Ye: "..."

Okay, okay, you are indeed my fan! (End of chapter)

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