Chapter 245 I need a knife!
At dinner time, the boss's children were reading modern poetry. What is magnificence when the world is broken? Orchestral music is pulled up by steel bars, and an eighth-level wind rises from the ruins. As long as it beats for you, my heart will never be completed.

This inspired all the talents in the live broadcast room.

【Large portion of cold noodles
what is onion
Sprinkle the five spices on the baking sheet and soak in the tomato juice

Only ten yuan a serving

The boss added more coriander instead of onions! 】

【In the bright moon and clear breeze,

What is Zhengrong?

On the test paper, I started against the trend and kept plowing in the dark night.
As long as it is for the rejuvenation of the country,
Bet on my struggle and change my country to the top! [Compare your heart]]

【When the ox is in the middle of the horse,

What is humility?

The old man races a dragon and travels a thousand miles in one day.

Nine to five is already a dream. 】

【When I go to work on Monday,
What is long?

The boss’s voice is roaring, and the customer’s brain is like a zombie

As long as the wages are paid in full,

My part-time job will never stop [tears]]

【Amid the huge crowd,

What is reunion?
The startling glimpse is like a dream, looking back at the distant place my ears are red!
If two hearts are palpitating,

Why fear mountains and seas and thorn bushes! 】

【Get up early and go to the toilet,
What is Chugong?

I wanted to be as smooth as a rope, but it failed.

If you want to be smooth,
Please don’t make the bottom of the pot so red last night! 】

[In vx balance,
What is heartache?

Steamed buns can also be filled with plain water, and pickled mustard has become a luxury product.
If there is two hundred and fifty,
Dundon steamed buns and pickles,
Who knew I would be sad at the end of the month?
Regret for the past! 】

【Huainan misty rain
What is the end of the song?

The land of Wuyue hides the mountains and rivers, and the ancient city of the Six Dynasties hides the spring breeze.

As long as I sing for you

My strings will always be pure and smooth! 】

【In the sun, moon, universe,

What is the firmament?

The Gobi Desert guards the yellow sand wind, and the iron eagle strikes the sky with its sharp blade.

As long as I am loyal to you

My flesh and blood can stand on the Great Wall forever. 】


I have to say that there are talents in the comment area, and this is really not just talk.

Back to the set,

Su Ye continued to write,

"The instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages led Ye Xiaoming, Liu Bing, and Feng Shijie to make the decision to sue for peace, apologize, pay 10 yuan in compensation to Lesheng Company, and withdraw their shares if the peace failed. Ouyang Xue knew that she had something to do with this person. The three shareholders can't go far.Lin Yufeng seized the opportunity when Ouyang Xue and Ye Xiaoming came to apologize and put on a good show, but the peace talks failed.Ye Xiaoming, Liu Bing, Feng Shijie and Ouyang Xue had a showdown. They asked to withdraw their shares. Ouyang Xue believed that since they asked Ding Yuanying to help, they had to bear this risk. The long-standing conflicts broke out at this moment, and Ouyang Xue agreed to their withdrawal. stock requirements.

Although Liu Bing is no longer a shareholder, he still asks to work in the store, which enables him to achieve the dual purpose of effectively hedging risks and retaining hope.

Ding Yuanying said that Xiao Yawen could act as a lawyer for Metrics Company in litigation matters.Ouyang Xue went to BJ to find Xiao Yawen, and Xiao Yawen thought this was an opportunity for him. 』

[Alas, as expected, they cannot withstand the storm, nor can they withstand the test, and their thinking cannot be changed at all! 】

[It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Can’t we blame them? 】

[Can killing the rich and giving to the poor really help the poor? ! 】



"Xiao Yawen proposed to Ouyang Xue that he wanted to buy the shares that Ye Xiaoming and the others gave up, which coincided with Ouyang Xue's wish.Xiao Yawen went to Wangmiao Village to film the production process on site to collect evidence.In the conversation with Xiao Yawen, Ding Yuanying determined that Xiao Yawen had the ability to take over the Metric Poetry Company.Rui Xiaodan witnessed the entire process of Metrics Company from its formation to its response to Lesheng Company's lawsuit. Regarding these things that were happening and foreseeable, she began to think about what is a myth, what is salvation, and what is a cultural attribute. She has many questions. Anxious to find out.While drinking and chatting with Ding Yuanying, Rui Xiaodan finally decided to adopt Ding Yuanying's advice two years ago and designed her life pattern after resignation. 』

[Shit, are you going to resign?Ye Zi, I know you are a person who listens to advice, so be good! 】

[The beginning needs to be changed! 】

[Don’t be too excited. Just like Ye Zi, it’s really not certain whether he will change or not! 】

[Um...that's true! 】



"Rui Xiaodan accepted a new task from the Provincial Public Security Department. She will change her name to Xia Yu and go to Guangzhou to play the role of a "precious vase", performing a task that seems easy on the surface but actually lurks huge danger.

Shen Nan opened a bodybuilding center in Guangzhou. She was the lover of Wu Chengxiang, the former president of Mingchuan Bank who was on the run. She accepted Wu Chengxiang's order and took the initiative to approach Rui Xiaodan under various pretexts to conduct research and test. 』

[Ye Zi, does it have to be so scary? 】

【I really cried to death! 】

[If I don’t resign, my life will be gone! 】

【It's very possible! 】



"After Xiao Yawen took over the Metrics Company, she returned the BMW to Han Chufeng. Liu Bing, who was obsessed with driving BMW everywhere, felt empty and felt very uncomfortable.At this time, Shanghai Piaget Audio Company made a detailed analysis of the impact that the Metrics Incident might have on Piaget, and they proposed an intention to acquire Metrics Company for 650 million.

When Liu Bing received a letter of intent from someone from Earl's company, he was seriously mentally unbalanced.Xiao Yawen thought that the intention of Piaget Company's move was not to acquire, but to get closer and understand it. Piaget Company was prepared for danger in times of peace.

Shen Nan took the opportunity to help Xia Yu pay the phone bill to test Rui Xiaodan. She hoped that Rui Xiaodan would accompany her on a trip and planned a travel route. This trip was full of dangers for Rui Xiaodan.Metrics Company did not submit a response statement, gave up its right to reply, and directly entered the evidence exchange procedure.

When he learned that Metrics was a poverty alleviation company, Lin Yufeng realized that winning the lawsuit was almost impossible.He went to find Zhou Jianhua, a friend with a gangland background.As a friend and big brother, Zhou Jianhua analyzed the essence of the matter to Lin Yufeng, shared his own opinions, and finally gave Lin Yufeng a pistol.

Lin Yufeng was thinking about how to deal with the upcoming defeat. He didn't understand how Ding Yuanying had prepared for this lawsuit. He decided to fight to the death. He wanted to use this lawsuit to push Ding Yuanying out of the background. Front exposure.When the rhythmic poetry and Le Sheng were everywhere, Rui Xiaodan and Shen Nan traveled along the determined route. Rui Xiaodan knew that there was a pair of peeping eyes around her, and behind these eyes there was a pair of eyes monitoring those eyes.

Qingu County is Shen Nan's hometown. On the night of arrival, Rui Xiaodan received a notice from colleagues Zeng Hua and Huang Wenxian from the same task force. Wu Chengxiang and the two killers who were tracking and monitoring Rui Xiaodan had been arrested without firing a shot. , Xia Yu's role play is over, and now she can close the net on Shen Nan.

In order to thank the comrades of the Criminal Police Team of Qingu County Public Security Bureau for their cooperation, Zeng Hua, Huang Wenxian and Rui Xiaodan planned to treat the comrades of the Criminal Police Team to dinner.Captain Wang's mother needed a car when she was discharged from the hospital and Rui Xiaodan took them home.

On the way back to the county town, she met the wanted criminal Huang Fuhai and others. Rui Xiaodan knew that she might die. As a police officer, her bounden duty was to fight crime, and she had no right to avoid danger. 』

【Fuck!The knife is coming! 】

[No, Ye Zi, I kneel down and beg you, no, you are so arrogant! 】


(End of this chapter)

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