Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 246 If you apply for a job with your medical records, you must also apply successfully.

Chapter 246 If you apply for a job with your medical records, you must also apply successfully.

"She called Ding Yuanying to say goodbye. Faced with this call, knowing that life or death was a foregone conclusion, Ding Yuanying fell silent.Rui Xiaodan reported the situation to the branch and asked for support, then turned off his cell phone. After some psychological competition and fierce fighting, the three key criminals were subdued, with two dead and one injured, while Rui Xiaodan was maimed and disfigured by the bomb.When reinforcements arrived at the scene, Rui Xiaodan died.Ding Yuanying was heartbroken after losing Rui Xiaodan. 』

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu[-]uuuuuuuuuah, I knew it, Ye Zi really got the knife, otherwise he wouldn't be him! 】

[Ye Zi, let’s just say, can’t we really change it?Is this really good? 】



"No one can understand Ding Yuanying's silent phone call. Everyone doubts and accuses Ding Yuanying of his feelings for Rui Xiaodan. He cannot be understood or forgiven.

Rui Weifeng did not allow Ding Yuanying to participate in Rui Xiaodan's funeral arrangements because of that phone call.The farewell ceremony for Rui Xiaodan's body was held at the Qingu County Funeral Home. Rui Weifeng asked Xiao Yawen to promise not to tell Ding Yuanying the address of Rui Xiaodan's grave. Xiao Yawen disagreed. She accused Rui Weifeng of not understanding Rui Xiaodan and only relying on the power of blood. Rui Weifeng left angrily.

It was a fact that Lesheng Company lost the case. Before the court pronounced its verdict, Lin Yufeng drove to Han Chufeng to ask for Ding Yuanying's address in the ancient city.Han Chufeng understood Lin Yufeng's intention, and he told Lin Yufeng Ding Yuanying's detailed address in the ancient city.When Ding Yuanying opened the door that was knocked, a black pistol was pointed at him. 』

[Damn it, isn’t it? Ding Yuanying is going to die too? 】

[Okay, okay, Ye Zi, your knife is hidden, right?That’s too much! 】

【Crowdfunding, beat the leaves for a meal! 】

[We will crowdfund for you, so go ahead, we really can’t beat you! 】



"The court held and pronounced the verdict in favor of Metric Poetry. The trip to the ancient city settled one of Lin Yufeng's worries. While he lamented the exquisite design of killing the rich and helping the poor, he had to admit that he was one step behind. He drove to the winding mountain road and rushed off the cliff. , the death he set was just an accident caused by fatigue driving.

This lawsuit, highlighted by LeSheng's well-known brand and hyped by the media, made the company famous overnight.The portfolio that Ding Yuanying gave to Liu Bing was used to keep his job but could not be used as a bargaining chip to blackmail others. It finally brought an end to Liu Bing's life from great joy to great tragedy. This little man couldn't bear the huge psychological gap and jumped off the 20th floor. .

In order to survive and develop, after arduous negotiations, Lesheng Company reached a package cooperation agreement with the Metrics Company and the professional production households in Wangmiao Village.At this time, Ding Yuanying left the ancient city silently. 』

Finally, Su Ye wrote the name of the script, The Way of Heaven!

Su Ye began to write down the classic lines of the entire script,

"This is the sophistication of the world.Don't show mountains or leak water, everyone will find his own place.But if character is missing a corner today and cracked tomorrow, it is not far from collapse. 』

"The rule of survival is very simple, that is, tolerate what others cannot tolerate, and achieve what others cannot tolerate."Tolerance is a line, energy is a line, and the distance between them is the chance of survival. 』

"The purpose of talking about demons is not to argue with anyone about right and wrong or morality, but to point out the causes of troubles, so that you can avoid suffering. 』

"If I do nothing, the people will be harmonious. If I like to be quiet, the people will be upright. If I do nothing, the people will be rich. If I have no desires, the people will be simple." 』

"The way of the world is discussed to the extreme, and it is the people's daily necessities."The warmth and coldness of life are discussed to the extreme. It is a love word between men and women. 』

"Our nation always prides itself on being literate, but we forget to ask, what kind of culture does it have? Is it a culture of truth or a weak culture? Is it a culture that conforms to the laws of things or a culture that goes against the laws of things? In the final analysis, it is all about that. A product of cultural attributes, independent of human will. 』

"That huge profit is not decided by me, but by the Lord who recognizes it.The Lord asked all sentient beings to take the money out of their pockets, but they had no choice but to take it out, because it was not me who made people have spirits, but God. 』

"The most frightening thing is the human heart. Being defeated by oneself is more undignified than being defeated by the enemy." 』


So far,

This issue of the screenwriting competition has also come to an end.
Unsurprisingly, in this issue, Su Ye's script once again became a god, and undoubtedly won the first place in this competition.

time flies,
Su Ye rested at home for a few days without live broadcasting and stayed with his little wife.

this day,
Su Ye and Xu Lai start broadcasting again,
In the live broadcast room, [Yi Zi, my aunt said that I work in a hospital and asked me to choose a patient with a good kidney and bring back two kidneys for my second uncle. I can’t do it. Ye Zi, can you go to Mian Bei to get it for me? Can I get two back? 】

[Good guy, your aunt punished you, and you also support it! 】

[Second uncle: Your son’s college education was in vain! 】

[When I was working in the delivery room, my aunt asked me to get her placenta [awkward laugh] I said I couldn’t do it, but she said I had done it for nothing for more than ten years [red face]]

[Patient: What did you say?I had a hemorrhoid surgery and my kidney was gone? 】

[Second uncle: Are you studying medicine?
Me: Yes!

Second uncle: Your uncle has lung cancer. Please make a medicine to save him!


[Second Aunt: This child is so selfish! 】

[Second Aunt: Are you in a law firm?
Me: Right, what?
Second Aunt: The man who stole my chicken from the other side is going to sentence him to death.

[Second uncle: It’s stupid to study medicine. I can’t even get a kidney. He even said that he studied for a few years [awkward laugh]]

[Relative: Can you do something for your cousin?

My brother: What’s the matter?

Relative: Your cousin hit someone with his car and escaped. The person was fine, but his left leg was amputated. Can you help your cousin go to jail?He is only 19 years old and you are already 27

My brother: I am 27, but I am not ready to die! 】

[My sister works in a bank. Tomorrow I will ask her if she can randomly take out a box of money and give it to me [Nine Turns Large Intestine][Nine Turns Large Intestine][Nine Turns Large Intestine]]


Su Ye: "..."

It is impossible to do extremely punishing things. He still wants to live for a few more years!
[Yi Zi, I received a gift from my German Shepherd on my birthday. Recently, my Erha has been bullying the German Shepherd. What should I do? 】

[All I can say is, yes! 】

[German Shepherd: Those who are willing do not need to be taught
Erha: Just show off, who can show you off! 】

[Husky: My brother has a heart-to-heart with you, but you are playing tricks with your brother? 】

[Erha—I went to attend an elder’s birthday, and when I arrived I found that my cousin who was traveling with me secretly bought a large bouquet of flowers [awkward laugh][awkward laugh][awkward laugh][awkward laugh]]

[Husky: Send it away, daddy, you will send it away to me sooner or later [smile][smile][smile]]

[We are not brothers, we are just two dogs, what’s the matter? 】


[Ye Zi, challenge me to go to the interview with your case, and you must make your boss happy to admit you. The prerequisite is that your identity must not be exposed. 】

【oh?You can have this, Ye Zi, just this! 】

[Want to see! 】

Su Ye looked at this challenging task and thought he might give it a try!
(End of this chapter)

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