Live Challenge: Did you really abduct Liu Feifei?

Chapter 3: One chop, fighting Xixi?

Chapter 3: Cut with a knife and fight Xixi?

For a time, various discussions continued on the public screen.

[Being a goddess of this level, Su Ye would only let someone chop her in Pin Xixi unless she was crazy. Anyway, if it were me, this would never be possible! 】

【plus one! 】

[This dog anchor, I really let him be added, I am really jealous! 】

[How can a goddess not be aloof? How can she let a dog anchor add her v letter? ! 】

[If the goddess knew that the dog anchor wanted a v-letter from the beginning, she would definitely not give him the v-letter. 】


At this time,

The woman agreed to Su Ye's friend application. At this moment, Su Ye copied and pasted the link to Pin Xixi that he had prepared and sent it directly to the woman.

Seeing Su Ye's operation, everyone in the live broadcast room was the first to be dumbfounded.
【No!No!He actually came for real? ! 】

[This brother...has he always been so reckless?After finally joining a goddess of this level, how could he... be willing to do so? 】

【6!This guy definitely doesn’t have a partner! ? 】

[My role model! 】

[Anyone can be a licker, but this guy can’t be one! 】

[Dump it, it’s real!This is really true! 】


Ding dong~!
The woman looked at her phone and clicked on the dialog box with Su Ye.
woman:? ? ? this Pin Xixi? !

Before she could speak, Su Ye interrupted directly, "I'm just one knife away. I hope the beauty can chop it for me. Thank you!"


She was so confused that she couldn't react for a while.

You asked me for a letter, just because of this? !
Give you a chop?I really want to chop you up now!

Originally she didn't want to add Su Ye's v-letter, but with Su Ye's shy expression just now and a handsome enough face, she finally chose to add Su Ye's v-letter.

She originally thought that this might be the beginning of a story, but she never thought that it was an accident.

In a flash,

The atmosphere became depressing, and Su Ye couldn't help but swallow his saliva. He had already dug out a villa with his toes, which was still decorated.

At this moment, the system's voice sounded,
[Congratulations to the host for completing the mission. The reward is a [-]-point improvement in physical fitness. One hundred is the full level for normal humans. The current host’s physical fitness reaches one hundred. 】

[Reward: Grandmaster-level lock-picking skills! 】

[Task points: 100! 】

When he heard the sound of the system, Su Ye was naturally very happy. When his physique was upgraded to the full human level, Su Ye felt his surging power and felt even more joyful in his heart.
However... what the hell is the master-level lock-picking skill? !Want me to pick the lock? !

I want to be a top anchor, but you want me to be the thief king? !
The dog system is connected heart to heart on the surface, but uses brains behind the scenes, right? ?

Wouldn't it be nice to have some master-level singing skills?Or a bonus song would be fine too!

at the same time,

In the live room,

[Hahaha, across the screen, I can already feel a chilling air! 】

[Although he is wearing sunglasses, the look in his eyes that wants to kill someone cannot be blocked by just a pair of sunglasses. 】

[I dare say that now the goddess sister wants to chop Su Ye with a knife! 】

[I actually said that Su Ye was a clickbait before. I was wrong. I take back what I just said. 】

[I feel a little sorry for the goddess sister, how can this piece of shit Su Ye bear it! 】


[I almost died laughing, and I couldn’t control myself even more when I looked at Ye Zi’s embarrassed face that looked like he was suffering from constipation! 】【Add v to make a slash funny: 10%
Funny face when embarrassed to the point of constipation: 1000000%]


At this time, the popularity of the live broadcast room naturally exploded, with more than 5 people watching online.

Xu Lai looked at the data in the live broadcast room, and his whole body was trembling with excitement. This posture... is going to make him famous!He and Ye Zi have been live broadcasting for four years, and this is definitely the one with the most viewers. Whether they can turn over depends on this time.

At this time,

The woman suddenly stood up, fiercely,
After all, Su Ye felt guilty and was suppressed by the woman's momentum. He couldn't help but take a step back.
In the live room:

[The goddess is going berserk! 】

[This is really a neat thing... If you say something, go crazy and beat him up, that's not too much! ? 】

[By the way, Sister Goddess may never forget Su Ye in this life. 】

[Sister Goddess won’t have any shadows in her heart from now on, right?If you meet someone who wants to trust you again, he will answer immediately: If you don’t fight Xixi, you can’t kill him! 】

[Hahaha~ I have already imagined such a scene! 】


At this time,

Su Ye wanted to explain, but before he could speak, the woman's angry voice sounded, "I can chop you!"

Su Ye: "..."

No, no, it’s just a fight!


Without giving Su Ye a chance to speak, the woman turned around and left. She was really angry. This was the first time she met such a guy. If she had known that the letter had been given to a dog, she would never have given it to him.

Looking at the woman's leaving figure, Su Ye couldn't help but touch his nose. This was really embarrassing, but fortunately the task was completed. The popularity of the live broadcast room was unprecedentedly high, and the rewards from the dog system were also obtained.

At this time,

In the live room,

[Aren’t you absolutely convinced that the goddess sister just now looks very much like the fairy sister, Liu Yifei? !Think about it carefully, is it a high degree of overlap? 】

【Fuck!Don't tell me, don't tell me, even though I'm wearing sunglasses and without makeup, if you think about it carefully, they are indeed very similar! 】

【 way!If Liu Feifei is really the fairy sister, how could she add Su Ye’s v-letter! 】

Like Su Ye's previous life, this parallel world also has a fairy sister who is top-notch in the entertainment industry. Compared with the previous life, the appearance of the fairy sister in this world seems to be more perfect.

Looking at the comments in the live broadcast room, Xu Lai hurriedly ran to Su Ye and said, "Ye Zi, I saw that the brothers and sisters in the live broadcast room all said that that was... the fairy sister just now."

Su Ye was slightly startled, no wonder he felt a little familiar when he looked at it just now, "I'm not sure if it's true or not, what if it's just a bit similar?! Right!"

In the live room,

[I feel that Ye Zi is just a tough talker. If it were really Liu Feifei, Ye Zi would probably regret it! 】

[But no, I added the v letter from the fairy sister, but in the end I was only asked to help him fight Xixi to chop him with a knife. Thinking about this, I feel so happy! 】



Su Ye's live broadcast content became popular on the short video platform. He added the goddess v letter and asked her to help him fight Xixi to chop him. Is this something a normal person can do?

The most important thing is that the victim is likely to be Liu Feifei, known as the fairy sister, which will undoubtedly bring greater popularity.


Shock!A man added Liu Feifei's v letter and actually did such a thing.

Shock! ...

There is no conclusion yet on whether the woman in the live broadcast is the fairy sister Liu Feifei.

(End of this chapter)

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